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#16 drazen

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Posted 06 October 2003 - 22:26

Drugo: Ako ga slusate koji vam pravci najvise leze, koji muzicari i koji albumi vas ostavljaju bez daha?

coltrane (blue train); w. marsalis (marsalis plays monk, npr.)

I trece: Da li vam nedostaju jazz izdanja domacih muzicara (koji su u dubokoj ilegali, osim kada istrce u neki srodan zanr, kao Hadzimanov ili Vlada Maricic) i jazz festivala u Beogradu (na kojem su nekada svirali Miles Davis, Gillespie, Chet Baker, Dexter Gordon i mnogi, mnogi drugi)

pa, toga definitivno nema dovoljno, ali ponekad se nesto pojavi, iako nije u nekom srodnom zanru - ovo ukoliko je rijec o pgp-u. moja preporuka su afrobalkanske skice (stjepko gut, reggie johnson, alvin queen, peter mihelic). maricicevi old dreams, new friends isto nisu losi. isto je svirao sa gueenom i johnsonom (???) inace, kerletin cosmic sounds je poceo da reizdaje stara neka yu izdanja - izbor je totalno ok. ima masu nekih zanimljivih stvari.

spider yerushalayim
Prezirem sve konfekcijske marketinske umotvorine a la acid jazz (JESUS!), a najvise mrzim kad mi prodaju kao jazz stvari tipa st. germain, osljarene dnb gluposti sa semplovanim 'jazzy riffom' itd.

cista evolucija. s tim sto su meni acid jazz i dnb veoma uspjeli eksperimenti, koji su vise electro nego sto su jazz, ali u biti je to ista prica.

By the way, nije sasvim jasna etimologija reci jazz. Po jednoj teoriji potice od izraza koji su crni robovi na plantazama koristili za seks. Toliko o tenziji...

ja sam naisao na objasnjenje po kojem jazz potice od rijeci jaiza. ta rijec je u sjeveroistocnoj africi oznacavala tutnjavu udaljenih bubnjeva. nije da se objasnjenja bas medjusobno iskljucuju :lol:

a, da: najbitnija stvar: srijeda 22/10, 21:00, velika sala doma omladine, erik truffaz.

enjoy !

ps |>>>> mikkor >
ja bih dodao da se nekim zenama jazz vrhunski dopada, ali to najcesce znaci da ili im je svega dosta ili da su toliko ruzne i stare da ih niko nece (pardon, ladies). jer ove lepse u nas volu da im se muski obracaju kroz acu lukasa, generalno.


Edited by drazen, 07 October 2003 - 00:53.

#17 Voo

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Posted 07 October 2003 - 01:09

viš, chandra, tu se za dva pristupa (flert ili izlaženje iz definicije) potpuno slažemo, s tim što bi ja us3 bacio u druge, one bolje, ali sve bi to bilo sranej da nema subjektivnog shvatanja šta je jazz. slično je to i nazivu, mora da postoji bar desetak etimoloških objašnjenja, pa ti choose yo own.

jaco.. naravno tokom sedamdesetih / album jaco pastorius / je najbolji a ostalo se sve srozava ka osamdesetim. a osamdesete, crna rupa kreativnosti: kao mlade nade koje će jazz izvući iz cracka proglašavaju se marsalisi / lično najmračniji centar crne rupe :lol: /

mikkore, imamo dratično oprečna iskustva. devojke vole jazz, ali možda malo više vole kad ko sluša jazz. sramota me kolko sam to nekad iskorišćavao do granica brezobrazluka. jarret :lol:

preporučio bih tzadik za slušanje. od zorna, preko sparksa, riboa, dejv daglasa, pa naftule, :lol: DžEJMI SAFTA :lol: , pa šajnman, ima tu i lasvela i drugog daglasa, meni najnaprednija i ubedljivo najkvalitetnija kuća. saft.. potpuni melt daba, jazza, bliskog istoka i njujorka.

molvaera gledam kao lokomokotivu čitave norveške scene koja je devedesetih povukla jazz. neki su rekli da posle majlsa neće biti skoro novih tokova, dok je slepljivanje jazza i elektronike ono što nastavlja neki majlsov poluvekovni eksperiment. zar to nije dovoljno novo :lol: ?

erik... nisam čuo do sad, ali treba sačekati do srede uveče da se počne s radovanjem.

srpski jazz, tužna priča, ali ljudi postaju u ovom gradu zainteresovani posle deset 15 godina mraka, mislim da ima odličnu perspektivu u sledeećih 10 godina.
ps. navući decu iz srednje škole na zorna nije teško. dovoljno je samo neko da čuje i već se polako širi.
širi i pozitivna osećanja. bolje zorn nego aco lukac :lol:

#18 Voo

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Posted 07 October 2003 - 02:46

chandra, ako si slučajno propustio, blještavo :lol:

Don't Let It Happen Here
By Charles Mingus

One day they came and they took the communists,
And I said nothing because I was not a communist.

Then one day they came and they took the people of the Jewish faith,
And I said nothing because I was had no faith left.

One day they came and they took the unionists,
And I said nothing because I was not a unionist.

One day they burned down the Catholic churches.
And I said nothing because I was born a Protestant.

Then one day they came and they took me.
And I could say nothing because I was guilty as they were,
For not speaking out and saying that all men have a right to freedom.

#19 mikkor

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Posted 07 October 2003 - 09:13

2voo hvala na silnim preporukama, ako igde ukacim (trenutno ne jurcam za jazz-om previse) ... for future reference. :lol:

znaci vredi pogledati ovo u sredu u DOB/?

#20 chandra

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Posted 07 October 2003 - 11:59

chandra, ako si slučajno propustio, blještavo :lol:

Don't Let It Happen Here
By Charles Mingus

Naravno da Mingusa nisam propustio... :lol: Ali nije on autor tog teksta koji je citiran na mnogo mesta:

An emblematic illustration for this is the famous Lutheran priest Martin Niemöller from Nazi Germany and his laconic remarks: "First, they took the communists," said Niemöller, "and I did not protest, since I am not a communist. Then, they abducted the Jews, but I did not say anything, for I am not a Jew. Afterwards, they arrested the catholics, but why should I bother, I am not a catholic? And when they came to get hold of me, there was, strangely enough, nobody left to protest."

(ali nisam siguran ni da je ovo sasvim precizan citat... :lol: )

Genijalno u svakom sluacju... :lol:

EDIT: evo jos malo...

Martin Niemöller had been a World War I hero as a German naval lieutenant and U-boat commander. He was ordained as a Lutheran pastor in 1924. One of the earliest Protestant critics of Nazism, he and a few brave Lutherans formed a resistance movement called the "Confessional Church" of about 3,000 pastors. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, author of The Cost of Discipleship, came into contact with Niemöller when he joined the "Pastor's Emergency League," which was formed under Niemöller.
In The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William L. Shirer describes the spiritual pattern that led to the mass slaughter of human beings. In the chapter entitled "The Persecution of the Christian Churches," Shirer points to a sterilization law passed in 1933 as the event which began the persecution of Christians and Jews throughout Germany.
"On July 25 [1933], ... the German government promulgated a sterilization law, which particularly offended the Catholic Church. Five days later the first steps were taken to dissolve the Catholic Youth League. During the next years, thousands of Catholic priests, nuns and lay leaders were arrested, many of them on trumped up charges of 'immorality' or of 'smuggling foreign currency.'"
Abortion was also made legal during this time. This was the spiritual impetus which brought a revival of human sacrifices being offered to ancient pagan deities - complete with Nazi rituals - to the forefront. The Holocaust was preceded by vast pageants which Hitler used to promote neo-Paganism. Among the various sects of Protestants (most of which had adopted liberal theology and had apostatized in the late 1800s), a new "German Church" was instituted:
"Dr. Reinholdt Krause, the Berlin district leader of the sect, proposed the abandonment of the Old Testament, 'with its tales of cattle merchants and pimps' and the revision of the New Testament with the teaching of Jesus corresponding entirely with the demands of National Socialism. Resolutions were drawn up demanding 'One People, One Reich, One Faith,' requiring all pastors to take an oath of allegiance to Hitler and insisting that all churches institute the Aryan paragraph and exclude converted Jews."
Pastors who resisted the neo-Pagan religion of the Nazis were jailed. Many were eventually led to the gas ovens of the concentration camps. Millions of Jews and Christians were executed. The sad state of the liberal Protestant churches led Germany to this holocaust. Although there were enough evangelical Christian leaders strategically positioned throughout Germany in the 1930s to resist Hitler; only a few stood against him.
"Not many Germans lost much sleep over the arrests of a few thousand pastors and priests or over the quarreling of Protestant sects. And even fewer paused to reflect that under the leadership of Rosenberg, Borman and Himmler, who were backed by Hitler, the Nazi regime intended to destroy Christianity in Germany, if it could, and substitute the old paganism of the early tribal Germanic gods and the new paganism of the Nazi extremists. As Bormann, one of the men closest to Hitler, said in 1941, 'National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable.'"
As the methods of oppression by the Nazis grew worse, the resistance movement justified previously unimagined types of disobedience. For Niemöller and the resistance, the plan to assassinate a tyrant was a matter of obedience to God. They reasoned that Hitler was anti-Christ, therefore they decided to join the underground plan to eliminate him. Niemöller remained a key figure in the resistance movement until his arrest and imprisonment. In 1937, Niemöller preached his last sermon in the Third Reich knowing that he was soon to be arrested:
"We have no more thought of using our own powers to escape the arm of authorities than had the Apostles of old. No more are we ready to keep silent at man's behest when God commands us to speak. For it is, and must remain, the case that we must obey God rather than man."
Under orders from Hitler, he was imprisoned and finally transferred to the infamous Dachau concentration camp until the end of the war in 1945. He emerged from his years of detention as a towering symbol of the Church's struggle. In his travels to America, he addressed over two hundred audiences, sometimes with the concluding words that have become famous:
"First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me."
Niemöller did much more than speak out, however, as did his friend Dietrich Bonhoeffer. As a consequence, Bonhoeffer lost his life and Niemöller lost eight years of his freedom.

Edited by chandra, 07 October 2003 - 12:08.

#21 Voo

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Posted 08 October 2003 - 17:39

"because I was had" by c.m.
da li si poslušao A Colloquial Dream (Scenes in the City) takođe ne
znam da li je originalno mingusova ideja,
ali samo u njegovom okruženju dobije toliko fanka.

#22 mikkor

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Posted 10 October 2003 - 14:42

moody's in the mood for love

lep vikend svima :lol:

#23 chandra

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Posted 10 October 2003 - 14:48

By the way, nije sasvim jasna etimologija reci jazz. Po jednoj teoriji potice od izraza koji su crni robovi na plantazama koristili za seks. Toliko o tenziji...

ja sam naisao na objasnjenje po kojem jazz potice od rijeci jaiza. ta rijec je u sjeveroistocnoj africi oznacavala tutnjavu udaljenih bubnjeva. nije da se objasnjenja bas medjusobno iskljucuju  :lol:

Meni Marsalis nikada nije bio medju omiljenima. Ne znam. Citava ta produkcija kojoj su se kasnije pridruzili i Hargrove i McBride i Joshua Redman nekako mi je previse upeglana i cista. Mozda je to samo moj utisak?!

Gde nalazis ta izdanja Cosmic sound?! Bas bi me zanimalo to da cujem...

sramota me kolko sam to nekad iskorišćavao do granica brezobrazluka.

Zene definitivno vole jazz i jazzere, bar one koje su vredne paznje. :lol: :lol: :lol:

#24 Lavinia Amaldi

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Posted 10 October 2003 - 14:52

mikkore, imamo dratično oprečna iskustva. devojke vole jazz, ali možda malo više vole kad ko sluša jazz. sramota me kolko sam to nekad iskorišćavao do granica brezobrazluka.  :lol:

Dal' smem da kazem da u ovom sto si napisao ima istine :lol: :lol: ..
naime, jazz je predivan, ali su jos simpaticniji oni koji jazz slusaju i u njemu uzivaju.... :lol:

makar ti pobude i bile takve (mada verujem da nisu jedino) oprosteno ti je, s obzirom na to da si zavoleo jazz!!!!!!!


ps. jedan koncert koji necu zaboraviti dogodio se u Atrijumu Etnografskog muzeja, grupa se zvala Open Eyes, [pojma nemam sta je sad s njima], uglavnom, svirali su neki etno jazz i to je bilo kolektivno seksualno iskustvo, if i may say so :lol: , ali stvarno, kako iskreno i prociscavajuce... jedna devojka (inace moja drugarica) je "pJevala", tip za klavirom, jedna gitara i bubnjevi [i bubjar, mislim (:lol:)]
posle sam ih slusala jos jednom u Bitefu, ali to nije bilo to... to je jos jedna od lepota jazza, sto ne mozes na "silu", nego ako tog "neceg" ima - ima, ako ne - some other time... so, tko je bio....

edit: bre chandra, preduhitrio si me... :lol: :lol:

Edited by Lavinia Amaldi, 10 October 2003 - 14:56.

#25 mikkor

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Posted 10 October 2003 - 14:55

"uglavnom, svirali su neki etno jazz i to je bilo kolektivno seksualno iskustvo, if i may say so , ali stvarno, kako iskreno i prociscavajuce"

lav, lepo ja kazem, obracaju se zenama. znaci, prijali su ti. :lol:

#26 Lavinia Amaldi

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Posted 10 October 2003 - 14:57

lav, lepo ja kazem, obracaju se zenama. znaci, prijali su ti. :lol:

Siii !!!

ali u publici nisu bile samo zene, 'f course :lol:

#27 mikkor

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Posted 10 October 2003 - 14:58

voo, imamo oprecna iskustva - ja sam naime bio do usiju zaljubljen i devojka me je ostavila jer je mislila da sam dlu jer volim jazz. to jednom, a i inace, nemam srece da uopznam gotivnu macu koja zna da uziva u jazz-u. svet je isuvise brz i povrsan, jbg, one day, i hope - eternal bliss. jos da voli bilijar i tenis i skijanje, and I'm set :lol: fat chance, though :lol:

#28 mikkor

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Posted 10 October 2003 - 14:59

Siii !!!

ali u publici nisu bile samo zene, 'f course :lol:

daaa, samo sto mi govorimo istim jezikom i slusamo ih i ucimo od njih, a vi... samo uzivate.)


#29 mikkor

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Posted 10 October 2003 - 15:05

love, just for you, pretty sugar :lol: :lol: B)

Brian McKnight, Rachelle Ferrell, Take 6---Moody's Mood For Love

There I go, there I go, there I go, there I go
Pretty baby you are the soul that snaps my control
It's a funny thing but everytime I'm near you
I never can behave
You give me a smile and I'm wrapped up in your magic
Music all around me, crazy music, music that keeps calling me so
Baby close to you, turns me into your slave
Come on
Come and do with me any little thing that you want to
Anything, baby just met me get next to you
Am I insane or do I really see heaven in your eyes
Bright as stars that shine up above you
In the clear blue sky
How I worry bout you
Just can't live my life without you
Baby come here, don't have no fear
Oh, is there wonder why
I'm really feeling in the mood for love
So tell me why, stop to think about this weather, my dear
This little dream might fade away
There I go talking out of my head again so baby won't you
Come and put our two hearts together
That would make me strong and brave
Oh, when we are one, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid
If there's a cloud up above us
Go on and let in rain
I'm sure our love together would endure a hurricane
Oh my baby
Won't you please let me love you and get a release from this awful misery

What is all this talk about loving me, my sweet
I am not afraid, not anymore, not like before
Don't you understand me, oh baby please
Pull yourself together, got to do it very soon
My heart's on fire, come on and take
I'll be what you make me, my darling

Oh, pretty baby, you make me feel so good
Let me take you by the hand
Come let us visit out there
In that new promised land

Maybe there we can find
A good place to keep a lovin' state of mind
I'm so crazy mama
Never knew what love was all about
James Moody would you come on hit me, you can blow now if you want to, we're through

#30 Lavinia Amaldi

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Posted 10 October 2003 - 15:22

jos da voli bilijar i tenis i skijanje, and I'm set :lol: fat chance, though :lol:

don't get me wrong, ali bilijar i skijanje OBOZAVAM!!!

za tenis, moze, ali sam ga volela vise kad sam bila mladjana :lol:

a sto se tice bilijara (nije li ovo sad neki trol?? sorry chandra, evo samo sad pa necu vise), ali volim koliko da igram bilijar toliko i da posmatram kad igraju majstori... :lol:
ps. ne znam koliko smo para ostavili po raznoraznim bg bilijar klubovima.... :lol: