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Svinjski grip

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#61 muras

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 15:20

Istina je da, prema onome shto do sada znamo o ovom virusu, on nije ni blizu (po stopi smrtnosti) ptichjem...

ni blizu...?!

Ono što je nesumnjivo je da je zaraza za par sedmica pokosila trećinu ljudskih života koje je ptičji grip odneo tokom cijele decenije, kao i to da se za razliku od ptičjeg gripa, ova infekcija prenosi sa čovjeka na čovjeka, komentariše londonski Independent.

#62 muras

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 15:22

Bilo bi lepo da se neko iz nashe Vlade oglasi sa konkretnim merama preventive i zashtite, kao i da se napravi neki krizni shtab, dok sve ovo ne prodje. Samo da se ona bitanga opet ne pojavi sa prichom da je svinjski grip u stvari velika shansa za Srbiju...

sace, oma ce...samo da mu iskreiraju ciljeve...

#63 Schmeling

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 15:24

ni blizu...?!

Ma po procentu.

A i nisu precizirali na koju deceniju misle. Da li devedesete, koje su se zavrsile 2004, ili osamdesete, koje tek shto nisu pochele.

Edited by Schmeling, 27 April 2009 - 15:25.

#64 muras

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 15:27

Ma po procentu.

A i nisu precizirali na koju deceniju misle. Da li devedesete, koje su se zavrsile 2004, ili osamdesete, koje tek shto nisu pochele.

ne znam...ali je sigurno da je poslije nove ere...

#65 Div

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 15:59

Ovo su sve akcije u skladu sa preporukama WHO. Bash me zanima kakvu je srbijanska vlada poduzela akciju, osim shto je zabranila uvoz svinjskog mesa. Imam neki osecaj da bi oni najradije pustili virus u zemlju, ali da oni medjusobno podele vakcine.

Ima li ikakve veze uvoz mesa sa gripom. Zar virus može da se prenese na taj način. To meso je ili danima smrznuto ili totalno trulo dok eventualno stigne iz Amerike u Srbiju.

#66 Schmeling

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 16:09

Ima li ikakve veze uvoz mesa sa gripom. Zar virus može da se prenese na taj način. To meso je ili danima smrznuto ili totalno trulo dok eventualno stigne iz Amerike u Srbiju.

Koliko ja znam, nema, odnosno ima koliko i uvoz bilo chega drugog.
Ali bolje da neko kome je medicina struka kazhe, vrlo je moguce da greshim.

#67 Schmeling

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 16:36

Sad sam chitao chlanak o spanskom gripu iz 1918, i uopshte mi se nije dopalo to shto sam prochitao. Epidemija je (kao i ova) krenula u martu, pochela je sa lakshom klinichkom slikom (kao i u vecini slucajeva sada), da bi u avgustu pochelo sranje. Ovaj virus je isto toliko zarazan kao i onaj iz 1918, pa nam ostaje jedino da se nadamo da nece mutirati u smrtonosniju formu.

#68 Rooney

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 16:58

Tako je mater im hebem. Neka se posle zale, ovi na Albance, oni na Srbe, treci na Hrvate, Muslimane, Ruse i druge. Umesto da gledamo da zivimo kako treba mi se ubijamo a posle trazimo od prirode da nas postedi. Oce qratz!!!

#69 muras

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 17:11

lude krave, pticiji grip, svinjski grip...

a ovce i dalje uredno biraju smradove kao da je sve u najboljem redu...

#70 vowel

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 17:42

ameri odmah dobiju relenzu i tamiflu, sta li ce kinezi da dobiju kad se tamo prosiri?
koliko para toliko i zdravlja.
buduci da su strahovi od dalje mutacije mix virusa opravdane, nije li bolje prelezati ovi mladju blaziju formu, jer znamo da vakcine nema da bude do dogodine, a postojece tesko da su delotvorne jer je mix virusa do sad nevidjen?

Edited by vowel, 27 April 2009 - 17:44.

#71 steins

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 19:08

za sada u evropi postoje tri verifikovana slucaja svinjskog gripa,...jedan u spaniji i dva u britaniji,........svi slucajevi van meksika i usa su povezani sa skorom posetom ovim krajevima....cak se i u vise od polovine slucajeva u usa nasla konekcija sa meksikom.......

takodje je cudno da se u svim ostalim drzavama, grip pojavio u nekoj mild formi, da dobro reaguje na lekove.......jedino u meksiku postoje zrtve....postoje dva objasnjenja za ovo,....pored onog koje je ponudio mekscicki ministar zdravlja ( da su u bolnice primani ljudi u teskom stanju ),....ili postoji nesto drugacija procedura lecenja u meksiku ( koja ne ukljucuje antivirusne lekove, bar ne dovoljno rano i u dovoljnoj kolicini ) ili se taj meksicki soj ipak razlikuje od ostalog.....narednih nekoliko dana ce pokazati.......

#72 Schmeling

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 19:45

za sada u evropi postoje tri verifikovana slucaja svinjskog gripa,...jedan u spaniji i dva u britaniji,........svi slucajevi van meksika i usa su povezani sa skorom posetom ovim krajevima....cak se i u vise od polovine slucajeva u usa nasla konekcija sa meksikom.......

takodje je cudno da se u svim ostalim drzavama, grip pojavio u nekoj mild formi, da dobro reaguje na lekove.......jedino u meksiku postoje zrtve....postoje dva objasnjenja za ovo,....pored onog koje je ponudio mekscicki ministar zdravlja ( da su u bolnice primani ljudi u teskom stanju ),....ili postoji nesto drugacija procedura lecenja u meksiku ( koja ne ukljucuje antivirusne lekove, bar ne dovoljno rano i u dovoljnoj kolicini ) ili se taj meksicki soj ipak razlikuje od ostalog.....narednih nekoliko dana ce pokazati.......

Ima i trece objasnjenje - virus je u Meksiku prisutan vec skoro 2 meseca.

#73 caka

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 20:01

Ma ljudi kod nas nema ni kvalitetnih antivirusnih maski a kamoli onih lekova sto se preporucuju umesto leka Tamiflu.Ja sam danas zamolila ortaka da mi nabavi one vojne,stare maske ,ne znam kako se zovu ali ako su dobre protiv bojnih otrova onda su i protiv ove gripe.Moja generacija je promenila ne znam ni sama koliko drzava,vojskovodja,inflacija,ratova,pobuna ...pa ce sad neka gripa da nam stane na put.E,nece.Ili se samo tesim?

#74 DonJuan

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 22:03

Inace procitajte ovo, pa mozda vam malo stvari budu jasnije oko ovog gripa


Dakle, virus gripa je tu sa nama...pa oduvek i uvek se menjao i mutirao i s vremena na vreme dovodio do visoke smrtnosti. Nisam strucan, ali ovo za sada ne lici na pandemiju, iz jednog prostog razloga - smrtnost van teritorije Meksika je 0. Sto prakticno znaci da je za visoku smtrnost u Meksiku kriva pre svega lose zdravstvo u toj zemlji, a vrlo verovatno i ne adekvatno lecenje.
Sto se tice spanske groznice, mora prvo da se kaze da je udarila u trenutku kada je najveci deo sveta bio totalno unisten ratom, pa i suzbijanje bolesti je bilo jako tesko, zbog toga i tolika stopa smrtnosti...A da ne pominjem da se radi o 1918, godini kada nije pencilin koriscen u medicinske svrhe, pa i time moze da se objasni visok stepen smrtnosti.
Nije mesto za paniku...Videcemo sta ce da donese dani ispred nas, ali verovatno ce biti slicno...ovome - http://en.wikipedia....ratory_syndrome

#75 Schmeling

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 22:52

WHO je oznachila prelazak na 4. fazu pandemijske uzbune. Ovo ne mirishe na dobro, ako se zna koliko brzo mutiraju ovakvi virusi. Ja se iskreno nadam da ce ostati na nivou SARS, mada је razvoj epidemije kao u sluchaju SARS govoto nemoguc, jer se radi o virusima koji nemaju mnogo zajednichkog.

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Evo i izjave generalnog direktora WHO, Margaret Cen:

Krizni Komitet WHO, osnovan u skladu sa Medjunarodnim zdravstvenim pravilima iz 2005, odrzao je svoj drugi sastanak 27. aprila 2009.
Komitet je uzeo u obzir raspolozive podatke o potvrdjenim pojavama A/H1N1 svinjskog gripa u SAD, Meksiku i Kanadi. Komitet je takodje razmatrao izvestaje o mogucem sirenju u druge zemlje.
Po savetu Komiteta, generalni direktor WHO je odlucio sledece:
Nivo pandemijske uzbune za svinjski grip se podize sa faze 3 na fazu 4.
Promena na vishu fazu pandemijske uzbune ukazuje da se mogucnost pandemije povecala, ali ne i da je pandemija neizbezna.
Kako informacije budu pristizale, WHO moze odluciti da se vrati na fazu 3 ili da podigne nivo uzbune na vishu fazu.
Odluka je zasnovana prvenstveno na epidemoloshkim podacima koji pokazuju prenosivost virusa medju ljudima i sposobnost virusa da zarazi cele zajednice.
Imajuci u vidu rasirenost virusa, generalni direktor smatra da izolacija/suzbijanje virusa nije moguce. Stoga se fokus mora prebaciti na mere ublazavanja posledica.
Generalni direktor preporucuje da se granice ne zatvaraju i da se ne ogranicava medjunarodni saobracaj. Smatrace se razboritim da ljudi koji su bolesni odloze svoje medjunarodno putovanje, a oni koji dobiju simptome bolesti posle medjunarodnog putovanja da se obrate lekaru.
Generalni direktor smatra da bi proizvodnja vakcine za sezonski grip trebalo da se nastavi zasada, shto je podlozhno reevaluaciji, kako se situacija bude odvijala. WHO ce zapoceti proces potreban za proizvodnju vakcine efikasne protiv virusa A/H1N1.
Generalni direktor naglashava da sve mere moraju biti adekvatne svrsi i opsegu Medjunarodnih zdravstvenih pravila.

Evo i nekih osnovnih podataka o svinjskom gripu (uopshteni su i odnose se uglavnom na situaciju pre pojave ovog mutiranog virusa, ali ih treba znati).

What are the implications for human health?
Outbreaks and sporadic human infection with swine influenza have been occasionally reported. Generally clinical symptoms are similar to seasonal influenza but reported clinical presentation ranges broadly from asymptomatic infection to severe pneumonia resulting in death.
Since typical clinical presentation of swine influenza infection in humans resembles seasonal influenza and other acute upper respiratory tract infections, most of the cases have been detected by chance through seasonal influenza surveillance. Mild or asymptomatic cases may have escaped from recognition; therefore the true extent of this disease among humans is unknown.
Where have human cases occurred?
Since the implementation of IHR(2005)1 in 2007, WHO has been notified of swine influenza cases from the United States and Spain.
How do people become infected?
People usually get swine influenza from infected pigs, however, some human cases lack contact history with pigs or environments where pigs have been located. Human-to-human transmission has occurred in some instances but was limited to close contacts and closed groups of people.
Is it safe to eat pork and pork products?
Yes. Swine influenza has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork (pig meat) or other products derived from pigs. The swine influenza virus is killed by cooking temperatures of 160F/70C, corresponding to the general guidance for the preparation of pork and other meat.
Which countries have been affected by outbreaks in pigs?
Swine influenza is not notifiable to international animal health authorities (OIE, www.oie.int), therefore its international distribution in animals is not well known. The disease is considered endemic in the United States. Outbreaks in pigs are also known to have occurred in North America, South America, Europe (including the UK, Sweden, and Italy), Africa (Kenya), and in parts of eastern Asia including China and Japan.
1 International Health Regulation (2005) http://www.who.int/ihr/about/en/
What about the pandemic risk?
It is likely that most of people, especially those who do not have regular contact with pigs, do not have immunity to swine influenza viruses that can prevent the virus infection. If a swine virus establishes efficient human-to human transmission, it can cause an influenza pandemic. The impact of a pandemic caused by such a virus is difficult to predict: it depends on virulence of the virus, existing immunity among people, cross protection by antibodies acquired from seasonal influenza infection and host factors.
Is there a human vaccine to protect from swine influenza?
There are no vaccines that contain the current swine influenza virus causing illness in humans. It is not known whether current human seasonal influenza vaccines can provide any protection. Influenza viruses change very quickly. It is important to develop a vaccine against the currently circulating virus strain for it to provide maximum protection to the vaccinated people. This is why WHO needs access to as many viruses as possible in order to select the most appropriate candidate vaccine virus.
What drugs are available for treatment?
There are two classes of such medicines, 1) adamantanes (amantadine and remantadine), and 2) inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase (oseltamivir and zanamivir).
Most of the previously reported swine influenza cases recovered fully from the disease without requiring medical attention and without antiviral medicines.
Some influenza viruses develop resistance to the antiviral medicines, limiting the effectiveness of treatment. The viruses obtained from the recent human cases with swine influenza in the United States are sensitive to oselatmivir and zanamivir but resistant to amantadine and remantadine.
Information is insufficient to make recommendation on the use of the antivirals in treatment of swine influenza virus infection. Clinicians have to make decisions based on the clinical and epidemiological assessment and harms and benefit of the treatment of the patient2. For the ongoing outbreak of the swine influenza infection in the United States and Mexico, the national and the local authorities are recommending to use oseltamivir or zanamivir for treatment of the disease based on the virus’s susceptibility profile.
2 For benefits and harms of influenza-specific antivirals, see http://www.who.int/c...t/en/index.html
What should I do if I am in regular contact with pigs?
Even though there is no clear indication that the current human cases with swine influenza infection are related to recent or ongoing influenza-like disease events in pigs, it would be advisable to minimize contact with sick pigs and report such animals to relevant animal health authorities.
Most people are infected through prolonged, close contact with infected pigs. Good hygiene practices are essential in all contact with animals and are especially important during slaughter and post-slaughter handling to prevent exposure to disease agents. Sick animals or animals that died from disease should not be undergoing slaughtering procedures. Follow further advice from relevant national authorities.
Swine influenza has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork (pig meat) or other products derived from pigs. The swine influenza virus is killed by cooking temperatures of 160oF/70oC corresponding to the general guidance for the preparation of pork and other meat.
How can I protect myself from getting swine influenza from infected people?
In the past, human infection with swine influenza was generally mild but is known to have caused severe illness such as pneumonia For the current outbreaks in the United States and Mexico however, the clinical pictures have been different. None of the confirmed cases in the United States have had the severe form of the disease and the patients recovered from illness without requiring medical care. In Mexico, some patients reportedly had the severe form of the disease.
To protect yourself, practice general preventive measures for influenza:
• Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and who have fever and cough.
• Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly.
• Practice good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.
If there is an ill person at home:
• Try to provide the ill person a separate section in the house. If this is not possible, keep the patient at least 1 meter in distance from others.
• Cover mouth and nose when caring for the ill person. Masks can be bought commercially or made using the readily available materials as long as they are disposed of or cleaned properly.
• Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly after each contact with the ill person.
• Try to improve the air flow in the area where the ill person stays. Use doors and windows to take advantage of breezes.
• Keep the environment clean with readily available household cleaning agents.
If you are living in a country where swine influenza has caused disease in humans, follow additional advice from national and local health authorities.
What should I do if I think I have swine influenza?
If you feel unwell, have high fever, cough and/or sore throat:
• Stay at home and keep away from work, school or crowds as much as possible.
• Rest and take plenty of fluids.
• Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when coughing and sneezing and dispose of the used tissues properly.
• Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly, especially after coughing or sneezing.
• Inform family and friends about your illness and seek help for household chores that require contact with other people such as shopping.
If you need medical attention:
• Contact your doctor or healthcare provider before travelling to see them and report your symptoms. Explain why you think you have swine influenza (for example, if you have recently travelled to a country where there is a swine influenza outbreak in humans). Follow the advice given to you for care.
• If it is not possible to contact your healthcare provider in advance, communicate your suspicion of having swine influenza immediately upon arrival at the healthcare facility.
• Take care to cover your nose and mouth during travel.