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Indikar sezona 2015.

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#1 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 30 October 2014 - 16:58




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Posted 30 October 2014 - 19:46

Neka je sa srećom!

#3 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 31 October 2014 - 02:14

Analiza kalendara:


- Po prvi put jos od vremena CART sankcije Indikar sampionat ce zatvoriti trka na "redovnoj" stazi, umesto ovala. Poslednjih godina finale se vozilo na Fontani u Kaliforniji na kraljevsku duzinu od 500 milja, ali ogromna vrucina u to doba godine je ucinila da poseta bude mizerna. I ove godine finale ce biti u Kaliforniji ali u Sonomi, gde ima malo i hladovine. Fontana je pomerena na kraj juna.


- Sezona se opet zavrsava u avgustu, da bi se izbegao sukob sa NFL za TV gledaoce, ali zato ove godine pocinje ranije, vec na pocetku marta i to trkom u Brazilu. Najavljivana je jos jedna "inostrana" trka za mart, u Dubaiju, ali izgleda da nece biti nista od nje.


- Toronto je morao da pomeri svoje uobicajeno mesto na kalendaru zbog odrzavanja Panamerickih Igara (jedan od stadiona na kome ce se to desavati se nalazi unutar same staze) i zbog ovoga izgubio dabl-heder status. Takodje nema ni Hjustona, tako da je ove godine ostao samo jedan dabl-heder, onaj u Detroitu.


- Pored Brazilije, koja je nova staza, tu je i NOLA, novi autodrom u blizini Nju Orleansa. Staza je ganc nova, sagradjena 2011, i do sada nije bila domacin nekim zvucnijim takmicenjima. I Brazilija je autodrom (dakle - ne ulica).


Da krenemo trku po trku:


1. Brazilija, Brazil, 8. Mart:


Autodrom, jos uvek se vrse zavrsni radovi, ocekuje se nastup rodjenog Brazilijca Vitora Mire nekadasnjeg Indikar vozaca koji pregovara sa nekoliko ekipa oko nastupa na premijernoj trci u svom rodnom gradu.


2. St. Pit, Florida, 29. mart:


Ulicno-aerodromska staza, tradicionalno pocetak Indikar sezone ostaje na svom tradicionalnom datumu ali je sada druga trka po redu. Ovde cemo videti i premijeru novih aero-paketa!


Prosle godine pobedio Vil Pauer.


3. NOLA, Luizijana, 12. april:


Autodrom, po prvi put domacin jednog ozbiljnog takmicenja. Niko ne zna sta da ocekuje.


4. Long Bic, Kalifornija, 19. april:


Ulicna trka, uz Indi 500 najsjajniji dragulj u kruni Indikara, americki Monte Karlo, majka svih americkih ulicnih trka.


Prosle godine pobedio Majk Konvej.


5. Barber Park, Alabama, 26. april:


Ubedljivo najlepsa staza na Indikar sampionatu a i sire, ovaj autodrom je dokaz da je moguce napraviti novu i modernu stazu koja ima karakter i ne izgleda kao asfaltirani parking preko koga su povucene dve linije da ocrtaju konturu staze. Brezuljci, zelenilo, i apstraktne skulpture stvaraju jedinstvenu atmosferu.


Prosle godine pobedio Rajan Hanter-Rej.


6. VN Indijanapolisa, Indijana, 9. maj:


Po drugi put Mesec Maj zapocinje trkom na (doradjenoj) nekadasnjoj F1 stazi u okviru slavne Ciglane. Prosle godine trka je bila poprilicni uspeh, iako su pre nje mnogi bili skepticni.


Pobedio je Simon Pazeno.


7. Indi 500, Indijana, 24. maj:


Sta reci sto jos nije receno. Prvi oval sezone i prvi deo Triple Krune trka na 500 milja, ovo ce biti 99. izdanje Najveceg Spektakla Auto-sporta.


Prosle godine pobedio je Rajan Hanter-Rej.


8. i 9. Bel Ajl, Detroit, Micigen, 30. i 31. maj:


Formalno se vodi kao ulicna staza, ustvari park na ostrvu u blizini Detroita na samoj granici SAD i Kanade, karakterom najvise lici na Montreal iz F1. Jedini dabl-heder sezone.


Prosle godine pobednici su bili Vil Pauer i Elio Kastroneves.


10. TMS, Fort Vort, Teksas, 6. jun:


Oval sa visoko nagnutim krivinama, najbrza staza na Indikar kalendaru.


Prosle godine pobedio Ed karpenter.


11. Toronto, Kanada, 14. jun:


Ulicna staza, bilo je govora da ce trka biti premestena u obliznji Bovmanvil na autodrom Mosport gde se nekada davno vozila F1, ali se odustalo od toga jer ne postoji ni minimum bezbednosti (staza je suludo brza za moderne bolide). Kompromis je pronadjen u pomeranju datuma ali je morao da otpadne dabl-heder status. Vraca se 2016.


Proslogodisnji pobednici Sebastijan Borde i Majk Konvej.


12. Fontana, Kalifornija, 27. jun:


Drugi superspidvej na 500 milja, zadnje tri godine finale sezone sada pomereno na raniji datum da bi se izbeglo najsurovije sto kalifornijsko leto ima u ponudi.


Prosle godine pobedio Toni Kanan.


13. Milja Milvokija, Viskonsin, 12. jul:


Najstarija aktivna trkacka staza na svetu na kojoj se neprekidno vozi od 1903. godine, oval od tacno milju duzine bez nagiba u krivinama.


Prosle godine pobedio Vil Pauer.


14. Ajova Spidvej, Njutn, Ajova, 18. jul:


Kratki oval, najkraca staza na Indikar kalendaru, ovde se krug obrne za jedva 17 - 18 sekundi, nonstop akcija. Ovde vladaju Andretijevci, prosle 4 trke su osvojili njihovi vozaci!


Prosle godine je pobedio Rajan Hanter-Rej.


15. Mid-Ohajo, Ohajo, 2. avgust:


Autodrom sa dugom tradicijom, jedna od cuvenih americkih staza na kojima su 60-tih i 70-tih vozeni TransAm i KanAm sampionati.


Prosle godine pobedio Skot Dikson.


16. Pokono, Pensilvanija, 23. avgust:


Superspidvej trouglastog oblika sa tri potpuno razlicite krivine, mnogi ga smatraju za "redovnu" stazu koja se maskirala u oval. Treca stanica Triple Krune trka na 500 milja.


Prosle godine pobedio Huanpablo Montoja.


17. Sonoma, Kalifornija, 30. avgust:


Finale sezone ovaj put na autodromu umesto na ovalu. Prosle godine Sonoma nam je pruzila jednu od najhaoticnijih trka sezone kojoj je prethodio - zemljotres!


Prosle godine pobedio Skot Dikson.

Edited by Rad-oh-yeah?, 31 October 2014 - 02:16.

#4 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 31 October 2014 - 02:38

Timovi i vozaci potvrdjeni i nepotvrdjeni:


- Fojt: Hondini motori, uz Sato Takuma-sana koji ostaje u bolidu #14 ove godine ce tu biti i Dzek Hoksvort u bolidu #41 za kompletnu sezonu.


- Andreti: Hondina glavna uzdanica, najavljuju 4 bolida za kompletnu sezonu. Za sada potvrdjeni Andreti u #25, Hanter-Rej u #28 i Karlos Munjoz u #34. Ostaje da se vidi ko ce u #27 na upraznjeno mesto Gradonacelnika Hinca.


- BHA: Hondini motori, Brajan Herta najavljuje jedan bolid #98 za kompletnu sezonu, za sada se ne zna ko bi ga vozio.


- CFH: Sevroletovi motori, nova ekipa nastala fuzijom timova Sare Fiser i Eda Karpentera. U bolidu #20 ce na ovalima nastupati gazda Karpenter, dok se jos trazi ko bi vozio na ostalim stazama (opcije su Konvej i Hildebrand); U #67 ostaje Dzozef Njugarden.


- Ganasi: Sevroletovi motori, cetiri bolida za kompletnu sezonu, sigurni su #9 Dikson, #10 Kanan i #83 Kimbal dok se jos uvek ceka potvrda koce u #8 (supertalentovani ruki Sejdz Karam se pominje u nekim varijantama, Rajan Brisko je definitivno aut).


- Kojn: Hondini motori, dva bolida za kompletnu sezonu, #18 i #19, jos uvek bez zvanicne potvrde ko ce voziti, mada je realno ocekivati povratak Dzastina Vilsona i Karlosa Huertasa.


- Bird: Sevroletov motor, bolid #82 samo za Indi 500, vozice Sprintkar as Brajan Klauson.


- KV: Sevroletovi motori, dva bolida, u #11 ostaje Borde dok se za #17 ceka potvrda (verovatno ostaje Savedra)


- Lazir: Sevroletov motor, bolid #91 samo za Indi 500, sa Badijem Lazirom za volanom.


- RLL: Hondini motori, Grem Rehol potvrdjen za kompletnu sezonu u bolidu #15, radi se na dodavanju jos jednog bolida za celu sezonu (Luka Filipi?)


- Smit: Hondini motori, Gradonacelnik Hinc potvrdjen u #77, za #7 se ceka potvrda, najverovatnije ponovo Aljosin.


- Penski: Sevroletovi motori, prosirenje na 4 bolida za kompletnu sezonu, uz aktuelnog sampiona Pauera u #1 tu su jos i Montoja u #2, Kastroneves u #3 i pridoslica Pazeno u #22.


- FFU: nova ekipa koja radi na sastavljanju programa za kompletu sezonu za Dzastinovog mladjeg batu Stefana Vilsona. Jos uvek nepotvrdjeno.


Za sada potvrdjena 24 bolida za komplet sezonu, plus jos dva za Indi. Ocekuje se jos (za Indi naravno treba 33, a bice ih jos ako ne za komplet onda barem za delimicni program od par trka u sezoni).

#5 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 31 October 2014 - 02:40

#6 alpiner

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Posted 31 October 2014 - 16:58

Analiza kalendara:




Timovi i vozaci potvrdjeni i nepotvrdjeni:



Svaka čast!!

#7 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 31 October 2014 - 18:00

Sluzimo narodu! :+1:

#8 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 31 October 2014 - 21:42

15 godina:





#9 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 01 November 2014 - 04:43

My hero, Greg Moore – by James Hinchcliffe


I was nine years old when I got my first go-kart. It was December, 1995. A bit cruel, giving a nine-year-old a go kart in December when you live in Canada, but I didn't care. Even though I wouldn't be able to drive it for the first time until the spring, I spent hours sitting in it in my garage, making engine noises and imagining what it would be like to drive. I wanted to race. I wanted to win. Just like my racing heroes.

By this age, I was already a fully-fledged racing fanatic. My dad and I would get up at 7 a.m. on Sundays to watch the Formula 1 races. We'd do chores the rest of the morning; have lunch, then settle in for the Indy car races in the afternoon. Those were my Sundays as a kid, and I loved them.


1995 was a particularly good year to be a Canadian open-wheel racing fan. Our boy Jacques Villeneuve had won the Indy 500 and CART Indy car championship that year. But he was leaving, off to F1, to pick up where his father left off. I was excited that now we'd have a Canadian to cheer for in F1 and in Indy car. But a big question remained; who would drive that beautiful blue and white car that I'd grown used to seeing up front?


Enter Greg Moore. The bright-eyed youngster from British Columbia, fresh off his record-breaking season in Indy Lights, had gotten the nod. Perfect. Another fast Canadian. That should make the transition very easy, I thought.


In the spring of 1996 I made my racing debut. At the same time, Greg made his Indy car debut. Now, I don't mind admitting that he was much more prepared for his year than I was mine, but still, I was living my dream and getting to race, just like my heroes.


Greg was instantly one of my favorites, but it didn't take long for him to demote the rest and clearly take ownership of the number one spot in this race fan's mind. He was quick, exciting to watch, drove the prettiest car I'd ever seen, had a cool helmet (very important to a nine-year-old karter!) and his interviews were the best. He was always smiling and came across to me like a big kid who just couldn't believe he got to drive racecars for a living and loved and appreciated every minute of it. Knowing the amount of work and sacrifice it took to go racing, it was exactly how I felt about getting to race karts, and having that feeling in common really solidified why I was such a big Greg fan.


I watched as he won his first race in Milwaukee in ’97, beating none other than Michael Andretti to the line. I'll never forget that he came off Turn 4 and had his fist in the air way before the checkered flag (a big no-no, my dad told me). It was so cool to watch! I remember the Pac West cars getting it half a lap wrong on fuel and Greg going from third to first on the last lap a week later in Detroit. But my favorite race of Greg's, by far, was the U.S. 500 in 1998.


Back then they were racing with the Hanford Device, which made the racing bonkers. And by that I mean awesome for us to watch! It came down to a late restart, Greg was fourth, and the two Ganassi cars with Vasser and Zanardi were leading the way. The last few laps were a crazy, three-way back-and-forth battle for the win. It was a 230mph game of chess. Greg won the race and I remember being in awe of how well he had planned, timed and executed the pass that sealed the win. I was screaming at my TV willing him on. It was on that day that I knew Greg Moore was going to be one of the greatest racing drivers that had ever lived.


At the race in Toronto in 1999, the coolest thing happened. I got to meet Greg Moore. And I didn't just get his autograph (I'd done that before) but genuinely got to meet him. My dad had found and given me the steering wheel from the F1600 car that Greg had raced in the early '90s. A friend of my dad's had bought the car off the Moore family when Greg moved up to F2000 and he had replaced the wheel before he started racing the car. It was sitting in a box in his garage. My dad gave it to me, told me where it had come from and who it had belonged to, and I knew that I had to get this wheel, Greg's wheel, signed by him that year.


I brought the wheel to the race and stood outside the Player's Forsythe trailer for over three hours waiting to get him to sign it. At one stage, Greg came out and signed some autographs to my left. The next time he came out, it was some to my right. But I wasn't leaving until that wheel was signed. My family did stints standing with me, because no one wanted to endure the whole adventure. During my sister's stint, we stood behind the barriers, watching the crew guys pull the car apart. There was one other couple standing there, and the rest of the paddock was empty of fans.


After a while like this, one of the mechanics came over and said that he'd noticed we'd been standing there a while and asked if there was anything he could help us with. We explained the story and showed him the wheel. He thought it was such a cool story and told us to wait there and he'd go get Greg. Sure enough, Greg comes out and spends 10 minutes chatting to my sister and me. He loved the wheel, signed it, and couldn't have been nicer. We talked racing, karting, and Canada. It was the best. I was walking on air the rest of the day.


If he had come out and seen us when the masses were standing there, there is no way we would have got that amount of time with him. The way it worked out was absolutely perfect. I'd have waited 30 hours for that. I wish so badly that I remembered the mechanic that grabbed Greg for us. The irony is there's a damn good chance that I've worked with him in my years in the IndyCar paddock. I'll never know for sure, but I'll be eternally grateful, because I never would've gotten that opportunity again.


They say you shouldn't meet your heroes – that they rarely live up to your expectations. I call bulls--t. I met mine and he was an absolute legend. If your hero is a guy that has an insane fastball, or can sink a 38-yard putt, or acted the hell out of your favorite movie (but he is actually a huge jerk), you have two options. You either accept that he is a jerk or you find a new hero. Greg was my hero specifically because I met him, because he was a badass racing driver, and a really good guy. To me, that's what makes a hero. Being good at nailing three pointers doesn't give you carte blanche to be an ass. That's what set Greg apart in my mind. That's why I wanted to grow up to be just like Greg.


I'll never forget Halloween in 1999 for all the wrong reasons. I had watched the start of the race but had to leave shortly after to go to my friend's house for trick-or-treating. I saw the accident and was bummed Greg was out of the race, but that's about as far as I had taken it in my mind. I was rushing out the door. There was candy begging to be relieved from the neighbors' ample supplies. I was at my friend's house getting ready when the phone rang. His mom answered and tells me it's for me. It was a bit weird, but didn't think much of it. I grabbed the phone and can hear my mom on the other end crying. At the same moment, I happened to be facing the TV.


It was on a sports channel and as I stood, listening to my mother try and speak, I saw the rolling ticker at the bottom of the screen saying that Canadian driver Greg Moore had been killed at the season finale in Fontana. Right away, I knew why mom had called and why she was upset.


The rest of the night pretty much sucked, but I internalized everything I was thinking and feeling for my friend's sake. When I got home, I couldn't help but cry. Even at 12 years old, I knew it was a bit strange to cry for someone that you'd met once for 10 minutes. But that again made me realize how special Greg truly was. To have that kind of impact on a kid – on anyone – spoke volumes about his character and the way he attracted people to him. His attitude was contagious and it was so hard to process that it wouldn't be around anymore.


My parents struggled with letting me continue to race for a while after that, but ultimately they left the decision up to me. It's reason number 4,852,901 my parents are amazing.


As my career progressed and I finally made it into IndyCar, I started meeting a lot of people who had worked with, or raced against Greg. A lot of the mechanics on my car the last three years had worked for Forsythe during that time. I became friends with Greg's close friends Dario Franchitti and Tony Kanaan and Max Papis. I got to hear stories. I've spoken with his dad and met his brother. I got to know Greg better through them.


One of my favorite memories was after the Brazil IndyCar race one year. The race was done and we had hours to waste before the flight to get us all home. I sat in the bar at the hotel with Dario, TK, Scott Dixon, Jimmy Vasser and Oriol Servia – so many guys that I look up to and respect, and I sat silent for almost three hours (shocking, I know) just listening to all the stories of back in the day, with many featuring Greg.


All of these are the reasons why Greg was, and continues to be, my racing hero. I loved what he represented and what he stood for. To this day I wear red gloves, because that's what superheroes like Greg did and because they rule. The blue and yellow checkers on my helmet are inspired by Greg's helmet design.


They are subtle ways for me to pay tribute to him as he was the guy who helped motivate and mold me into the driver and person I am today. And for that, Greg, I thank you.​

#10 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 04 November 2014 - 16:09

BHA, tim Brajana Herte, potpisao Dzeja Hauarda za nastup na Indi 500 u bolidu #97. Hauard sa sobom donosi i sponzora.


Jos se uvek trazi vozac za kompletnu sezonu u bolidu #98.


Ekipa Brajana Herte je poslednji put osvojila Indi 500 2011. godine sa Denom Veldonom.

#11 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 06 November 2014 - 13:35

#12 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 21:49

Naskarovac Kurt Bus koji je nastupio na proslom Indi 500 i zauzeo 6. mesto je pod policijskom istragom zbog nasilja u porodici. Za sada nisu pusteni detalji u javnost, ni ko je zrtva ni kakve prirode su optuzbe:


Delaware police are investigating a domestic assault claim involving NASCAR driver Kurt Busch.


A statement from the Dover Police Department said that a victim came forward with the allegations on Wednesday, however it declined to offer any further details while the claims are being investigated.


"The Dover Police Department can confirm that an investigation is being conducted based on an allegation of domestic assault that is alleged to have occurred in the City of Dover involving Mr. Busch," read the department's statement.


"These allegations were brought to the Dover Police Department on Wednesday, November 5th at 2:00PM.


"At this time, the department is still investigating the victim's claims and will not have any further comment on this matter in order to preserve the integrity of the case."


NASCAR responded with its own statement on Friday.


"NASCAR is aware of the investigation involving driver Kurt Busch," said the series.


"We recognise the seriousness of this matter and are actively gathering information from all parties, including law enforcement authorities and Stewart-Haas Racing.


"It would be inappropriate for NASCAR to comment further on this matter until we have more information."


The Armed Forces Foundation, which has worked with both Busch and his ex-girlfriend Patricia Driscoll, has already announced that it is severing its ties with the 2004 Cup champion until the investigation has been completed.


"Given the serious nature of the allegations, the Foundation has suspended its association with Mr. Busch," said AFF chairman of the board Pat LaFrieda in a statement.


Busch participated in the opening practice sessions for this weekend's Cup race at Phoenix.

#13 Dzoni_m

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Posted 08 November 2014 - 20:32

Zasto me to ne iznenadjuje? Jel' to onaj sto namerno nabode kolegu jer kolega uspesno brani poziciju? 

#14 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 11 November 2014 - 22:48

#15 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 12 November 2014 - 04:44

IndyCar 2015 aero kits a big speed boost - Helio Castroneves
By Mark Glendenning     
Tuesday, November 11th 2014, 21:48 GMT

Helio Castroneves says that he can already feel the improvements in the new IndyCar aero kit scheduled for 2015, despite having only tested an early iteration of Chevrolet's oval-spec version.

Chevrolet and Honda have testing programmes under way ahead of the homologation deadline in January, with the new bodywork set to make its race debut in St Petersburg.

Both manufacturers have actively worked to maintain a high level of secrecy around their projects, although Chevrolet was the victim of leaked spy shots from a road course test at Austin last month.

Descriptions from drivers about tests have been correspondingly rare, but while Castroneves declined to discuss when or where he sampled the new kit, the Team Penske star told AUTOSPORT that his initial impressions were that the projected improved lap times will be achieved.

"I tested it on an oval once, although obviously it was just an initial [version] of the kit, and I'm sure it is going to change a lot," Castroneves said.

"Right now, the only thing I can say is that there is obviously more downforce.

"Remember, we're talking about a car that was developed three or four years ago, and when you update downforce versus drag, it's huge.

"So you are going to see some very fast speeds out there.

"It's going to be fun. It's very heavy [in the steering] - I'm going to have to work out a little bit in the arms - but that's a good thing.

"When you add more downforce, it obviously becomes heavier. But I think we'll see some faster lap times than we did this year."

Both manufacturers are expected to formally reveal their aero kits to the public shortly after the homologation process has been completed.