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feminine - masculine

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#1 eega beeva

eega beeva
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Posted 29 December 2003 - 06:45

Posle kraceg razmishljanja, odlucih se da je ovoj temi mesto na forumu "umetnost".

Dakle, zena - muskarac, zenski princip - muski princip, odnosi, znacenja, simbolika....

Prihvataju se svi nivoi spoznaje - od ona kuva & doji a ja zaradjujem & bijem, pa do najsuptilnije simbolike kao npr. prakrti (manifestovana stvarnost) vs. purusha (neispoljen duh).

Evo za pocetak, malo simbolike:

feminine - inspiracija, zemlja, zvuk, materija, "raspodela dobara", ono na cemu se vrsi radnja....

masculine - teznja, nebo, kreativna tisina, duh, "nabavka dobara", ono sto vrsi radnju....

Edited by eega beeva, 29 December 2003 - 06:46.

#2 eega beeva

eega beeva
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Posted 07 January 2004 - 21:47

Ana Karenjina, vecita tema..... (sa amazon.com - komentari citalaca)

No doubt the second most famous line of the book is Vronsky's startling realization: "It showed him (Vronsky) the eternal error men make in imagining that happiness consists in the realization of their desires."

How are we to live our lives, the novel asks, when all the illusions we hold so close to our heart have been stripped away? What are we to believe in and cling to?

...I was absolutely riveted by the way Tolstoy depicted Anna's state of mind, especially as it became quite clear that she was heading toward a psychological abyss and her grasp on reality became tenuous.

You might sympathise, or feel that the characters are justified, and you might not, and it's all irrelevent in the light of understanding.

Da li gledate na osobe suprotnog pola kao na potpuno razlicita bica? Da li mozzete da mentalno "uklonite" vecinu polnih razlika i vidite ljuddsko bice bash kao shto ste i vi sami. Da li je takav ugao gledanja pozzeljan, koristan? Ili bash treba potencirati razlike?

Edited by eega beeva, 07 January 2004 - 22:12.