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ÄŚitulja i baloni - rezime

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#61 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 02:46

mislim da svet blago boli djoka i za tvoje i moje postojanje...


Nije poenta u tome shta ce svet da misli, vec kako se mi osecamo. Evo, ja se zbog ovih balona danas osecam bash lepo. Ako je to jedino shto je postignuto akcijom - meni sasvim dovoljno.

#62 Ana Denic

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 02:50

mislim da svet blago boli djoka i za tvoje i moje postojanje...


vidim da si odlicno razumeo moj post :wicked:


#63 C@R@MB@

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 02:50

"Slobodna Dalmacija"



"Hvala ti za sve obmane i krađe, za svaku kap
krvi koju su zbog tebe prolile tisuće, za strah i neizvjesnost, za promašene živote i
generacije, snove koje nismo ostvarili, za užase i ratove koje si, ne pitajući nas, u
naše ime vodio...", poručuje se u "sućuti" Miloševiću, potpisanoj
simboličnim imenima Nada, Srećko, Živko, Sloboda i Vesela

piše Tomislav KLAUŠKI
snimio Admir BULJUBAŠIĆ

BEOGRAD - U gomili sućuti Slobodanu Miloševiću objavljenih u jučerašnjim beogradskim novinama, osvanula je i jedna koja nije pjevala o "najvećem sinu srpskog naroda, o srpskom Sinđeliću, dragom drugu i najboljem predsjedniku". Na dnu
stranice u dnevnom listu "Politika" osvanula je malo drukčije intonirana
Pamtimo tenkove
Obitelj Čurčić, njih šestero ili barem tako u potpisu stoji -
Nada, Srećko, Živko, Sloboda, Vesela i Mile Čurčić, obratila se umrlom predsjedniku
biranim riječima. Najprije "zahvalom": "Hvala ti za sve obmane i krađe,
za svaku kap krvi koju su zbog tebe prolile tisuće, za strah i neizvjesnost, za
promašene živote i generacije, snove koje nismo ostvarili, za užase i ratove koje si,
ne pitajući nas, u naše ime vodio, za sav teret koji si nam na pleća natovario".
Dalje se nastavlja i prigodnim sjećanjima: "Pamtimo tenkove na ulicama Beograda i
krv na njegovim pločnicima. Pamtimo Vukovar. Pamtimo Dubrovnik. Pamtimo Knin i Krajinu.
Pamtimo Sarajevo. Pamtimo Srebrenicu. Pamtimo bombardiranje. Pamtimo Kosovo. Tek ćemo ga
pamtiti. I sanjati".
Na kraju, obitelj Čurčić poručuje preminulom "voždu" kojega se slavi na
stranicama "čitulja", da se "sjećaju poginulih, ranjenih, unesrećenih,
izbjeglica". "Sjećamo se svojih uništenih života", stoji na kraju
"sućuti" koja je bila doista rijedak primjer napada na Miloševićevu
političku ostavštinu.
Osim što građani Beograda, dobar dio televizijskih postaja i ozbiljnih novina
ignorira cirkus sa Slobinim pokopom, ima tu već i sjajnih pokušaja ismijavanja. Tako je
tabloid "Press" preko cijele naslovne stranice objavio sliku počasne straže
pored Miloševićeva lijesa, uz nadnaslov "Socijalisti trče počasni krug" i golemi naslov: "TOPALOVIĆI". Time je na najplastičniji način opisan morbidni
cirkus s pokopom Miloševića, sa seljenjima od jedne do druge ustanove gdje bi trebalo
biti izloženo tijelo, da bi na kraju vlada prisilila upravu Muzeja "25. maj" da
tamo smjesti odar.
U tom naslovu krije se i bitka SPS-a za mjesto nasljednika umrlog "dede
Pantelije", lika u legendarnoj jugoslavenskoj crnoj komediji. I ovo čemu ovih dana
svjedoči domaća i svjetska javnost nije ništa više od običnog cirkusa. Tako tabloid
"Kurir" na naslovnoj stranici podsjeća da je Milošević izložen sto metara od Titova groba u Kući cvijeća.
U vrijeme pokopa svirka i pjesma u Beogradu
Ipak, da sve ne ostane na jednoj buntovnoj sućuti i ismijavanju srpskih tabloida, neformalnim metodama, poput SMS-a, beogradskim krugovima pronijela se vijest da će u
subotu u 15 sati, točno u vrijeme Miloševićeva pokopa, u centru Beograda biti organiziran neslužbeni miting pod nazivom "I ovo je Srbija" kako bi se pokazalo
da je Srbija duboko i nepomirljivo podijeljena. Skup neće biti službeno sazvan jer za to treba dozvola policije 48 sati unaprijed, ali na Trgu Republike okupit će se masa ljudi koji će svirati, pjevati i govoriti protiv Miloševića. Nekim krugovima ignoriranje cirkuskog pogreba očito više nije dovoljno.

Opaska:Misle da je oglas objavila OBITELJ Curcic :wicked:

Attached Files

Edited by C@R@MB@, 19 March 2006 - 03:03.

#64 gusar

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 03:00

vidim da si odlicno razumeo moj post  :wicked:


koliko si se ti potrudila da razumes moj post ( prethodni, ne moj reply ), moj je napor vredan hvale

#65 Bulgakov

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 03:01

Na kraju, obitelj Čurčić poručuje preminulom "voždu"

:wicked: :ph34r: :ph34r:

#66 gusar

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 03:03

Nije poenta u tome shta ce svet da misli, vec kako se mi osecamo. Evo, ja se zbog ovih balona danas osecam bash lepo. Ako je to jedino shto je postignuto akcijom - meni sasvim dovoljno.


ja se npr mnogo bolje osecam kad setam adom ili kosutnjakom, nego po centru grada ( stavise, MRZIM setnju po centru )

#67 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 03:36

ja se npr mnogo bolje osecam kad setam adom ili kosutnjakom, nego po centru grada ( stavise, MRZIM setnju po centru )


Shta cesh. Ljudi su razlichiti.

#68 Linda Lee

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 04:59

Tek sad stigoh do kompa... :ph34r:
Okupjanje je bilo prelepo!
Nakon svih s***a koja dozivljavamo iz dana u dan, ovo mi je dalo nadu da za nas mozda jos i ima sanse...
Bar neke male, malecne... :rotflmao:
Hvala svima koji su se tamo pojavili!
:ph34r: :wicked:

#69 Djole Inkvizicija

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 05:07

Ne znam da li je neko vec doneo link na ovaj clanak.
Iako se ne odnosi direktno na akcije forumasa, clanak opisuje Srbiju u kljucu koji forumasi prizeljkuju: kroz metaforu o dve Srbije. Istovremeno i realistican i navijacki (po meni, navodi statistiku na vodenicu evropejske Srbije), mislim da ce vam prijati:

A divided Serbia...

Edited by Djole Inkvizicija, 19 March 2006 - 05:09.

#70 Nikola77

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 05:52

Posted Image
Posted Image
:wicked: :ph34r: :ph34r: :rotflmao: :D :huh: :( :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :P :ph34r: :ph34r:

#71 fiju_briju

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 05:58

uz malo napora ( kupite im cvece :wicked: ) uspeli smo da ih/gi oteramo na spavanje

prolece je stiglo na jugA... be, nesto je poranilo

#72 Spleen

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 06:05

...Obitelj Čurčić, njih šestero...

...Na kraju, obitelj Čurčić poručuje preminulom "voždu" ...


aaaaahhhaahahahahaha!!!! :wicked: :ph34r: :ph34r:

#73 Djole Inkvizicija

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 07:22

Sajt na koji sam ostavio link trazi besplatnu registraciju, sto nije bio slucaj do pre dva sata.
Evo ga pomenuti clanak:

A divided Serbia struggles to define Milosevic
Some see a villain where others see a hero; history lessons ignore the past 15 years

BELGRADE -- When Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic is lowered into his hometown grave today, will his deadly ideas be buried with him? If you think that's a difficult question, try putting it to a room full of Serbian teenagers.

I had set out to discover, on the eve of today's funeral, if the resentments that had driven this region to war in the 1990s had spawned a new, even more radical generation of angry Serbs, a prospect that some observers fear. The answer lay in Serbia's classrooms.

When I visited Nebojsa Markovic, the young history teacher at Belgrade Fourteenth Secondary School, he shrugged. "Most teachers in Serbia don't mention the last 15 years of history; it's too difficult and embarrassing," he said. "But if you want to find out what young people think, why don't you teach my Grade 12 20th-century history class today?"

The 30 students, most of them 18 years old, said they'd never had the opportunity to discuss Mr. Milosevic and his legacy in school. Current events aren't on the curriculum, but they were all eager to delve into the topic that had turned their country into an international pariah.

Before I could finish my introduction, I was interrupted by Mark Patrovic, a tall boy in a Diesel Jeans sweatshirt who sat in the second row.

"Why do you Westerners always come in and rewrite our history? We should learn only the truth in this class, and the truth is that Serbs have always fought against fascism, and Slobodan Milosevic was a man who defended Serbs and fought for our people," he said calmly. "Your Western double standards have defined him as an aggressor."

Some of his friends were nodding. A group of girls in the back row groaned.

Here was modern history, at least from one young Serb's perspective, a perspective not that different from that of Mr. Milosevic, who promoted a vision of the world that defined his people as both eternal heroes and perpetual victims.

How many of you, I asked, strongly agree with Mark's version of events? A dozen hands shot up. And how many strongly disagree? Eight students raised their hands.

Ivana Stojadinovic, a dark-haired girl in the back of the class, spoke up. "My personal opinion is that Milosevic was wrong and we should co-operate with The Hague tribunal," she said, referring to the United Nations war-crimes court that was trying Mr. Milosevic on 66 charges, including genocide, when he died. "This is not just because I personally agree with it, which I do, but also because it's what we have to do if we want to join the European Union."

She, too, received nods of agreement. How had she come to this view? How had Mark? Which teenagers represent the future of the Western world's most violent region?

Between 1991 and 1999, Serbia lost four wars, all of them caused at least partly by ethnic resentments stirred up by Mr. Milosevic, who sought to reconstruct the former Yugoslavia with his Serbian Socialist Party in control. His death last Saturday, in his jail cell at The Hague tribunal, has left his legacy open to interpretation.

Unlike other countries that have gone through periods of violent extremism, Serbia has seen no public efforts to come to terms with the dark moments of its past, or to acknowledge its mistakes. Some observers worry that the ideas of Mr. Milosevic, and his even more extreme Serbian political colleagues, have penetrated deep into Serbian society, and are giving rise to a new generation of Serbs who are even more extreme and vengeful than their parents.

"What children across Serbia are being taught in history classes is really nothing more than military propaganda from the 1990s," says Sonja Biserko, the chairwoman of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.

She points to one textbook that describes the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia without mentioning Mr. Milosevic once, and a book published by the government for high-school students that describes the NATO and UN peacekeeping campaigns as "a conspiracy on the part of the Big Powers, who swooped down on Orthodoxy and especially on the Serbs."

Organizations that have tried to print and distribute more neutral history textbooks have been thwarted by Serbia's government, which combines democrats and Milosevic-style socialists. "The whole project has failed; not a single neutral textbook is being used in any Serbian history class," said Serbian history professor Dubravka Stojanovic. "What they're being taught is ethnic mythology."

Back in the classroom, a stocky boy named Mark Stevatrovic had a question asked by many Serbs, as well as a good number of people from outside: "Why did the West come and attack us? If Milosevic committed any crime, it was a crime against his own people. It should be for us, not for foreign countries, to judge him."

This, I explained, is the central problem of modern history, a problem that began with Napoleon Bonaparte. His military adventures across Europe were, in one view, an effort to bring democracy and human rights to countries that were trapped in oppressive monarchies. In another view, they were unwarranted invasions of countries that should have been left alone.

How, I asked, do you see this problem? Half the students raised their hands for the view of Napoleon, NATO and the UN, that it was worth having the world intervene in the Balkan wars. Another 15 students felt that Serbia should have been left to its own devices.

The class was divided almost exactly as pollsters say the Serbian population is: A slight majority supported a radical ethnic-nationalist or Serbian-centred socialist view of the world, but slightly less than half supported the parties that hold those views. Despite their inward-looking view of the world, most Serbs want to say farewell to the past and join the rest of Europe.

How, I asked, did you come to have such strong opinions, pro and con, about Mr. Milosevic, when his name isn't mentioned in class and the past 15 years aren't taught in school? Some students mentioned TV movies (which present a romanticized version of Serbian Orthodox martyrdom and lurid conspiracies against Serbs), others the brash and outlandish tabloid newspapers that are a staple of Serbian life.

But Ms. Stojadinovic, speaking quietly from the back, offered a simpler answer: "We don't need to study this in school or read about it in books," she said. "We were right there."

#74 gotivac

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 10:49

Treba reći da su (krupan) doprinos dali i neki koji ne žive u Srbiji.

Holandija? Mile? :wicked:

#75 Dina

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 11:02

jel bilo riba? B)  :wicked:


i to kakvih ((:

a nama je danas prišao jedan pandur i pitao:

- izvin'te, ko organizuje ovaj skup?
- koji skup?
- pa ovaj ovde?
- nemam pojma, ja čekam devojku, dogovorili smo se u 3h, ne znam zašto je još uvek nema (odgovara jedan dečko)
- mi (ostali) čekamo proleće, dogovorili smo se u 3h na trgu

zbunjeni pandur odlazi...


aaaaahahahahhahahahhahaa (((((: jadnichak (: