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MoveOn.org: An emergency petition from citizens around the w

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#1 sonja

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Posted 04 March 2003 - 16:45

Pozivam vas da potpisete ovu peticiju na stranici MoveOn.org (link je u tekstu). Ukoliko je potreban prevod, rado cu ga postirati...

Dear MoveOn member, 

We've launched an emergency petition from citizens around the 
world to the U.N. Security Council
. We'll be delivering the 
list of signers and your comments to the 15 member states of 
the Security Council on THURSDAY, MARCH 6. 

If hundreds of thousands of us sign, it could be an enormously 
important and powerful message -- people from all over the 
world joining in a single call for a peaceful solution. But 
we really need your help, and soon. Please sign and ask your 
friends and colleagues to sign TODAY at: 


In the next week, the U.N. Security Council will likely meet 
to decide on authorizing a war against Iraq. If the Council 
votes to accept a second resolution, it'll be very difficult 
to avert a war. But if the resolution doesn't get enough 
votes, it'll be a major setback for the Bush Administration's 
plans to invade and occupy Iraq. 

In the United States and around the world, millions of us 
oppose a war against Iraq. We believe that tough inspections 
can disarm Saddam Hussein without the loss of a single life. 
This week may represent our last chance to win without war. 

The stakes couldn't really be much higher. A war with Iraq 
could kill tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and inflame 
the Middle East. According to current plans, it would require 
an American occupation of the country for years to come. And 
it could escalate in ways that are horrifying to imagine. 

We can stop this tragedy from unfolding. But we need to speak 
together, and we need to do so now. Let's show the Security 
Council what world citizens think. You can add your voice at: 


Then please ask your friends, family, colleagues, 
acquaintances -- anyone you know who shares this concern -- to 
sign on today. As the New York Times put it, "there may still 
be two superpowers on the planet: the United States and world 
public opinion." The Bush Administration's been flexing its 
muscles. Now let's flex ours. 

--Eli Pariser 
International Campaigns Director 
March 3rd, 2003 

P.S. Here's the letter we'll be delivering to the Security 
Council members along with the petition: 

Dear Member of the U.N. Security Council, 

We are citizens from countries all over the world. We are 
speaking together because we will all be affected by a 
decision in which your country has a major part -- the 
decision of how to disarm Iraq. 

The first reason for its existence listed in the Preamble to 
the Charter of the United Nations is "to save succeeding 
generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our 
lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind." If your 
country supports a Security Council resolution that would 
authorize a war on Iraq, you will directly contradict that 
charter. You will be supporting an unnecessary war -- a 
war which immediately, and in its unknown consequences, 
could bring "untold sorrow to mankind" once again. 

The U.N. was created to enable peaceful alternatives to 
conflict. The weapons inspections under way are a perfect 
example of just such an alternative, and their growing 
success is a testament to the potential power the U.N. holds. 
By supporting tough inspections instead of war, you can show 
the world a real way to resolve conflict without bloodshed. 
But if you back a war, it will undermine the very premise 
upon which the U.N. was built. 

President Bush argues that only by endorsing a war on Iraq 
can the United Nations prove its relevance. We argue the 
opposite. If the Security Council allows itself to be 
completely swayed by one member nation, in the face of viable 
alternatives, common sense and world public opinion, then it 
will be diminished in its role, effectiveness, and in the 
opinion of humankind. 

We do not support this war. For billions of citizens in 
hundreds of countries, and for the future generations whose 
lives will be shaped by the choice you make, we ask that you 
stand firm against the pressuring of the Bush Administration, 
and support tough inspections for Iraq. The eyes of the 
world are on you. 

[Number] citizens of the world. 

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority; the test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority. Ralph W. Stockman

[ Izmena poruke: sonja na dan 2003-03-04 16:47 ]

#2 Tromotorac

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Posted 04 March 2003 - 16:52

UN je skup oligarhija, od kojih je vecina korumpirana ili diktatorska.

Engleska i USA, bas kao i Francuska i Nemacka su demokratije, gde gradjani imaju daleko vise uticaja na svoje politicare nego bilo gde drugde.

Sad ce neka Libija da predsedava komitetom za ljudska prava. Ili neki Sudan da se pita kako da se zapadni svet ponasa.... ma hajde. UN treba rasklopiti sto pre. Postao je impotentan, kao liga naroda...

#3 sonja

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Posted 04 March 2003 - 16:59

Tromotorac, peticija je protiv rata a ne pro UN.

#4 Tromotorac

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Posted 04 March 2003 - 17:07

Pa s' obzirom da je upucena u UN, zar ti ne deluje suvisno?

#5 sonja

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Posted 04 March 2003 - 17:26

Koliko god nedostataka UN imali, oni jos uvek imaju moc da odlucuje o vaznim stvarima, kao na primer da li dati podrsku USA za rat u Iraku (i time sankcionisati taj rat kao potreban i pravedan). S toga i peticija. A o tome da li UN treba da postoji mozemo takodje razgovarati (ako prezivimo sadasnje ne normalno stanje) samo mislim da ne treba mesati issues (iako mozda i jesu povezani)...

#6 elle

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Posted 06 March 2003 - 13:40

U nepuna 2 dana, 550 000 ljudi potpisalo ovu preticiju. Ovo je jedna od najvecih peticija ikada.

Peticija ce biti predata u ponedeljak, dakle jos ima vremena da se salje teks na ceo address book (:smile: )

mail poslan juce, 6. matrta 2003.

Dear MoveOn member,

The response to our emergency petition to the U.N. Security
Council has been nothing short of extraordinary. Less than
two days after the petition was launched, over 550,000 people
have signed, from over 200 countries. It's a strong message
from the peoples of the world that the Security Council
should support tough inspections in Iraq, not war. It's also
the fastest-growing online petition we've ever seen -- and
already one of the largest in history.

You can be a part of this enormous success. Just sign the
petition at:


We'll be delivering the petition to the U.N. Security Council
on Monday -- that's when our sources at the U.N. tell us it'll
make the most waves. We need to send the petition to press on
Friday night, but we'd like to have as many signers as
possible by that time. By signing the petition and sharing it
with your friends, you can help us hit the 750,000 mark.
Please take a moment to sign up today.

--Carrie, Eli, Joan, Peter, Wes, and Zack
The MoveOn Team
March 6th, 2003

P.S. Our petition was launched in cooperation with the American
Friends Service Committee, who have a terrific website that
provides resources and information on the crisis in Iraq. Check
it out at:


P.P.S. Yesterday, our local ad went up in over 111 local
newspapers across the nation, our billboards are now up in
Detroit, San Francisco and L.A., and our "Inspections Work. War
Won't." message is on a quarter of all the busses in Washington
D.C. The financial support of MoveOn members for these
initiatives has been overwhelming -- you funded over 100 local
ads in less than a day!

One note of caution about giving to good causes: Never give your
credit card number over the phone in response to any telephone
solicitation. And only give online or by mail to organizations
you know and trust (like us).

Thanks for making this work possible.

Some links:

Our "No link" ad that ran in 111 newspapers yesterday:

Our billboard and busses layout:

How to donate to MoveOn.org:


#7 Wu shu

Wu shu
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Posted 06 March 2003 - 14:16

Par komentara na akciju MoveOn.org: sve u njihovom nastupu potvrdjuje moju tezu da je glavni razlog masovnih protesta STRAH od mogucih (i verovatnih) konsekvenci (njihov slogan: "WAR WILL HURT AMERICA" ).

Posebno je zanimljiv citat Thomasa Friedmana koji prenosi MoveOn.org koji kaze kako se "ne sme u rat ici sa lazima". To je onaj ISTI T.F. koji je pak skovao neslavni slogan da "Beograd treba bombardovati do kamenog doba". Sto bi Srbin rek'o, i zec ostri onu stvar na siroce.

Sta se to desilo izmedju Beograda i Bagdada da dodje do ovakvog "kopernikanskog" obrta? 9/11 - naucili su da razlikuju stvarnu bol od holivudskih filmova.

#8 elle

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Posted 06 March 2003 - 14:41

Da, da, Wu, Rat se moze okrenuti protiv USA. Ja ne vidim sta smeta ( a ne kazem ni da ti to tvrdis) tom argumentu. Svi su razlozi PROTIV RATA NA BLISKOM ISTOKU ( ovo ja vicem :wink: ) validni. Ovaj sigurno. Od americkih aktivista imas u rasponu sve kategorije, racionalne ljude, emotivne , altruiste... you name it!! Ovaj razlog, da ce rat povrediti Ameriku je sasvim racionalan i ja mislim, itekako tacan. Bumerang je , meni , evidentan. Pa, svim se raspolozivim argumentima treba boriti protiv rata. Bilo kojeg rata, bilo gde. Ali ako pricamo o americkim (usa) aktivistima, ovda je ovo obaska lep primer patriotizma. Pa, gde bi nam kraj bio da je srpska populacija sva! ustala na noge i rekla: ne, ne moza se napadati niko, ne mogu se braniti teritorije "gde god zive Srbi"... ne moze sofinizam, ne moze rat, .... jer je to lose za Sribiju. Ne mislis?

#9 Wu shu

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Posted 06 March 2003 - 23:54

Elle, moj komentar na MoveOn.org nije bio negativan (mada je mozda tako ispalo). Samo mi je zanimljivo otkud sad najednom provala antiratnog sentimenta kad su dojuce vikali "nuke the bastards". (Secam se naslova iz UK lista The Sun povodom bombardovanja BGD-a 99: SERBS THEM RIGHT)

#10 elle

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Posted 07 March 2003 - 02:01

Nisam ja ni mislila da je negativan, nego vidim i ovde u Francuskoj nekako iskrivljeno vide ovu svetsku antiwar ujdurmu, u stilu " ma, nece oni nama"... a , opet americki zvanicnici istu proglasavaju za Anti amerikanizam, kao da su , recimo amerikanci, koji su protiv rata, ujedno i protiv svoje zemlje.

Mislim da je vazna ta paralela, radilo se o Srbiji, USA, svejedno kojoj zemlji, da kad se kaze: ovo nije dobro za nas, to to i znaci. Kao sto za Srbiju nije bilo dobro voditi ratove ( koji nisu bili vodjeni...) . Konsekventno, to nije bilo dobro ni za koga. To je pozitivni egoizam i bas mu nista ne fali, zar ne?

I ja se nacuditi ne mogu nekim analiticarima ovde, koji ladne glave kao argument protiv napada na Irak kazu: pa evo sta smo napravili od Kosova, kome li je to bila pomoc?


#11 elle

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Posted 12 March 2003 - 11:36

Evo novog maila Move On:

Dear MoveOn supporters around the world,

Please visit http://www.globalvigil.org and plan a candlelight vigil
for peace in your area on Sunday, March 16 at 7 pm. MoveOn.org and
the Win Without War coalition, together with Archbishop Desmond Tutu
and many faith-based organizations, are calling this vigil, and we
need your help.

Beginning in New Zealand, this will be a rolling wave of candlelight
gatherings that will quickly cross the globe. It's up to you to make
this happen. Today we are asking individuals, like you, to organize
a vigil in each community. We're hoping that thousands of small
groups around the world will be inspired to come together and
stand for peace.

For more information about how to make this happen in your community
and to join with millions of others around the globe, go to


It's time for the world to come together in this moment of darkness
and rekindle the light of reason -- and of hope. It's time to renew
our commitment to building a positive world for our children.

With your help, we will see the first candlelight vigil to sweep
around the globe on the evening of March 16th. Together, we will
lead the nations of the world away from an unnecessary war and
toward a peaceful and prosperous future.

This is a key moment in history. Be a part of it. Go to:


Thank you,

-Wes Boyd, MoveOn.org
Tom Andrews, Win Without War
Tuesday March 11, 2003

P.S. You can make your local vigil as small or as big as you wish.
The important thing is to act now and to add your efforts to the
efforts of thousands of others around the world. Whether you plan
a gathering with just your closest friends, or organize an event
for thousands, you will be making a difference. Register your
event on our web site above.

Immediately afterward, please report your vigil to our web site
or to photos@moveon.org, with digital photographs if possible.
If you know how, please crop and resize your photos to approximately
200h x 150v pixels and send them in .jpg format. Please include
the city, location and country of your vigil. We will compile the
reports and photos for the media.

P.P.S. Yesterday, we delivered to the 15 United Nations Security
Council members anti-war comments from one million people around
the world, gathered last week in just five days. 180 boxes of
your petitions were delivered, which drew extensive media attention.
It now appears that the Bush administration's resolution on Iraq will
fail to garner Security Council support, and world public opinion has
been a key part of this. Thank you!

#12 elle

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Posted 14 March 2003 - 03:48

poslednji mail MovON

Dear MoveOn supporter,

In the emergency petition we presented to the U.N. Security
Council on Monday, over a million of us joined together to ask
for tough inspections, not war. It was an amazing and
unprecedented show of global unity that brought folks from
virtually every country together in one voice. (See below for
a more detailed description of how Monday's delivery went.)

Signing the petition is an important first step, but in the
face of an ever-closer and still unjustified war, we need to
escalate our activity. That's why it's so important that
every person who signed the emergency petition take the next
step: joining the wave of candlelight vigils that will circle
the globe this Sunday. This is going to be a massive global
event. Already -- just since Tuesday -- 1,605 vigils have been
scheduled in 77 countries. You can see what vigils have been
scheduled in your area, and sign up for one, at:


The site will show you how many people are signed up to attend
the vigils near you. Spread the word to your friends, have
them sign up on the site, and we can all watch as the numbers

Beginning in New Zealand, these locally organized candlelight
vigils will circle around the globe. They'll be beautiful,
powerful, and inspiring. They'll send an eloquent and clear
message that the world wants peace. And they'll be supported
by many religious leaders -- including Archbishop Desmond
Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner -- who will help to
articulate the moral case against war.

Never before have so many coordinated vigils taken place
around the globe. We have the opportunity on Sunday to show
just how the world feels about the war on Iraq -- but the
impact depends on your participation. Please take some time
to join millions in countries around the world in a Global
Vigil for Peace. Sign up now at:


If you can't make a vigil, you can still join the global
action on Sunday. Just put Christmas lights or anything that
shines in your window on Sunday evening.

As for our U.N. petition, we'll still be delivering updates
to the Security Council, so if you have friends or
colleagues who haven't signed, please ask them to go to:


Together, we can avert this war.

--Carrie, Diane, Eli, Joan, Peter, Randall, Wes, and Zack
The MoveOn Team
March 12, 2003

P.S. Here's a report from Diane Jones, the MoveOn member who
pulled together the petition delivery on Monday:

Dear MoveOn supporters,

In a week's time, you helped us deliver the fastest-growing
petition we've ever seen to each of the 15 U.N. Security
Council member nations. The meetings with Security Council
members were accompanied by a press conference that helped to
get our message out across the United States and beyond.

To give you a sense of the scale involved, each copy of the
petition was twelve boxes' worth of paper. These boxes served
as an impressive backdrop for our press conference, where
MoveOn, American Friends Service Committee, and Win Without
War representatives were joined by Ethan Hawke, Jessica Lange,
and Steve Buscemi -- actors who helped to show the popular
appeal of our call. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Time Magazine, New
York Times, L.A. Times, People Magazine, Inside Edition, and a
long list of other media outlets were there to capture the

After the press conference, over 300 amazing New York City
volunteers helped to deliver the boxes to the U.N. missions of
each Security Council country. These meetings were nothing
short of inspiring.

The coordinator of the Guinean mission meeting described her
experience this way:

"22 people attended. I [said to the Guinean representative]
that they, of all people, should vote NO WAR because they knew
in their hearts what war was like and that we only knew it
from our heads. I mentioned a letter I read from a woman who
had visited Iraq lately and wrote that Iraqis do not speak of
the future because they do not believe they have one.

He responded in English saying that Guinea was a very poor
country but that they liked being free. He said that they
would rather be poor and free than rich and-- he extended his
hands in front of him crossed at the wrists as if bound."

Even when a few of the missions would not confirm an actual
meeting, our MoveOn delegation arrived to officially present
the petition to the Ambassador's office and to get a
representative to meet with them on the spot. Cameroon's
mission was one such challenge, as described by the meeting

"Total success at Cameroon mission today! I was blown away by
the preparation and eloquence and French-speaking (some) of
the 16 or so people who showed up to deliver the petition.
After a bit of checking [we were escorted] to a meeting room
upstairs, where we sat around a table and people shared their
prepared comments. Everyone was respectful but that didn't
preclude displays of passion and emotion. . . . [One] woman,
after saying she had never done anything like this before and
was doing it because she was scared of what might happen, said
on a lighter note that the Cameroonian Lions team had given
her a lot of enjoyment over the years, which elicited some
laughs from the reps."

The German contingent also had a great experience:

"We met with Dr. Hans Schumacher, Deputy Permanent
Representative of Germany to the UN. Dr. Schumacher
interrupted a meeting to meet with us ... and gave us a warm
welcome." "About 20 people represented MoveOn.org. Lin Wefel
[meeting coordinator] read from a prepared statement about the
petitions that MoveOn.org had collected and our desire for a
peaceful settlement to the Iraq crisis.

Ambassador Schumacher welcomed the MoveOn.org representatives
by saying, 'As far as this mission is concerned, you are
coming in through open doors.' He noted that the German
mission is opposed to war as a means of disarming Iraq.

Ambassador Schumacher said his personal feeling was that the
U.S. and Britain would not be able to get nine votes on the
Security Council to pass another resolution on Iraq. He said
that Germany believes that the existing UN resolutions have
sufficient authority to disarm Iraq through vigorous arms

We have received similar, often exuberant reports from the
other meeting coordinators. It was a powerful experience --
and one you made possible by signing the petition.


The U.N. Security Council mission meetings and petition
delivery project, and our work for the preceding week was made
possible by the incredibly hard work and generous financial
contributions of members, hundreds of volunteers, and local
and national organizations. We deeply appreciate the
assistance that we have received -- we couldn't have pulled
this off without lots of lightning-speed help!

Thanks go to the over 300 NYC volunteers who came out on
Monday on extremely short notice to attend the mission
meetings, hold banners, and generally increase our presence
during the events. Very special thanks goes to the team of
volunteer coordinators, who used their commitment and
ingenuity to pull off outstanding meetings. They are: Tim
Bailey, David Bogoslaw, Merrily Butler, Susan Chenelle,
Jessica Flagg, Cheryl Guttman, Elinore Klein, Yvonne Lassalle,
Judy Martialay, Carl Pritzkat, Rikki Reich, Sarah Richardson,
David Roth, Kristin Roth-Ey, Michael Rothman, Bethene Trexel,
and Lin Wefel. Extra special thanks goes to Tim Bailey, who
went the extra "hundred miles" to give his time, skills,
enthusiasm, and unique gifts to make this happen.

Many sincere thanks also to:
Tom Andrews, Ira Arlook, Steve Buscemi, Sarah Clark, David
Fenton, Trevor Fitzgibbon, Ethan Hawke, Jessica Lange, Mary
Lord, Josh Lucas, Brendan McCarthy, Mary Ellen McNish,
the American Friends Service Committee and the Win Without War

The last thank you goes to every one of MoveOn's members and
supporters. We have to say it again -- you are making an
incredible impact around the world. We are honored and proud
to work with you.

#13 sonja

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Posted 14 March 2003 - 20:12

elle, preduhitri me. :razz:

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority; the test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority. Ralph W. Stockman

[ Izmena poruke: sonja na dan 2003-03-14 20:12 ]