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#466 Sandman

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 14:27

Apropo mog znanja Cirilice, ako je to za cudjenje, onda bi se tek nacudio kojekakvim drugim stvarima. I, nije od juce, nego od pre trideset i fiju godina.

PS. A kako ti stojis sa citanjem kineskog pisma? Iliti imas svoj licni prevod crvene knjige...


#467 ia Glia

ia Glia
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Posted 16 January 2004 - 15:57

Da li Cica Glisa izjednacava Cionizam i drzavu Izrael? (Ja nisam)
Da li Cica Glisa namece pojam Srbenda Sandmanu? Jeste! Sandman je Cica Glisu nazvao BOLIDOM, sta nema veze sa etnickom ili inom pripadnoscu.
Da li sam ja rekao javno sta mislim o Cica Glisinom izvoru informisanja? Jesam
Da li sam lazno izjavio da je doticni gospodin (izvor informacije) "Marksista"? Nisam
Da li Cica Glisa zna sta znaci "Marksista" u SAD? Hmmm, recimo biti radikal na kvadrat u Srbiji, s tim da je javna podrska merljiva u promilima.

Ubuduce, molim bez konotacija u vezi etnicke pripadnosti, posto su iste irelevantne (Relevantno je ako Vladan tebe nazove Srbendom, a ja nekog od "mojih" ########cinom, sve je ostalo debilasto)

papa, Cica Gliso, slatke snove vaskrsenja crvene azdaje ti zeli sandman.

Не видим разлику између болид и шиптарчина. И једно и друго би требало да су личне увреде. Суштина и једног и другог је да увреде саговорника. :lol:
Хе, хе, хе, то са црвеном аждајом ти је добро. Ко било шта доведе у питање он је црвени Кмер. Пре ће бити да си ти био дуго у загрљају исте, заједно са својим алтер егом.
Што се тиче конотација у вези етничке припадности, како то да су ирелевантне? Ако су битне, по теби, конотације о политичком усмерењу аутора сајта, како ти кажеш "марксисте" и ултрационисте (све у једној реченици), зашто није битно да ли си ти Албанац?
Мислиш да то не утиче на твоју тачку гледишта? Видиш, ја верујем да утиче, пошто се и јављаш само на теме где се помене А од Албанци или Ш од ....(да се не вређамо), што се и очекује од верног војника свог народа.

Ја нисам изједначавао Ционизам и Израел, теби наметао појам Србенда. Ја сам поучен твојим начином размишљања и (не)логичког закључивања схватио да си ти антисемита, а ти покушаваш да се вадиш и да ми помињеш неке црвене аждаје, иако си, вероватно 80-их, као и већина твојих партијских и иних другова био обожавалац лика и дела оца ти нације Енвера Хоџе.
Сад си ти као демократа, а ја неки маоиста. Ма иди бегај бре! :lol: :lol:

Што се тиче истинитости онога што каже тај човек, свако може да прочита.
Твоје мишљење је твоје, а дисквалификација ад хоминем је друга ствар. Суштина је да ли је оно што је написано на том сајту и на оном првом близу истине или не и да ли је аргументовано.

Значи сајт број 1, вероватно опет неки марксиста:

И твој омиљени, марксистички:

Edited by ia Glia, 16 January 2004 - 16:00.


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Posted 16 January 2004 - 16:17

I was very much impressed with Slobodan Milosevic. Here was this President of a small country, standing up to U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke and his huge NATO forces. Every day Holbrooke publicly threatened to bomb Yugoslavia - which of course was by definition terrorism - and Milosevic handled it brilliantly. He would start to give in, then hold firm, then retreat, then advance. It was like watching David stand up to Goliath. And then it dawned on me: he was buying time, using every chance to get his message out to wake up the world.
Evo ti Cica Glisha jednog od kooautora tvojih linkova,briljantno razmishljanje nema shta!!!

A evo i drugog:

Dr. Petar Makara is a computer scientist. Dr. Makara lives in the United States but hails from Yugoslavia. He has spent the past ten years informing the Western world about the attack on the country of his birth. He co-edits the Website www.srpska-mreza.com on which one may read hundreds of documents about Yugoslavia

Edited by PRESHEVARI, 16 January 2004 - 16:21.

#469 Braca

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 16:20

Cica Gliso, pa nismo mi od juce na Internetu pa da ne znamo za sajt "Emperor's Clothes" i koju "reputaciju" ima. Ako te prica o hladnjacama stvarno zanima, procitaj ovo (a Milos Vasic i Vreme su ipak malo uglednija imena u srpskom novinarstvu od tog Eperor-a) :

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#470 Braca

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 16:24

a ako imas stomak, moze i ovo :

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#471 Sandman

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 16:55

OK. Popustam. Sa Cica Glisom ni rec vise. Mozemo da caskamo o pred- Internet vremenu, jer je on (Internet) izgleda zaslepeo coveka!

#472 wwww

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 18:16


#473 tanjajedaska

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Posted 16 January 2004 - 19:37

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Božidar Jakšić je mnoge pametne stvari na tu temu rekao; uskoro ću da pastujem njegovo "izlahanje" na temu Nacionalizam i građansko pitanje, ili slično...
Dotle, njegova ratna priča "iz ugla stranih novinara"...EDITOR'S NOTE -- No one knows where he is, or even if he is still alive, but the discovery of a Serb fighter's diary offers a glimpse of one man's disillusionment with the war in Bosnia. Bozidar Jaksic's 6- by 4-inch appointment book was discovered by Bosnian army soldiers in Gorazde, scene of some of the worst fighting in the nearly four-year conflict. By George Jahn, Associated Press writer
GORAZDE, Bosnia-Herzegovina -- Neighbors killing neighbors, looting and torching their houses and bulldozing their bodies into a mass grave. Cowards, thieves and liars. Fear, filth and loneliness.
This was Bozidar Jaksic's war. Mr. Jaksic, dubbed "Rambo" by fellow Serbs, is nowhere to be found. Nobody in Gorazde knows if he is even alive.

But government soldiers prowling the city recently stumbled across a 6- by 4-inch appointment book the junior Serb commander used as his diary. It chronicles the first months of the siege of Gorazde, one of the Bosnian war's most brutal confrontations.
It begins four years ago, as Serb propagandists urged their people toward war. Mr. Jaksic believed their warnings and welcomed the struggle. His first meticulously printed entry calls the coming war "a spontaneous revolt of Serb citizens." Then come the battles, the looting, the arson. In one of the most horrible moments of the diary, he and his men discover a mass grave containing the bodies of Muslims, north of Gorazde.
"We found of lot of bones and skulls of people run over with bulldozers," Mr. Jaksic writes. "It was the worst sight in my whole life. I felt sick and enraged at the same time."
By the time of the last entry, dated Aug. 16, 1992, Mr. Jaksic is a changed man. Disgusted by the excesses of his fellow fighters, and increasingly estranged from them, he hungers for the warmth of his home, for his wife, his children.
Mr. Jaksic entered the war as Serb propagandists rallied their people by putting God on the Serb side. They spoke of a struggle against Muslims bent on making Bosnia an Islamic state and on exterminating all who opposed them.
His mission was to help besiege Gorazde, the only Muslim enclave that would survive the 31/2-year Serb onslaught in eastern Bosnia.
The first attacks seemed relatively harmless, pranks involving young men who have had one beer too many. One early, undated entry describes how Mr. Jaksic and his buddies reacted to what they considered gas-hogging by Muslims.
"We looped a rope around the (gas) pump, tied the other end to the Mercedes, pulled out the pump and drove off, dragging it down the street," the diary says.
The confrontations become uglier as the war progresses. Another entry describes how a boozed-up Serb took his gun and paid a visit to a Muslim neighbor. "He went to Kasim Hamzic's house, took him outside and forced him to come over to his house for a drink. (I can imagine how Kasim must have felt.) After that he started firing until he shot off his last round.

"(Hamzic's) father, Stojan, ran away and slept at our place. I heard him talk to himself while he slept. He asked God to make a coffin for his son."
Even before the fighting began in earnest, Serb fighters were running away. The first casualties listed in the diary are deserters, shot dead by Serb police. And the first attack -- "the cleansing of Misjak Hill" -- fails because "many people were terrified ... and ran from battle."
The soldiers who did remain soon changed. "Alija Hansic and his wife, Adila, were burned to death in their house. It was set ablaze without top command orders and nobody wants to say who did it," he writes. "After that, more and more soldiers began vandalism, looting, arson."
Kokino Selo -- Chicken Village -- is the next target. The hamlet, just east of Gorazde, is left to a special volunteer unit from Serbia with a reputation for fighting prowess. But the soldiers' behavior disappoints Mr. Jaksic.
"We put them up in Muslim houses, with two easy women," he writes. "While they waited for action, they looted the area. ... Just after that they withdrew, taking their booty with them."
Kokino Selo then passes to Mr. Jaksic and his men. There is no glory in this battle of neighbor killing neighbor, and Mr. Jaksic finds himself becoming a part of it.
"I saw two neighbors of mine with a shotgun and I recognized one of them as Omer Kaljic. We saw them beginning to withdraw ... so we opened fire on them with a machine gun," he writes.
"I took a hunting rifle with a scope. I saw a Muslim, and I saw only the head. I aimed at the head and when I squeezed the trigger, I saw the head disappear."
Mr. Jaksic's loneliness grows -- and along with it suspicion that things cannot be right at home without a man to watch over things.


#474 iPhuck10

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 01:39

Како се може претпоставити? И чини ти се? Колико ти се тако документовано чини?
Можда је неко користио и железницу? Или ти се не чини?
Само да сумирамо, 1 у Дунаву.
Поводом "случаја хладњача" у множини

Sto se tice tvog potpisa,tj.citiranja jednog mog posta,imam samo jedno da ti kazem-nisam pristalica laznog patriotizma koji zastupas!I ako to sto ti smatras antisrBstvom predstavlja antisrBstvo,onda sam ponosan sto sam antisrbin!Chicha Glisho,bolje se zapitaj ko je izazvao NATO intervenciju,nego sto se bavis ispitivanjem tudjeg patriotizma!

#475 Rubiroza

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 07:45

Srdja Popovic:
Problem je u biračkom telu, koje ili ne razume ili ne haje za sopstveni interes. I na kraju, problem je u tome što se tom i takvom biraču svi udvaraju, sve stranke i svi političari.

#476 vladan

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 10:55

Ocigledno, nisam ja jedini koji tako misli.
Ko zna koliko puta sam na ovom forumu izneo isti stav o srpskom birackom telu, ali i o partijama koje, manje ili vise uspesno, koketiraju sa nacionalizmom.

#477 iPhuck10

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 10:58

Srdja Popovic:
Problem je u biračkom telu, koje ili ne razume ili ne haje za sopstveni interes. I na kraju, problem je u tome što se tom i takvom biraču svi udvaraju, sve stranke i svi političari.

Ovo je tachno.Srbadija vishe voli da joj kazes ono shto zeli da chuje,od onoga shto je istina!

#478 iuuui

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 12:49

Srdja Popovic:
Problem je u biračkom telu, koje ili ne razume ili ne haje za sopstveni interes. I na kraju, problem je u tome što se tom i takvom biraču svi udvaraju, sve stranke i svi političari.

Ovo je tachno.Srbadija vishe voli da joj kazes ono shto zeli da chuje,od onoga shto je istina!

hahaha gdje god te nadjem ti potpisujes U-rose. mnogo radis, mnogo.

#479 iPhuck10

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 12:53

Srdja Popovic:
Problem je u biračkom telu, koje ili ne razume ili ne haje za sopstveni interes. I na kraju, problem je u tome što se tom i takvom biraču svi udvaraju, sve stranke i svi političari.

Ovo je tachno.Srbadija vishe voli da joj kazes ono shto zeli da chuje,od onoga shto je istina!

hahaha gdje god te nadjem ti potpisujes U-rose. mnogo radis, mnogo.

Naravno!Mora mnogo da se radi da bi se velikosrBski nacionalizam iskorenio!