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Planeta Nibiru

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#31 dzishn

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 00:02

ovo je neverovatno - koliko ljudi se bavi ovim? huh.gif

The first thing that the reptilians and shape-shifters had to do when they came to Earth was kill the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki had been ruling the Earth for 400,000 years since their arrival from Nibiru. They are extremely long lived and robust, but by the time of Alexander the Great, 333 BC, the space-gods had been replaced by those who found the density of Earth promising.

Most of the negative ones came to Earth about 2500 BC, with the Earth's polar alignment on Alpha Draconis or the star called Thuban. During such alignments the whole planet is a stargate. The most recent similar alignment was with Polaris in 1951. The Baby Boom generation from 1945 to 1964 has many who have trans-migrated to Earth through Polaris to help re-establish higher spiritual atunement.

On their own planet the shape-shifters are perfectly adapted to high density planetary existance. They also find the cores of planets welcoming. Earth at 5.5 times the specific gravity of water is the densest planet in our solar system. The cores of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune may contain more matter, but they do not have the metals of Earth. The Earth has a thick magnetic envelope too. This contributes to the density grid of the planet. The shape-shifter want to recreate the conditions of their home world on Earth by compressing the grids.

The Anunnaki's home world, Nibiru, is the opposite of the shape-shifter's home world. Nibiru, spending most of its 3600 year orbit in interstellar space and scarce on heavy metals, is less dense than Earth. Although the mass of Nibiru is roughly four times that of Earth and surface gravity likewise higher, the grids were open and refined. The open grids contributed to the near immortality of the Anunnaki.

Life expectancy of humans was higher hundreds of thousands of years ago as the grids were less dense then. During historic times life expectancy has varied considerably. Over the past century, in spite of all the Illuminati attempts to kill people through war, famine and disease, life expectancy has increased. This indicates the grids again are opening.

With the Kali Yuga, the grids are compressed and the Anunnaki would find Earth a difficult place to live on. Hathor, the mother of humanity, was showing extreme old age when last depicted on Egyptian temple wall murals. The Titans were sent into retirement. With the collapse of the ecology for life on Nibiru about 4000 years ago, there was no home world for the Anunnaki to which to return. Remnants of the Anunnaki still remain on Nibiru, its moons and other moons and planets. Many were stranded on Earth. They were still the gods controlling humanity and the Earth-and the shape-shifters saw an opportunity.

It is likely that Marduk, the eldest son of Enki, became a temporary host or walk-in for a shape-shifter. Likewise Nebu and Set. Marduk, freeing himself of the walk-in, was then imprisoned in Babylon by shape-shifters and later killed in a seaside cave on the Aegean Sea. Saturn was tortured and killed as he could not be subsumed by a shape-shifter.

The shape-shifter adopted the role of Saturn in his temple city under the new name "Molloch" and instituted ritual sacrifice including the killing of children. Wherever ritual sacrifice was coerced onto people, the Anunnaki had been killed and shape-shifters were dominant. There are many examples in the Americas as well as the old world, including sacrifices in Jerusalem. If the Temple in Jerusalem were rebuilt and the old practises re-instituted, the whole world would be appalled. The most grievous rites were aimed at the Hebrew people in order to stop their own realization of their true spirituality.

The Osiris, Isis and Horus rite demonstrated the domination of shape-shifters in Egypt. This rite was written into the gospels in order that the ceremonial sacifice of Christ (which never actually happened) would continue up to this day in the churches. The bread and wine mass in nations around the world contributes to the compression of the grids and the shortening of life expectancy and limiting of life experience. It blocks communication to the higher self.

Virtually all brick and mortar religious edifices have been controlled in such a way as to block spiritual progress. Religion is a tool wielded by the shape-shifters.

The religions that work best for the shape-shifters are the ones which take elements from ancient wisdom and then corrupt or block the intent of spiritual understanding. Many priesthoods have had shape-shifters at the top. The truly motivated spiritual seeker never finds the answers to his inner longings in such institutions. The Gnostics called such teachings "dry streams" as the waters of life and spiritual understanding had been dammed or diverted away from the followers. The Roman church was called a "dry stream" in many of the Fourth Century scrolls found at Nag Hammadi Egypt.

Even at the time of Julius Caesar, before the creation of the Roman church, the generals were directed by the wealthy senate to destroy the mystery schools of Britain, Gaul, Germany, Palestine, Egypt and Asia Minor. The shape-shifters were in control of Rome and their plan was to destroy republican government and create an empire more directly ruled by them. The Roman church, One Universal Church For One Catholic Roman Empire, became the plan after the "Caesar is God" debacle failed miserably. Shape-shifters like Nero and Caligula make terrible gods. No Roman citizen believed their emperors were gods. So they cobbled together Jewish, Greek and Egyptian beliefs into something to "captivate" the minds of men. "Captivate" is the operative word in the minds of empire builders.

The Anunnaki under Janus created the Roman Republic and it took six hundred years for shape-shifters to destroy the republican form of governance even hundreds of years after the last Anunnaki was killed. Janus was created by Enki. He had two faces and an androgenous nature. He was the consumate diplomat. Even before Plato wrote his "Republic", Janus had a working model. Janus' symbol as the two headed eagle. Janus was not homosexual, but a true spiritual androgyne.

There is more truth in a Pagan under the boughs of an oak tree than in a priest in black robes surrounded by ornate masonry. The beliefs of a Pagan predate the Anunnaki and the people of Nibiru had many of the same understandings. Both Pagan and Anunnaki have the term "serpent" associated with them and this term should not be confused with the "reptilian" agenda.

The reptilian and shape-shifter plan for the densification of the planetary grid will not happen. The very living being who is the planet Earth will not let this compression to occur. The Earth is going to become a star and the grids need to be open for that to come into being. Gaia is directly intervening in the affairs of men and women and stopping the diabolical conspiracy. There is a lot of off-world assistance too.

#32 lahtalion

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 00:02

roflmao.gif roflmao.gif roflmao.gif roflmao.gif roflmao.gif roflmao.gif roflmao.gif

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edit: "od sad, pa nadalje i ubuduce, vash ogulin culibrk oglo ce da vrshi genecki indzenjering na ovi prostori" laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Edited by lahtalion, 04 November 2004 - 00:03.

#33 Genijalac

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 00:18

Без намере да икога вређам, морам да констатујем да је овде присутан велики број шаљивџија који, једноставно, нису још довољно сазрели да би могли да воде озбиљну дискусију. Морам и да приметим да постоји пар изузетака.
Стога ја немам намеру да одговарам на питања која су постављена у шаљивом тону. Њима можемо да се позабавима у делу форума који се зове "Забава".
Онима које заиста интересује планета Нибиру, препоручујем да прочитају књигу "Дванаеста планета". Аутор је Захарије Сичин, врсни познавалац сумерске цивилизације. У овом сјајном делу, Захарије Сичин је детаљно описао Анунакије (становнике Нибируа), владајућу структуру ове планете, као и аутодроме и лансирне станице које су Анунаки изградили пред полазак на Земљу.
Оно што он није написао, јесте како су први становници Нибируа, међу којима је била и жена по имену Нинти, стигли на нашу планету. Они су то урадили тако што су у мору отворили прву просторновременску капију.
Већ сам у неколико наврата писао о томе зашто су Анунаки дошли на Земљу и створили човека. Детаљније о томе бих могао да вам причам на форуму "Религија", под условом да он икада буде отворен.
Желео бих само да појасним неке ствари, како не би било забуне. Анунаки нису једини који су боравили на земљи, нити су једини који су стварали људе. Чинили су то и Атлантиђани, Маје и Фараони, док се нису повукли са наше планете. Анунаки су створили прве клонове, дакле људе без свести, које су, осим њих, користили и Фараони као примитивне раднике. Напоменуо сам већ са црнци воде порекло од Фараона. Косооки људи воде порекло од Маја. Ако се сада питате шта представљају оне велелепне грађевине у Египту и Јужној Америци, које ми називамо пирамидама, онда треба да знате њих нису могли да саграде људи. То су, једноставно, свемирски бродови.
Ја вам остављам могућност да се сада смејете свему овоме што сам написао...да се смејете сопственој необавештености.

#34 dzishn

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 00:23

bozh' sachuvaj da se smejemo - tako su se smejali onom jamesu spaderu, pa kad nadjoshe stargate posle se videlo ko je u pravu wink.gif

#35 lahtalion

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 00:45

@genijalac: anunaki pravili rudnike zlata na zemlji, jer im je zlato trebalo da odrzavaju atmosferu svoje planete, na kojoj nema zlatnih ruda u izobilju? molim te...

ako te zanimaju ovakve teorije sa onoliko ozbiljnosti koliko se u istim moze postici probaj denikena. on ne pravi teorije koje se zasnivaju na " ph34r.gif misterioznim visoko razvijenim vanzemaljskim tehnologijama ph34r.gif ", vec na zapisima, artefaktima i gradjevinama koje svi mozemo da vidimo first hand (uz odgovarajucu kolichinu para i viza, jelte)

#36 Quelqu'un

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 00:54

Imam ja par pitanja za Genijalca:
1. Zašto su ti vanzemaljci napustili Zemlju?
2. Kako funkcionište prostorno-vremenska kapija?
3. Gde je Nibiru sada?
4. Da li je ovakva priča doslovno prevedena sa neke sumerske pločice ili je to slobodno tumačenje?
5. Na osnovu čega ti veruješ u sve to?
Ako je sve bazirano na jednoj ili dve knjige, onda je to više u granicama religije nego nauke smile.gif

#37 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 01:38

Mislim da je ova tema izuzetno ozbiljna i da zaista zasluzhuje ozbiljno razmatranje.

Razmislite samo - kakve su posledice postojanja jedne ovakve izuzetno mocne civilizacije tu, skoro na nashem pragu. Kako ce saznanje o njima da utiche na strukturu ljusdkog drushtva? Oni su toliko mocni da svojim signalima mogu da utichu na ljudsku psihu, da chitaju misli ili da nas nateraju da delujemo protiv sopstvenih interesa. Takva opasnost se ne sme zanemariti.

Zato, predlazhem da se zakonom propishe da svaki gradjanin mora da poseduje adekvatno SREDSTVO ZASHTITE protiv tehnika kontrole uma koju stanovnici Nibirua primenjuju nad chovechanstvom.

Ja sam se vec zashtitio. A vi?

#38 Indy

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 01:42

QUOTE(Genijalac @ 4 Nov 2004, 09:18)
Без намере да икога вређам, морам да констатујем да је овде присутан велики број шаљивџија који, једноставно, нису још довољно сазрели да би могли да воде озбиљну дискусију.

Apsolutno se slazem sa tobom. Kukace nam crna majka kada nas budu oteli i krenu na zivo da rade autopsiju na nama, ili jos gore, ako nas iskoriste kao izvor hrane za svoje mladunce. sad.gif

#39 dzishn

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 02:04

pa poslushaj rad-oh-yeah-a, evo ja vec naruchujem

savet - ima i disposable model, josh se mozhe i prilagoditi velichina korisniku - $1.39 u loklanom supermarketu wink.gif

#40 Indy

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 02:08

Obratite samo paznju na ispravno koriscenje!


#41 dzishn

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 02:12

chuj ovi mushki iz abe mozhda bash vrlo pravilno koriste sredtsvo protiv kontrole uma tongue.gif

#42 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 03:00

Vi se podsmevate, a tema je izuzetno ozbiljna. Opstanak chovechanstva je u pitanju!!!

tongue.gif wink.gif

#43 dzishn

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 03:25

QUOTE(Rad-oh-yeah? @ 3 Nov 2004, 21:00)
tongue.gif wink.gif

shtae shaljivdzhijo, mislio si sakrio si ove smajlije, a??

ochigledno nisi na vreme nashao onaj afdb, tebi su vec isprali mozak, pretvorili te u laku metu - al mi se ne damo, afdb nas shtiti - a i mnogo dobro stoji laugh.gif

#44 Rad-oh-yeah?

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 03:53

Ne razumesh, to ja da zavaram neprijatelja. On vreba i rovari, i samo nas lukavstvo i krajnji oprez mogu spasiti.

#45 dzishn

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 03:54

o, lukavo, lukavo nema shta
aj necu dalje da pitam nishta - da ti ne blowujem cover wink.gif