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Roger Federer

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#16 Slobodan

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Posted 05 October 2008 - 18:43

Federer je uneo umetnost u tenis. Posle svih Bolitijerijevih klonova 'run and gun' stila, on je zaista promenio izgled tenisa. To sto on radi niko nikada nije radio. Njegovo kretanje je neverovatno, kao da lebdi iznad terena. Nadal kada se krece izgleda kao da je u olovnim cizmama. Za mene je on vec GOAT bez ikakve sumnje....
Najbolja kik-serva svih vremena. Najbolja serve sto se tice varijacija svih vremena. Forhend je van prostora i vremena.
Bekend mu je nesto postalo loopy i tentative ali vratice se i on sa samopouzdanjem.
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#17 netizen_k

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Posted 05 October 2008 - 22:13

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Roger Federer as Religious Experience

Za nekoga kome je omiljeni tenis S&V i ko je odrastao gledajuci legendarne Wimbledon meceve Beker-Edberg, kada je Sampras prosao svoj zenit a dosadanu varijantu power baseline tenisa koju je izumeo Lendl pocelo da igra 99% igraca, tenis je postao manje-vise teska gnjavaza... dok se nije pojavio Fed...

Ne volim previse GOAT debate ali je Fed definitvno u drustvu onih koji sasvim slobodno mogu da pretenduju na tu poziciju...
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Posted 07 October 2008 - 21:38

wow!!! Pazite sta su u Nike-u uradili za njegov 27 rodjendan. Fantasticno!!!

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Posted 11 October 2008 - 23:05

Beat Federer? a) Be Serious. b) You Cannot Be Serious.

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We know Roger Federer is friends with Tiger Woods. We know that his girlfriend of seven years, Mirka Vavrinec, is a former professional tennis player. We know he has been ranked No. 1 in the world since Feb. 2, 2004, a record streak.

What no one seems to know about Roger Federer is how to beat him at the United States Open, where he is undefeated since Sept. 4, 2003.

Micah Cohen and Juliet Macur of The New York Times invited a heavyweight boxer, a physicist, the father of famous tennis sisters and others to explain how they would beat Roger Federer.

WLADIMIR KLITSCHKO, heavyweight boxing champion and a friend of Federer’s:

First of all, he’s my friend, so I wish he’s going to win, but we stipulate.

I think you have to get him emotionally out of balance. And to get him emotionally out of balance, you have to check in the hotel next room to Roger and make all the possible noise in the room that he couldn’t sleep. Don’t let him get any sleep, and steal his luggage and his rackets so that he couldn’t play.

You can kiss his girlfriend, and maybe he’d get jealous, you know, he’d get upset and whatever.

Put a sleeping pill in his drink so that he barely can walk on the court. Ambien works pretty good.

DR. ROLAND CARLSTEDT, chairman of the American Board of Sport Psychology:

My research on over 1,000 athletes, including hundreds of ranked tennis players, has isolated three psychological factors that are the most critical factors in driving peak and critical-moment performance, choking tendencies and overall mental toughness. The measures — hypnotic susceptibility, neuroticism and repressive coping — work together to mediate brain-mind-body processes that underlie technical performance.

The ideal athlete’s profile is high or low hypnotic susceptibility, low neuroticism and high repressive coping, whereas the worst profile is high hypnotic susceptibility, high neuroticism and low repressive coping.

If I were to assume that Roger Federer has the ideal profile, there are still minor vulnerabilities associated with this profile, including the tendency to know it all, lessened coachability and annoyance with those who dare challenge or contest athletes with this profile. These characteristics may explain why Federer has been without a coach for much of his career — something that could eventually haunt him by preventing him to conceptualize ideal game plans and also prevent him from accessing psychological interventions that can help all athletes enhance recovery, sleep and immune function.

The best way of increasing the odds that a player could beat Federer would be to prime him psychologically through advanced mental training techniques to carry out a meticulously and scientifically based game plan that is designed to expose Roger’s minute weaknesses. By engaging in sophisticated and high-tech approaches to motor training and mind-body control, procedures that I have validated through extensive testing, a player who can last and go toe-to-toe with Roger or even pull ahead of him has a chance of winning.

The ability to stay with Federer game after game is something that can impact a player with the ideal athlete’s profile, since they are not used to being tested or having their high level of self-confidence and self-esteem attacked head-on.

JELENA JANKOVIC, third-ranked player on the WTA Tour.

Oh, gosh, I don’t know how I could beat him. I guess I would have to tie his legs together so he couldn’t move. If that didn’t work, I would wear a short skirt, and hopefully that would distract him.

DIEGO AYALA, professional coach who, as a player in 1996, defeated Federer at the Coffee Bowl juniors tournament in Costa Rica.

Beating Roger Federer at the U.S. Open has been pretty impossible the last three years, but I think I have developed a foolproof plan to beat him:

1. Find out what restaurant he is eating at the night before the match and throw some Ex-Lax or Visine in his water a la “Wedding Crashers.”

2. You could mess up his wake-up call, to give him one every hour.

3. Bribe the stringers at the tournament to string his rackets at the worst tension possible.

4. Create a roadblock so he cannot get to the tournament. I’m thinking maybe blocking both exits of the Midtown Tunnel while he is in it.

5. If he somehow still manages to get to the courts, have somebody there ready to go Tonya Harding on him!

HOWARD BRODY, emeritus professor of physics at the University of Pennsylvania and author of the book “The Physics and Technology of Tennis.”

Roger Federer is a difficult tennis player to defeat because he has no obvious weak spots in his game. One way to increase the chances of defeating Roger Federer is to reduce the number of unforced errors you make.

But how do you know which of your shots are more likely to go in (be good)? There is a computer program which evaluates a shot’s probability of going in. It allows you to change how hard you hit it, change the spin, how high above the court the ball is struck, where on the court you are hitting from, where you are aiming your shot (crosscourt versus down the line) and allows you to see the relative chance of that shot going in.

This computer program uses the laws of physics (Newton’s laws of motion) to compute the ball trajectories for a given input and tells you how risky or safe that particular shot is.

RICHARD WILLIAMS, father and coach of Venus and Serena Williams.

There’s only three ways to beat Roger Federer. You first pay him enough money not to show up — that’s the first thing you do. If he turns that down, then you try your best to get a baseball bat and break his leg because he runs so fast. Now, if he gets away from you, then the next one is, honestly, is just to sit like I do and watch him play, then you can beat anyone just sitting in the stands because you never miss a shot. Those are the only three ways I know you can beat Roger Federer.
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#20 Gooky

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Posted 13 October 2008 - 22:14

dje nadje taj kacket, i ja bih nabavio jedan?

evo sajt preko kojeg sam ga narucio, juce mi je konacno stigao :ph34r:


Edited by Gooky, 13 October 2008 - 22:14.

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 00:16

Federer novi rekorder po zaradama

Donedavno najbolji teniser sveta Švajcarac Rodžer Federer, izbio je na prvo mesto liste igrača sa najvećom zaradom od turnirskih nagrada.

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Federer je plasmanom u treće kolo turnira Masters serije u Madridu zaradio 32.428 dolara i na taj način prestigao na prvom mestu Amerikanca Pita Samprasa. Federer je u dosadašnjoj karijeri od nagrada inkasirao 43.300.847 dolara, a Sampras je karijeru završio sa zarađenih 43.280.489 dolara. Tim iznosima treba dodati i prihode od sponzorskih ugovora, koji su višestruko veći.

S obzirom da još ne namerava da se penzioniše, a da su nagrade na turnirima iz godine u godinu sve veće, Federer bi mogao da probije donedavno nezamislivu granicu od 50 miliona dolara. Stručnjaci, međutim, smatraju da bi Švajcarca, koliko god da zaradi, mogao da prestigne trenutno prvi igrač sveta Španac Rafael Nadal, koji ima 22 godine, a od nagrada je već zaradio 22,5 miliona dolara.

Bez šanse da se probije u vrh liste zarada nije ni 21-godišnji Novak Đoković, koji je do sada od turnirskih nagrada zaradio 8,7 miliona dolara.
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Posted 20 October 2008 - 17:29

Federer: Da, imam puno novca, ali ga ne trošim jer za to nemam vremena

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ŠVICARSKI tenisač Roger Federer je tijekom ATP turnira Masters serije u Madridu prestigao Petea Samprasa po zaradama na teniskim turnirima.

Federer je tijekom nastupa u Madridu probio granicu, te je zaradio preko 43.3 milijuna američkih dolara na ATP turnirima. Dotad je prvo mjesto držao Sampras sa zarađenih 43.2 milijuna.

Trenutačno drugi tenisač svijeta komentirao je tu zaradu u odnosu na globalnu financijsku krizu.

"Teško je možda nekome prihvatiti činjenicu kako, primjerice ja, zarađujem toliko puno dok vlada financijski kolaps u svijetu. Zato ne pričam mnogo o tome", rekao je Federer i nastavio:

"Izvan terena nikada nisam bio hazarder s novcima, pa se tako ponašam od prvog dana. Uostalom, previše putujem i treniram da bi stigao trošiti tu zaradu. Tko bi to mogao potrošiti?", uz šalu je prokomentirao Federer.

Federer je inače poznati humanitarac, pa tako jedan dio zarade donira u humanitarne svrhe, te vodi zakladu s istim ciljem.

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#23 palobe

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Posted 23 October 2008 - 02:40

Ova emisija je prikazana pre godinu dana, traje 1 sat vremena, i treba da se vidi. Dokumenat je odličnog kvaliteta (tehnički). Jeste da je tip koji vodi emisiju pre će biti neki mufljuz, iako isto tako Federer izigrava skauta i što mora i što nemora, iako se Rafa siluje da bude galantan u odnosu na velikog rivala i ekstra simpatičan, ostali su sasvim na visini i korisni su za našu tenisku kulturu; Rod Laver, John McEnroe, Jim Courier, i Bud Collins (stručnjak za tenis). Za sve kojima slušanje engleskog nije problem to je ovde: http://video.google....224007894945544
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Posted 24 October 2008 - 15:52

McEnroe: Uvijek radije gledam Federera nego Nadala

NEKADAŠNJI američki tenisač John McEnroe je osim sjajnog tenisa kojeg je pokazivao dok je bio aktivan, bio i planetarno poznat zbog svog neobuzdanog karaktera na teniskom terenu.

Ušao je u legendu kao tenisač koji je uz Gorana Ivaniševića razbio najviše reketa (danas je u svijetu tenisa takav jedino Rus Marat Safin). Posvađao se vjerojatno sa svim tadašnjim sucima (glavnima i linijskima), nisu pošteđeni bili niti njegovi suparnici na terenu, gledatelji, novinari... Jednom rječju svi.

Danas takve tenzije nitko ne donosi na teren od tenisača, a baš je o tome progovorio John McEnroe, prije Rafaela Nadala, posljednji ljevoruki tenisač na prvom mjestu ATP ljestvice.

"Današnji igrači ne pokazuju uopće emocije na terenu. Ponašaju se, uglavnom, bezvoljno i ponekad izgledaju kao strojevi, kao da im nije stalo hoće li pobijediti ili izgubiti. U mom vremenu tako nije bilo. Sve je izgledalo napetije i ljepše i zabavnije za publiku", rekao je 49-godišnji McEnroe koji iza sebe ima sedam Grand Slam naslova.

"Federer je kompletniji igrač od Nadala, to je sigurno. Federer igra lijepo, elegantno i zato je toliko dugo dominirao. Nadal je stijena od čovjeka, najjači tenisač kojeg sam ikada vidio, ali baš to će ga spriječiti da dugo dominira. Zato između njih dvojice uvijek radije gledam Federera", napomenuo je još McEnroe.

Izvor: Totalsport
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Posted 26 October 2008 - 21:21

Malo detalja sa danasnjeg meca sa Nalbandijanom:

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 21:24

Detalji sa ceremonije dodjele trofeja. Basel ima ubjedljivo najljepsu ceremoniju, kad finalisti dodjeljuju medalje klincima koji hvataju loptice.

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Edited by OCTAVIAN, 26 October 2008 - 21:24.

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 21:26

I naravno, pizza party za klince:

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Edited by OCTAVIAN, 26 October 2008 - 21:27.

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#28 wwww

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 00:08

Federer izbacuje egzibicione meceve i koncentrise se na GS-ove sledece godine:

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 00:59

Potpuno ispravno. Neka igra egzibicione kad se penzionise, kao Sampras sad, to je meni ipak najljepse.
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Posted 27 October 2008 - 01:06

Evo i linkova za danasnji mec, ako neko zeli da pogleda ponovo, ili je propustio:

SET 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FO8ACPWI

SET 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GCKDZ0A2
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