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#451 Alt Right

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Posted 25 March 2019 - 20:17

Ovo je trabunjanje za ispred dragstora, kad posle treceg Jelena krene baba-vanga razmahivanje prekognicijom i "uvidima" u "geopolitiku", sa sve stucanjem izmedju.

Sudeći po Vašim ranijim komentarima, Asad je pao pre par godina, Rusija se raspala, a Kina se strmopizdila.  :lol+:

Pokazali ste da se razumete u geopolitiku, kao Marica u krivi kurac. Ne vidite dalje od nosa. Pokrijte se ušima i zavucite se u najbližu mišju rupu.  :wicked:

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#452 Kinik

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Posted 25 March 2019 - 21:28






Zalud se trudis!

Gde da ozbiljno tretiras rašističko naprdjivanja? Pa takvi samo znaju - 'u putka tatka, velika ...'


Te jadne ideoloske bljuvotine iz ruske pomijere - to je nevidjeno djubre.


I u pomijari im ide lose, budzet katastrofalan, otimaju od peMzionera, sve manje lekova, sve ostrije kazne za neistomisljenke, nedavno uveli zakon i kaznjavanje 'za nepostovanje vlasti i drzavnih rukovodilaca' - idu i provociraju direktno: sta imas da kazes o vlastima? Ako kazes nista - ne postujes ih, ako kazes nesto - opet ih ne postujes, siris lazne glasine. Sede neki bogatuni, alkosi u 'dumi' sa abnormalnim platama stancaju zakone - 'poludeli printer', sudstvo divlja; u Ukrajini se ujebali, u siriji takodje - ne zna kako da se izvuce, botoksirani degenerisani patuljak iz kremaljske pozlacene klonjare redovno kaci neke crtane filmice o 'najnovijem tajnom oruzju koje ce preplasiti svet' ... etc, etc. Kako je pisao copavi Gebels u svom dnevniku - 'sutra cu da pitam firera kad ce da primeni nase tajno oruzje'


Citam koliko rusa iz sibira ide na rad u Mongoliju. Ucitelji, lekari i med.sestre, profesori, inzenjeri. U ruskoj pomijari plate od 12 - 45 hiljada rubalja (ove velike na prste da izborjis!), u Mongoliji od 25 pa do 85 hijada rubalja - i to standardne!


Sva ta kremaljska smutoljina sluzi samo da zabavi shitholinske luzercine - rusofilicare, da sirotinja fantazira sto ce tudja krava da crkne. Ali, pandrknuce ruska, sirijska i madurova krava, a ne americka!


Eno podaci za Karakas: dveno preko 40 ubistava, a u danima kad se daje plata - i do 55. Svet se masovno sterilise, vlada glad, sa kamiona prodaju natrule korencice juke (yucca), deca i zene prebiraju po otpadu trazeci bilo kakvu hranu, trzni centri su puni ljudi, ali ne kupaca, vec onih koji su dosli da se malo o'lade ako radi air-condition. 


Samo tokom 2017 godine ubijeno je preko 160 protestanata, a od pocetka ove godine preko 40. FAES (paramilitarci) posle protesta upadaju u favele i streljaju one za koje postoji sumnja da su organizatori i aktivisti. 


Dotle ona zadrigla sofercina planduje sa ruskim privatnim obezbedjenjem, uz salsu, a rusofilicarski belosveCki maloumnici seire. Tako su seirili i oko Zlobimira, pa je na kraju legao pod brezu.


I ova dvojica ce - i asad i maduro.

To je ljudski talog i sljam.

Istorijski otpad. 



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#453 Milenko Puzigaca

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Posted 25 March 2019 - 21:58

Samo bi bilo bolje umesto da kao onaj sto su ga kad je uginuo kao kucnog ljubimca zakopali pod lipu, da mu ne bi neko svakog dana kenjao na grob, kako bi bilo da su ga zakopali na groblju, bolje bi bilo da i ove rusofilske pulene prvo malo vade iz rupa, pregledaju im zube pa ih oshishaju, na brzinu im posteno sude, pa ih povesaju. Za primer. A mogu i kao pukovnik moamera, isto slobodara i velicinu srBsku, prvo malo da ih prochachkaju. Mozda imaju rucni sat tamo, treba da se proveri.
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#454 Milenko Puzigaca

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Posted 27 March 2019 - 10:22

Domaćin je spomenuo još jedno drugo svojstvo što su ga njegove sluge opazile u nekih yahooa, a on ga ne može nikako dokučiti. Reče mi: yahooa zna gdjekad snaći hir da se zavuče u kut, leži, riče i stenje, i nogom caka svakoga tko mu priđe, premda je mlad i debeo, nije ni bez hrane ni bez vode, pa se sluga ne može domisliti što ga boli. A pronašli su da mu je jedini lijek natjerati ga na težak posao, pa će se onda zacijelo osvijestiti.
Na to sam šutio, od pristranosti za svoju pasminu; ali sam jasno razabrao pravu klicu toj mušičavosti, koja zaokuplja samo lijenčine, razbludnike i bogataše; ako oni budu prisiljeni na onaj isti način života, jamčim da će se izliječiti.
Džonatan Svift, Guliverova putovanja, 1726
Svaka sličnost sa srbadijom i egzemplarima - kaitalcima je slučajna  :wicked: 

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#455 Ginter

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Posted 28 March 2019 - 15:43

Government officials accused Voluntad Popular (Juan Guaido’s party) of perpetrating “two terrorist attacks” against the National Electric System. They allegedly achieved their objective through the calcination of the courtyard and transmission routes in “El Guri” plant (which provides energy to 70% of the country) in cooperation with the US.


According to the government, the leaders of the terrorist cell would be Leopoldo López and Juan Guaidó; Roberto Marrero (under arrest since March 21) is accused of being the coordinator of 8 to 10 terrorist cells; Juan Planchart (under arrest since March 23) is accused of being the group's financial operator; the government further accuses Sergio Vergara and Freddy Superlano to be logistics collaborators, Freddy Guevara to be the ideologist and Carlos Vecchio to oversee the group's international relations.


President Maduro has directly accused Juan Guaidó of directing a plan for his assassination: "We have dismantled a plan that its diabolical puppet (Guaidó) personally directs to kill me", he said before a crowd last Saturday March 23.


Defense Minister reported that the Armed Forces and other organs of citizen security are actively deployed “ensuring the tranquility and peace of the people”, while workers in the electricity sector “work tirelessly to recover and restore services”.


Juan Planchart, Juan Guaido’s cousin, has been accused of being the financial operator and "money launderer" of the terrorist group and is currently arrested at SEBIN. Planchart works as a counselor at Rosneft and previously PDVSA, Schlumberger, Halliburton, ENI.


Media reported that Venezuelan main oil export terminal (Jose), halted operations. The last shipments of crude oil were registered on March 24, according to Refinitiv Eikon’s data


The Lima Group, the US and Germany did not recognize the Venezuelan delegates during an ILO session in Geneva. Also, the WTO was forced to postpone a regular dispute settlement meeting as the US refused to recognize Venezuela’s representatives.


Chile is ready to act as “a diplomatic bridge” between the EU’s International Contact Group and the Lima Group for a peaceful solution to the crisis.

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#456 Denis Jasharevic

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Posted 28 March 2019 - 15:47

Ne da shofer komunizam, osladilo mu se.
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#457 Dani 007

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Posted 28 March 2019 - 21:29

Minimalne plate u Latinskoj Americi  i Rusiji.


Cile- $452













Venecuela -$10




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#458 Denis Jasharevic

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Posted 28 March 2019 - 22:44

Trump ovo mora da reshi. Jasno da ce mnogo vishe problema imati od poludelih libtarda kuci nego bilo koga drugog u svetu, ali ako ovo ne reshi ........ nece biti dobro po njega.

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#459 Ginter

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Posted 31 March 2019 - 02:31

Opposition leader Juan Guaido’ spoke in front of his supporters in different rallies in the capital and said that he will not hesitate to invoke article 187 of the Constitution to call for a foreign military intervention in Venezuela.


The National Bolivarian Police used tear gas to repress demonstrations in several areas of Caracas


Following a new overnight nation-wide blackout, at least 15 of the country’s 23 states were reportedly still without power during the day, as was Caracas’s Simon Bolivar International Airport. The capital’s subway remained closed all day. The government is said to be mulling a national rationing of power, with the exceptions of Caracas and the nearby strategic state of Vargas. In a related development, the SENIAT state revenue service ordered the closure until the end of April of a hotel in the capital where Guaido’ stayed during the early March five-day power outage. NGO Medicos para la Salud says that at least 54 patients have died in public hospitals in the country on account of the recurrent blackouts.


According to the President of the Venezuelan Society of Engineers, Winston Cabas, it will take two years to restore the grid to its pre-7 March state and between 5 to 8 years, as well as 50 billion dollars in investments, to bring it to the levels of 20 years ago, before the rise to power of late President Hugo Chavez.


In the western border state of Táchira power outages have seriously affected water, health and electronic cash services, with 70 percent of stores having opted to close business and people resorting to the Colombian peso as the only cash available. Gasoline distribution has collapsed and may be rationed as of Monday.


In Apure power services have been disrupted all week and rationing has been introduced, while mobile and water services are not operational. The population has resorted to collecting water from the River Arauca. Sanitary and medical services in the hospital in San Fernando, the regional capital, are collapsing due to lack of power and water. There has been an increase in extra-judicial killings at the border between of El Amparo, Venezuela, and Arauca, Colombia, as gangs fight for control over smuggling routes.


Oil sector analyst Rafael Quiroz warned that as of 28 April the country will not be able to import gasoline from the United States on account of US sanctions against state oil company PDVSA and that, with a current daily production deficit of 40,000 barrels, stocks will run out in 10 days.

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#460 Ginter

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Posted 03 April 2019 - 14:29

Henry Falcón, former opposition presidential candidate, said that it is "necessary to redefine Guaidó’s strategy”, specifically, “the cessation of usurpation would have to change it for free elections". He also said that "it is necessary to question the call to march to Miraflores and the message towards the military component…".


47 people have been arrested since March 29 in Caracas and 6 states for protesting the failure of electricity and water services


Health Minister informed that although the country's 392 hospitals have been affected by recent power failures "there were no serious consequences during the power cuts" and "there were no losses of any vaccine and none of the supplies, nor of blood, reagents or medicines that require refrigeration". Also, he announced that 99 containers of medicines will arrive per month in 2019, thanks to the cooperation with Russia and China.


The Chamber of Industries reported that the national industry works at a quarter of its installed capacity due to the blackouts.


Rostec, a Russian state corporation, opened a helicopter training center to train Venezuelan pilots to fly Russian-made Mi-35M helicopter gunships as well as Russian-made military transport helicopters.


Peru is considering granting humanitarian visas to Venezuelans who want to enter the country 

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#461 Ginter

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Posted 08 April 2019 - 20:30

Juan Guaido denounced the National Guard sabotaged the organization of the opposition rally in Caracas: "They kidnapped four sound trucks from us, including the workers who were collaborating early on”. The march was initially intended to end in front of the state utility Corpoelec’s headquarters but was rerouted because the GNB anti-riot squads had taken up positions around the building. In Maracaibo, media sources say that at least 30 protesters were injured and 200 detained following clashes with the GNB, which also briefly arrested two opposition MPs and manhandled a journalist working for VPI TV. There are also reports of GNB repressive action in the state of Aragua and in the city of Barquisimeto, in Lara.


UNHCR estimates, 5,000 Venezuelans continue to leave the country daily.


The government released the electric rationing schedule to be applied in the country for 30 days. Except for Caracas and three other states, the rest of the country will have electricity cuts for at least 18 hours a week.


The US Treasury announced economic sanctions against 34 cargo ships transporting Venezuelan oil to Cuba. Cuban President denounced those measures as an “act of extraterritoriality, interference and imperial arrogance”.


The US Embassy in Caracas warned Americans remaining in the country to "depart while commercial flights are available," and "if choosing to stay, ensure" they "have adequate supplies to shelter in place". The US signed an agreement with Switzerland to represent its national interests in Venezuela, although for the moment it is not effective.

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#462 A sad

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Posted 09 April 2019 - 17:10

U senci desavanja u Venecueli gotovo neprimeceno su prosli lokalni i regionalni izbori u Ekvadoru. Naravno, sami po sebi ti izbori su nebitni za sve osim za one na koje direktno uticu, medjutim ovi izbori su ipak imali globalni znacaj. Razlog za to je sto se na njima prakticno odredjivala sudbina Dzulijana Asanza koji vec godinama zivi u ekvadorskoj ambasadi u Londonu.


Doslo je i do zvanicnog raspada vladajuce partije Alinaca Paiz, odnosno sledbenici izdajnika revolucije Lenjina Morena su iz partije isterali pristalice bivseg predsednika i iskrenog revolucionara Rafaela Koree. On je osnovao svoju partiju i okupio oko sebe iskrene revolucionare. Nije uspeo na vreme, naravno uz opstrukciju administracije, da registruje partiju, pa se radi izlaska na izbore ujedinio sa partijom nekog bivseg politickog saveznika. Ovi izbori su bili veliki obracun bivsih partijskih drugova, uvrede i optuzbe su pljustale na sve strane. Naravno u borbu se ukljucio i Asanz sa svojom wikileaks ekipom. Izneseni su mnogi podaci vezani za izdajnika Morena i njegovu porodicu o kojima se ranije nije znalo. To je sve uticalo na i ovako nizak rejting predsednika. 


Rezultati izbora i nisu toliko bitni. Opoziciona desnica je odnela ubedljivu pobedu. Lenjinova partija je dozivela debakl, nije osvojila nijednu provinciju (u nekima je bila u pobednickoj koaliciji ali za guvernere nisu izabrani njihovi clanovi). Iskreni komunista je preziveo i njegovi ljudi su pobedili u dve provincije, od kojih je jedna ona u kojoj se nalazi glavni grad Kito, medjutim nisu uspeli da osvoje nijedno gradonacelnicko mesto. Desnica je osvojila dosta vise glasova nego sve levicarske partije zajedno.


Ovi izbori su pokazali da i Ekvador skrece udesno i priprema se za smenu levicarskog rezima. Lenjin Moreno je nastavio skretanje svoje partije iz komunizam ka socijaldemokratiji, dok je Korea preziveo i predstoji mu borba za lidera levice ( to simbolicki receno jer on zivi u Belgiji u egzilu, kao pravi komunista nije otisao u kapitalisticku Kubu, vec u komunisticku Belgiju).


Kljucna stvar je da izdajnik revolucije Lenjin ne moze da oprosti Asanzu stavljanje na stranu njegovog neprijatelja i da mu se zbog toga blizi oduzimanje stanarskog prava. Britanska policija spremna ceka da ga sprovede do novog stana. Pa, stvarno je vec i vreme da promeni adresu. 

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#463 Ginter

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Posted 12 April 2019 - 17:22

President Maduro presented the Economic Recovery Program. As part of its efforts to boost local food production, he announced the government has delivered 285 land titles and 44.5 tons of seeds, fertilizers and agrochemicals, necessary for the planting of yellow corn in Yaracuy state. He highlighted cooperation with Vietnam and the start of the rice harvest.


Juan Guaidó criticized the "delay" of the UN and the Red Cross in recognizing the emergency in Venezuela: "you do not generate 7 million citizens at risk of death from one day to another, not counting the latent health emergency that we have as a result of the lack of basic services".


The ECLAC reported that the Venezuelan economy would suffer a 16% recession by 2019 due to "domestic dynamics" and the "complex external scenario".


The IMF said that shareholders are still undecided on whether to recognize Juan Guaidó as the country’s leader "It is for our members to indicate which authority they are recognizing diplomatically so we can then follow through". The US has the highest percentage of voting power both at the World Bank and the IMF but the process of a vote to decide who is accredited is not entirely clear and likely to require a consensus.


The ICRC announced a USD 24.6 million budget to intensify its activities in Venezuela "to address humanitarian needs…identified on a consensual basis" with the government.


Russia said, "that the UN countries are not very much inclined to resolve this issue (...) and it will be a coup d’etat at the UN", referring to the US draft resolution proposed to the Security Council to recognize Guaido’s representative.


The US Southern Command, Craig Faller, said that the US Army is studying several options and will be ready for any decision made by the US President "by the end of this year if Maduro remains in power".


US Senator Rick Scott (Republican, Florida) said that sanctions against "dictator" Maduro are not working and urged to consider a "military" intervention "to rid us of the scourge of Maduro and his thugs".

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#464 Ginter

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Posted 15 April 2019 - 19:29


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