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#2056 blokovionline

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Posted 06 November 2016 - 03:27

Prati li neko ovo ili samo pikate 3+,  iz 2 u 1, jedan na jedan...

Meni ovo prijemcljivo.

Ima li neko misljenje ali onako malo insajdersko? 

Procitah ovo na netu 1 Nov, i svidelo...

Podseca ne brexit, mislim na odnos ulozenog/vracenog.



It basicly feels like watching a new episode of Game of Thrones every single day at the moment. Trump came out as a meteor slamming the established political situation of Amerika asunder. Without Trump no one would be talking boarder control, without trump no one would be talking of corrupt politicians and no one would be talking of the derailed downhill roller coaster that is American economy at the moment.


I will explain below why America is at the biggest turning point in our life times, why Trump will win. Why Clinton is on the road to prison and not president. And how much corruption USA is actually finding itself in


So who is Trump and why Trump? He is the only kind of candidate that could make a significant difference for the republicans. The game in american politics has always been that the media works as priests did in the middle ages, they are the ones to give their blessing and to crown the king, king being the president in this case. This is no longer the case however. After pulling his media stunt off successively, Trump has continuously made a fool of the mainstream media, tricking them into giving him attention which they thought would be a bad thing.. Well Trump does not follow the path they put for him to follow, into an ambush of making him look like an insane rich guy. He is honest, he is direct and short in words that normal people can understand and relate to. He understands how to communicate with the average american, suffering under current political and economical situation. What does the media do? They throw gasoline on the bonfire thinking that its water


Trump has basicly had everyone against him, except one major factor.. Which is the wikileaks. Since the debates started, Julian Assage has promised that he will be leaking deleted E-mails that will implode Hillery and her campaign. So far Assage has kept his word, bombshell after bombshell, he has been dropping information leaks, that show how deep the corruption of Hillery Clinton and the democrats has went.


Whats even better, is that the FBI has currently picked Hillerys E-mail case up again. Rumors has it that there has been a smaller rebellion inside the FBI since James Comey dismissed Hillerys trial, there has been strong evidence, 100% accurate, that Hillery has actually broken her vow to keep classified information secret, by having her emails on an unprotected email server, and in general being totally irrespnsible. Other US official has had their lives ruined from 1/5 of what Hillery has done.


Hillerys health has also been a question, with her crazy coughs, blackouts occouring and mental sanity jumping out from her at moments. There is reason to believe aswell, that she is develloping Parkinsons disease, being on drugs and simular arguments have been made.


Hillery has never been popular with the american public, they know this, and their hope to get down Trump has went so low that their attacks currently consists of sexual scandals only, with the media releasing a video of Trump talking Lockerroom Talk in 2005. While Wikileaks released critical information about the corruption of the clintons. Whats even worse, is that polls are actually showing positive numbers for Trump, the democrats do not know what to do about this, and some of the most prominent democrats knows that Trump as president could mean the end of their political career. I think they are scared shitless. And the current situation is so far out, that the democrats and Hillery are threatening Russia with military answer for assumed Cyber attacked performed to rigg the election ,which they have produced no proof of being by Russia, or having happened at all.


Russia is taking this threat extremely Serious, they are prepared their people for an all out war, Puting having sent letters to all Russian officials outside Russias borders, that they need to get home immediately, both them and family. Minister of justice Alexander Konovalov has been quoted, ''the election of Hillery equals war''.


The polls currently show a mixed picture of the race in the polls. The most accurate poll through past elections has put Trump at 42% of the votes, and Hillery at just 39.9% polls in the mainstream media will show you that Trump is far down, and the Hillery is winning to discourage people from going to vote for Trump. But that illusion that they are trying to produce, is starting to fade. Trump is gaining momentum


I hope with all my heart that Trump will win this. What the future holds for us is hard to predict right now, but the american public are starting to see the true picture of American politicians, and it is uglier than ever.


For the record, the odds on Trump has tropped from odds 7 just a few weeks ago, down to 3.25 as we see now.


Jos da dodam.

Odigrao ja online kvota 3 i nesto da Tramp pobedjuje cisto sprdnje radi, ako bude sutra u Planetu kvota pet na pobedu Trampa (ko sto je do sad bila) odigracu i tu za male novce. Malo informacija imamo iz prve ruke, a nisam toliko dokon da pratim americke izbore.

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#2057 ciomi

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Posted 09 November 2016 - 18:36

Odigrao ja online kvota 3 i nesto da Tramp pobedjuje cisto sprdnje radi, ako bude sutra u Planetu kvota pet na pobedu Trampa (ko sto je do sad bila) odigracu i tu za male novce. Malo informacija imamo iz prve ruke, a nisam toliko dokon da pratim americke izbore.

Vala bas lepo. Trampulina vec kren'o da investira u gradjane Srbije. Ovo je posle biciklizma i skijanja nesto najegzoticnije sto sam odigrao. Ne bih, nego me skoro pa nagovorila zenska osoba koja zivi u USA vec  preko dve decenije. Rece da histerija medija ide toliko daleko da se populaciji smucilo izvestavanje i da prave bukvalno T reklamu. Na pitanje zasto se interesujem (pricali smo o tome jedno pola cukice) a onda cuvsi moj odgovor je zborila da nisam normalan. I tako...

Inace ovo zacementirano vodi ka otopljavanju odnosa RUS i USA sto je dobro, da se malo olabavi situacija. 

Edited by ciomi, 09 November 2016 - 18:39.

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#2058 jcn

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Posted 23 November 2016 - 15:03

rukomet tripl


mors-hostelbro 2 1,45

psg-monpelje 1 1,12

veclar-lemgo 1 1,2

ukupna kvota : 1,95 (mozzartbet)

duplanje nemam vremena za analizu, trebalo bi da dodje, pokusaj da se vratim u neki normalan kolosek zato nisam ni kacio nista neko vreme... 

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#2059 Zli Gli

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Posted 15 December 2016 - 23:51

Opet sam singlirao Sent Luis, igraju kuci protiv prosecnih Devilsa a nasao sam kvotu 2 za pobedu u regularnom delu. Imaju najvise bodova u ligi kuci ali su samo jednu od zadnje 4 pobede kuc dobili u regularnom delu a Devilsi su ocajni na strani i to je sansa za petu pobedu u nizu protiv njih, prosle 4 sve u regularnih 60 minuta, lezi im Nju Dzersi definitivno.


Vezao sam keca i na tiket sa Bostonom 1x, cuvenim Bruinsima koji me uvek ruse ali ih uporno igram... Vidim da i Ameri masovno podrzavaju Sent Luis veceras, mislim da je sve preko 1.8 tu vredno igranja.

Edited by Zli Gli, 15 December 2016 - 23:59.

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#2060 Zli Gli

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Posted 16 December 2016 - 08:18

Sent Luis 5:2 ali Boston nastavlja da me razara, tacno vise nisam normalan sta radim :D 2:0 poveli u razmaku od 13 sekundi u prvoj i to im nije bilo dovoljno da ne izgube u 60 minuta... Pakao :D Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk
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#2061 Zli Gli

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Posted 24 December 2016 - 22:03

U nedostatku bilo cega drugog, opeglao sam dva tiketa sa po dva para iz NFL-a veceras, pocinju za par minuta.


Prvi je h2+3.5 na Indianapolis Coltse protiv Oakland Raidersa. Coltsi losi ove sezone ali i kao takvi imaju neke sanse da budu prvi u svojoj prelosoj diviziji i tako udju u plejof, dok su Raidersi zverski dobro odigrali do sad i ovo im je prva sezona sa pozitivnim skoro posle mnogo godina, jaki su kao zemlja. Ipak, igram na kartu blagog (o)pustanja kod domacih i na veliku zelju gostiju da se ipak docekaju plejofa, mada treba jos ponesto da im se poklopi, kao sto je ovaj poraz Tenesee Titansa i potencijalni sutrasnji poraz Houston Texansa. Uglavnom, Coltsima trebaju obe pobede do kraja i jos nesto da im se namesti ali ja se necu buniti i ako izgube napeto, bitno je da bude borba do samog kraja :D Drugi par je cista pobeda Seattle Seahawksa protiv Arizona Cardinalsa, tu nema mnogo filozofije, oni gaze kuci sve redom a gosti ne mogu u plejof i nadam se da nece biti iznenadjenja jer sam tu kvotu 1.3 stavio da pojacam ukupnu kvotu :D


Za malo manji ulog sam igrao dubl Seahawks h1-7.5 jer ocekujem laganu pobedu ipak i vezao sa 51.5 manje na New Orleans Saints - Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Tampi tu gori a na strani su ove sezone uglavnom igrali sa malo poena i samo jednom probili tu granicu.

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#2062 Zli Gli

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Posted 25 December 2016 - 09:36

Ne treba uvek traziti logiku prilikom kladjenja, definitivno :D Sve kontra, jako zanimljivo... Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk
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#2063 realno *W

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 13:06

Poljska +4.5 protiv Norveške.


SP u rukometu.

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#2064 add me on xvideos

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 15:31

granica na hrvate 33.5 protiv saudijske arabije...ja mislim da je realno da to prebace


jel ima neko upucen u rukometna desavanja

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#2065 Pero_Cameron

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 17:15

Pa to je tek sutra?
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#2066 jcn

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 17:34

granica na hrvate 33.5 protiv saudijske arabije...ja mislim da je realno da to prebace


jel ima neko upucen u rukometna desavanja


meni je rukomet broj jedan sport. namerno nista ne igram prvo kolo, pratih ove pripremne utakmice isto. jeste realno al hrvati ce igrati sa rezervama i dozirano nema tu forsiranja. druga stvar sve te ne evropske ekipe igraju neke netipicne kombinovane odbrane. realna prica je over 33,5 al ne zaleci. 

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#2067 add me on xvideos

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 17:58

ok onda cekamo drugo kolo

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#2068 jcn

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 19:17

ja cu ipak da probam jedan singl vcrs na nizi ulog cisto da se isprati


tip : h1pp (2,5)

kvota : 1,85 (balkanbet)

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#2069 realno *W

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 08:55

Poljska +4.5 protiv Norveške.


SP u rukometu.



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#2070 Pero_Cameron

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 20:29

Danas uhvacen
Brazil-Poljska 1 (2.10)
Norveska-Rusija 1 (2.00) 
Spanija-Tunis h2 (1.85) 

Jos Hrvatska 1 i fine parice :D :thumbs:

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