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supe - corbe - slozenci

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#1 Kinik

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 05:15

Posto je na jednom tredu bila dodirnuta i ova tema, kroz cuveno 'od detinjstva ne volim supe', ucinilo mi se da bi bas bila interesantna u kulinarskom smislu.
Da ne ulazim preduboko u istorijat - ima toga na Net-u, no ocigledno je da su se supe / corbe pojavile u ljudskoj ishrani sa pojavom odgovarajuceg posudja, koje je moralo biti neutralno - keramika, porcelan, gledjosano zemljano posudje, posudje od 'gusa' i kasnije - emajlirano i drugo metalno posudje, sve do termootpornog stakla.
Neka definicija 'supe' - podrazumeva da je to proizvod sa najmanje 50% tecnosti; corba sa 25%, a slozenci i sa manje tecnosti.
Pa imamo podelu na tople / hladne.
A prema tecnosti - na vodi, na mleku, sa kvasom, sa rasolom, sa pivom, sa mlekom (obicnim ili nekim tecnim / gustim mlecnim proizvodom), kao i sa sokom - od voca / povrca.
Prema sastojcima: od mesa, mesnih preradjevina, iznutrica; od morskih plodova i ribe - sveze, suve, fermentisane; od povrca, od voca, od raznih zitarica, od hleba, od algi.
Prema tehnologiji pripreme - bujoni / comsome, potazi ili guste supe (corbe) sa raznim dodacima. 
Za zgusnjavanje se koristi bela zaprska, skrob, jaja, ponekad sir. 
Instant supe - kao koncentrat ili sa nudlama.
Pa da pocnem od mozda najpoznatije 'ajnpren' supe / corbe. Einbrennsuppe ili Mehlsuppe.
- malo ulja / masti
- puna kasika brasna (moze prema izboru: psenicno, razeno, od prosa, od heljde ... )
- kima, moze mleveni, moze u zrnu
- soli ili nekog zacina tipa 'vegeta'
- biber mleveni
- voda
- jaje
- kockice preprzenog starog hleba
Ja prvo kratko proprizim na ulju masti kim i biber da puste aromu, zatim dodajem brasno i so / zacin.
Nalijem vodom i mesam da ne zagori, dok ne provri. Smanjim vatru i kuvam par minuta. 
Nakon sto sam skinuo sa vatre i sacekao malo - dodam umuceno sveze jaje (ovo je prema izboru). 
Sluzim uz preprzene kockice starog hleba.
Ima dosta varijanti - na svaciji ukus.
Moze se dodati pavlaka, moze neki zeleni zacin, moze i bez jajeta i kockica hleba.
Nema pravila.
Normalno - ne moze bez kokosije supe!
Neko ce mozda uzeti celu kokos, posto uvek ima ljubitelja bataka / karabataka, 'belog mesa'.
Neko ce kuvati od krilaca, nogica (kuvane pilece nogice daju sjajnu osnovu za aspik) i iznutrica
I stari klasik - govedja supa.
Ima milion recepata - no bitna je govedja suplja kost, ribic / rozbratna, 1-2 komada rebara.
Luk, sargarepa, koren persuna, paskrnata, celer sa listom, 3-4 krompira, biber, so (vegeta), persunov list.
Domaci rezanci / knedle i passata od paradajza za sos.
I ren!
To bi obicno bio neki nedeljni rucak koji svi pamte.
Ovu sam perverziju ostavio za kraj!

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#2 Kinik

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 07:27

2 francuske supe od luka
Supa od luka sa krutonima i sirom Ossau-Iraty  
- 2 glavice luka
- veza zelenog luka
- timjan (majcina dusica)
- 1,5 l pileceg bujona
- malo putera
- maslinovo ulje
- krutoni od bageta
- beli luk
- stariji Osau Irati (zameniti sirom po zelji / mogucnosti)
- so, biber
Sitno naseckati luk i blago preprziti na tihoj vatri. Kroz 15 minuta dodati beli luk, timjan, so i biber. Dinstati jos 15 minuta.
Dodajte bujon i pustite da nezno vri 10 minuta.
U medjuvremenu isecite kkriske bageta, natrljajte belim lukom, postite obilno sirom i stavite u gril za tople sendvice.
Supu ponudite i vecim cinijama sa bagetom i pospite zelenim lukom. 
2. supa od luka sa Gryerom.
- 50 g. butera
- kasika maslinovo ulja
- 1 kg luka, sitno seckanog na rebarca
- secera po zelji (suoena kasika)
- 4 cesnja belog luka, sitno iseckanog
- 2 supene kasike brasna
- 250 ml. belog vina
- 1,5 l. jakog govedjeg bujona
- 4-8 komada francuskog hleba
- 150 g. Gryera
- nekoliko kapi Vustera 
Priprema kao u prvom slucaju, samo luk mora da bude karamalizxovan, zlatne boje. Paziti da ne izgori.
Dodati beli luk posuti brasnom i lepo promesati. Pojacati vatru, mesati, pa dodati vino a zatim govedju bujon.
Tostirajte hleb. Sipajte supu u vatrostalne cinije, dodajte komad-dva tostiranog hleba i sir. Mozete tostirati hleb sa sirom u rerni i onda ga posluziti u supi.

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#3 Kinik

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 07:42

5 tablespoons vegetable oil
31/4 pounds meaty oxtails (about seven 3-inch segments), patted dry
10 cups water
5 14 1/2-ounce cans beef broth
3 cups dry red wine
2 medium onions, chopped
2 medium leeks (white and pale green parts only), chopped
3 medium carrots, peeled, very finely chopped
2 medium parsnips, peeled, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
6 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 bay leaf
2 large russet potatoes, peeled, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1/3 cup finely chopped fresh Italian parsley
Heat 2 tablespoons oil in heavy large pot over medium-high heat. Sprinkle oxtails with salt and pepper. Add oxtails to pot and brown on all sides, about 20 minutes. Add 10 cups water, beef broth and 2 cups wine. Bring to simmer. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cover partially and simmer gently until meat is tender, stirring occasionally, about 3 hours.
Using tongs, transfer oxtails to large bowl. Carefully pour cooking liquid into 8-cup glass measuring cup or large bowl. Freeze cooking liquid until fat separates from liquid, about 45 minutes. Spoon fat from top of cooking liquid. Remove meat from oxtails; discard bones. Add meat to cooking liquid. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill.)
Heat 3 tablespoons oil in same pot over medium-high heat. Add onions, leeks, carrots, parsnips, garlic, thyme and bay leaf. Sauté until vegetables are golden, about 12 minutes. Add cooking liquid with meat and remaining 1 cup wine. Bring to boil. Add potatoes. Cover and simmer until potatoes are tender, stirring occasionally, about 20 minutes.
Add parsley to soup. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Ladle into bowls.
Beef Bone Broth, A Hearty Cup of Health

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#4 kronostime

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 07:52

Riblja corba / Fish soup

Potrebno je od sastojaka: crni luk (4 glavice), šargarepa (4 komada), paškanat (2 komada), paprika (1 komad), lјuta paprika (1 komad), aleva paprika, paradajz sok, svež paradajz, voda (6 litara) peršun, celer, beli luk, lovorov list, majčina dušica, biber, anis, začin C. Od ribe je potreban šaran, som, mrena, smuđ, štuka (1-2 parčeta).

Priprema: Mrenu, štuku, belu ribu skuvati u posebnom sudu. Vodu u kojoj se riba kuvala procediti i kasnije njom nalivati čorbu. U kotlić sipati 1,5dl suncokretovog ulјa i 1,5dl maslinovog ulјa, i staviti 10-ak zrna bibera i 3-4 lovorova lista da se prže u ulјu.

Crni luk, šargarepu, paškanat i peršun ubaciti u kotlić i dodavati vodu tokom prženja. Luk upržiti dok se ne pretvori u kašu. Dodati 4 kašike slatke aleve paprike i 2 kašike začina C. Kad se i to proprži, naliti 1 litar vode.

Zatim dodati papriku, 3-4 čena belog luka, jednu kašiku lјute aleve paprike, lјutu papriku, celer. Kuvati na jakoj vatri 20 minuta. Ispasirati 1 paradajz i dodati.

Dodati još malo vode u kojoj se kuvala riba i mleveni biber. Dodati po ukusu majčinu dušicu i anis. Naliti preostalu vodu u kotlić, kao i pola litre kuvanog paradajza.

Ribu koja se zasebno kuvala očistiti od kostiju, usitniti i takođe dodati u kotlić. Nakon 20 minuta dodati i komade ribe (som,šaran).

Na kraju, dodati list bosilјka i prešun, i posoliti po ukusu. Čorbu zakiseliti sirćetom. Riblјa čorba je gotova kada dim koji izlazi iz kotlića postane leplјiv (… staviti dlan iznad…).


Necessary ingredients: onion (4 whole), carrots (4 pieces), parsnip (2 pieces), peppers (1 piece), hot pepper (1 piece), cayenne pepper, tomato juice, tomato, water (6 litres) parsley, celery, garlic, bay leaf, thyme, pepper, anise, mixed seasonings. Fish: carp, catfish, barbel, perch, pike (1-2 pieces).

Preparation: barbel, pike and white fish cook in a separate pot. The water in which the fish is cooked, strain and later pour the broth with it. Pour 1,5dl of sunflower and 1,5dl of olive oil in the kettle, and put the 10 peppercorns and 3-4 bay leaves to be fried in oil.

Onions, carrot, parsnip and parsley, put on the kettle, and add water during the frying. Fry the onion until it turns into mush. Add 4 tablespoons of sweet paprika and 2 tablespoons of mixed seasoning “C”. When it is fried, pour 1 litre of water. Then add pepper, 3-4 cloves of garlic, one tablespoon of hot cayenne peppers, hot peppers, celery. Cook it at high temperature for over 20 minutes. Add one blended tomatoes.
After that, pour it with a little water in which the fish is cooked and add ground pepper. Add thyme and anise to taste. Pour the remaining water into the kettle, as well as a half a liter of boiled tomatoes.

Fish that is cooked separately, clean from the bones, chop and also add to the kettle. After 20 minutes, add the pieces of fish (catfish, carp).

Finally, add a leaf of basil and parsley, and salt to taste. For slightly sour taste, add the vinegar. The fish broth is ready when the smoke that rises from the kettle become sticky (… put a hand over …).

Enjoy your meal!

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#5 Kinik

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 08:09

6 Cups Water
½ Pound Shrimp
1 Bay Leaf
12 Whole Black Peppercorns
Peel from 1 Orange
3 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ Teaspoon Kosher Salt
2 Small Fennel Bulbs, thinly sliced, fronds reserved
1 Small Onion, diced
1 Leek, white part only, thinly sliced
4 Cloves Garlic, minced
4 Tomatoes, skins and seeds removed and diced
1 Cup Dry White Wine
1 Teaspoon Fresh Thyme
1 Teaspoon Fresh Marjoram
½ Teaspoon Saffron Threads
½ Teaspoon Ground Cayenne Pepper
½ Pound Sockeye Salmon, skin removed, cut into 1 inch wide strips
½ Pound Cod, cut into 1 inch wide strips
½ Pound Manila Clams
½ Pound Bay Mussels
Peel the shrimp, reserving the shrimp shells. Bring the water to a simmer and add the shrimp shells, bay leaf, peppercorns, and orange peel to the pot and simmer gently for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat the olive oil over medium heat in a heavy bottomed soup pan. Add the onion, leek, and fennel bulb and a pinch of salt, and slowly sweat them until tender but not browned (about 20 minutes).
Add the garlic, saute a few more minutes until garlic is tender and fragrant.
Add the tomato and the wine. Turn up the heat until the wine begins to boil. Cook until wine is reduced by about half.
Strain the shrimp and orange stock into the onion mixture. Add the thyme, marjoram, saffron, and cayenne and simmer for 10 minutes.
Add the fish first. About two minutes later add the mussels and clams. About two minutes later add the shrimp. Simmer until the shrimp is just cooked through. About two more minutes.
Remove from heat and serve immediately, garnishing each place with some reserved fennel fronds.
Уха Fish soup Ukha / Uha ( суп Уха ) Fisherman's soup Рецепты ухи
Szegedi halászlé - Fish soup

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#6 kronostime

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 08:28

Pileći paprikaš

Potreban materijal:

  • 1 celo pile od oko 1,5kg
  • 1 puna kašika svinjske masti
  • 200-250g crnog luka
  • 500g očišćenog krompira
  • 500ml kokošje supe
  • 1 kašičica aleve paprike
  • beli luk u granulama, so, mleveni biber
  • 800g oljuštenog paradajza u soku
  • 2 pune kašike brašna
  • peršun


Pile iseći na komade i na ugrejanoj masti ga propržiti sa svih strana da porumeni. Meso zatim izvaditi iz kaserole i ostaviti na toplom mestu. Crni luk sitno iseckati pa ga propržiti na masnoći gde se pržila piletina, pa dodati alevu papriku, so i belu luk u granulama po ukusu, kao i biber. promešati i još malo propržiti. U kaserolu zatim staviti seckani paradajz sa sokom, kao i krompir iseckan na manje kockice. Vratiti meso i naliti supom. Poklopiti, pa kuvati dok povrće ne omekša. U malo hladne vode razmutiti brašno da ne bude grudvica, pa sipati u kaserolu, dobro promešati i zgusnuti jelo. Ostaviti da malo ukrčka, pa mu dodati sitno seckani peršun. Poslužiti toplo.

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#7 Kinik

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 08:34

Pečeni prokelj sa jabukama i pancetom
Sastojci (za 8 )
350g prokelja, iseckan na polovine ili četvrtine
2 slatke jabuke, oljuštene i isečene na kriške
100g sitno iseckanog crvenog luka
80g pencete ili kuvane slanine, isečena
3 kašike maslinovog ulja
1/2 kašikice soli
1/2 kašikice semena slačice
1/2 kašikice bibera
2 kašike balzamiko sirceta
1 kašika meda
2 kašike senfa
1. Zagrejte rernu na 225 C. Pleh oblozite folijom.
2. U večoj posudi pomeajte prokelj, jabuke, luk, pancetu/slaninu, ulje, so, slacicu i biber. Prebacite mix u pleh. Pecite oko 25-30 minuta ili dok prokelj ne omekša. Promešati jednom.
3. U manjoj posudi pomešajte sirce, med i senf. Prelijte preko prokelja i lagano izmešajte. 
Prokelj sa kestenjem
- 350 grama svezeg kestenja zarezemo pri dnu u krst i ispecemo u metalnoj plitkoj posudi, dok kora ne popuca. Oljusteno kestenje poparimo vrelom vodom i oljustiti zutu kozicu. 
- Ohladjeno kestenje staviti u posudu sa vrelom osoljenom vodom i kuvati oko 45 minuta, zatim ga ocediti.
- Otopiti 40 g maslaca i na njemu proprziti kestenje da bude zlatnozuto. Cuvati ga na toplom.
- 750 g prokelja ocistimo (kao gore), pazljivo operemo i obarimo 15-20 min. Ocedimo i pomesamo sa kestenjem. Po potrebi zacinimo solju i biberom.
Ponudimo uz meso pechene perutnine (najbolja je curka).
Vino: neko mlado roze. Ko voli moze i neko lako crno, sa "vocnim" ukusom.
Brussels Sprouts and Chestnuts
1kg frozen sprouts (pre-boiled, if fresh)
55g butter
100g chestnuts from a jar
1 Knorr Chicken Stock Pot
A splash of Madeira wine
Melt half the butter in a pan, and add the chestnuts and Knorr Stock Pot. Add a splash of Madeira.
Continue to fry until the chestnuts look glazed (tossing the food in the butter to give a glossy finish).
Using a separate pan, fry the sprouts in the remaining butter for 5–6 minutes.
When they’re done add both chestnuts and sprouts to a bowl and serve. Simple and delicious.
Healthy Tips: Why not try boiling the sprouts until cooked and tossing with the glazed chestnuts? Also, try fresh orange juice instead of Madeira wine.

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#8 kronostime

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 11:04

Srneći kotlić


Potreban materijal:

5-6 glavica crnog luka
2 glavice belog luka
2kg srnetine
5-6 šargarepa (sitnijih)
koren celera i nekoliko strukova lista celera
1l belog vina
1l domaćeg kuvanog paradajza, ako nemate u zamenu može tomatino
300g dimljene slanine
sveži peršun
mešavina začina, so, mleveni biber
malo ruzmarina i majčine dušice (sušene)
nekoliko bobica kleke
ljuta aleva paprika


Meso iseckati na krupnije kockice i staviti da odstoji u marinadi. Crni luk iseckati. Beli luk iseckati i ostaviti cele čenove. Na malo ulja ili masti propržiti crni i beli luk dok ne omekša. Dodati zatim u kotlić isečeno srneće meso, očišćenu šargarepu i izrendani celer i so. Naliti vinom i sa malo tomatela koliko da pokrije meso pa kuvati na vatri uz povremeno mešanje. Po potrebi nalivati ostatak vina i tomatela tokom kuvanja. Tokom kuvanja dodavati navedene začine po ukusu – ruzmarin, majčinu dušicu i kleku. Negde na pola kuvanja dodati na kockice seckani list celera i peršun. Dodati zatim iseckanu slaninu. Pred kraj još malo ukus doterati ostalim začinima i gulaš poslužiti sa kačamakom. Napomena: Ako se potroši svo vino i tomatelo a još uvek nije gotovo sa kuvanjem, može se nalivati i vodom.

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#9 Kinik

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 12:18



dam'n server



Edited by Kinik, 07 November 2016 - 12:19.

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#10 Kinik

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 12:24


1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Rub the meat with salt, pepper and thyme. Heat the oil in a roasting pan and sear the meat on each side. Deglaze the pan with wine then pour in the stock. Add the bay leaves and juniper berries. Cover the pan tightly with foil and bake for 2 hours 15-30 mins.
2. For the red cabbage and quince, place 1 cup water, the lemon juice, sugar and pear juice in a saucepan. Add the quince and stew for 5-6 mins. Set aside. Heat the clarified butter in a separate saucepan, add the cabbage and 1 cup stewed quince. Simmer for 35-45 mins, until tender. Season.
3. To serve, remove the wild boar from the pan and wrap in foil to rest. Mix the flour and cream together until smooth. Strain the pan juices into a saucepan. Bring to a boil then stir in the cream mixture. Simmer for 5-8 mins.
4. Spread the cabbage and quince on a serving plate and add the wild boar. Serve with mushroom mashed potatoes and the gravy on the side.
2 kg wild boar roast
4 tbsp chopped fresh thyme leaves
2 tbsp sunflower oil
250 ml rosé wine
500 ml chicken stock
2 bay leaves
6 juniper berries
4 quince, peeled, seeds removed and thinly sliced
Juice of 1 lemon
50 g caster sugar
20 g butter
1 red cabbage, trimmed and thinly sliced
125 ml pear juice
30 g plain flour
125 g whipping cream
Mushroom mashed potatoes, to serve
Wild Boar with Dates, Prunes, Cherries and Rose
1 3-4 lb wild boar shoulder roast from D'Artagnan or pork roast*
2 tsp lard or olive oil
1/2 l c water (approx)
1/2 -l white wine (approx)
1 t salt
1 t pepper
5 whole cloves
1 stick cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg or 1/2 nutmeg crushed
1/4 lb prosciutto end, sliced into retrievable pieces
1/4 - 1/2 c white wine vinegar**
1-2 drops Aftelier rose essence*** or 2 t rosewater
1/4 c vin cotto (or 2 c red wine reduced)
1 c prunes
1 c dates (ja sam koristio trnjine - blackthorn / sloe)
1/4 c  sour cherries if dry, 1/2 c if fresh or frozen
2 1/2" slices of onion
Juice of 1/2 an orange
4-6 spring onions, gently sauteed in butter or olive oil
1 t fennel pollen
Preheat the oven to 325º.  Use a dish with a well-fitting lid that is not much bigger than the roast (Scappi recommends a clay pot or copper, I used enameled cast iron).
* Remove the netting from the roast and tie with kitchen twine a few lashings front to back and around the middle. Brown the boar roast in the fat.  Use enough wine and water so that the liquids com up about 1/4 of the way up the dish.  The liquid is meant to moisten, not to drown and the roast will give up liquid. Add the rest of the ingredients, 1/4 c of white wine vinegar through the vin cotto and cook tightly covered for 45 minutes for a 3 lb roast,  1 hour for a 4 lb roast).
Flip the roast. Add the fruit and onion and cover.  Cook for 45 minutes longer or until tender (if you have a larger roast make it an hour).
Remove the roast from the pan.  Pour orange juice over it ( you may want to spoon the juice over the sliced roast as well –– it is a wonderful bright addition to the dish) and sprinkle with fennel pollen. Rest, tented while you remove the fruit from the pan.  Taste the sauce and adjust for seasoning. ** You may want to add more vinegar if you want the sauce more sweet and sour than sweet. Place the roast on a platter and serve sliced or whole.  Surround with the fruit and onions (the prosciutto may be left behind or served - it dries out during cooking so I left it out) or spoon the fruit over the slices.  Serve the sauce on the side or, if you have a deep platter, pour some of the sauce around the whole roast or over the slices.
nesto slicno
Italian Roast Boar Knuckle with Mostarda di Frutta
Boneless knuckle of wild boar is rubbed with a mixture of Italian sweet chili powder, fennel pollen, salt, black pepper and garlic then roasted to a turn, sliced and served with a mostarda of figs, pears and apricots with grainy mustard, dry white wine and a few red chili flakes..
Chili-Fennel Roasted Boar Knuckle with Mostarda di Frutta
For the Spice Rub
3 tablespoons sweet Italian chili powder
1-1/2 tablespoons fine sea salt
1 tablespoon fennel powder (substitute fennel and anise seeds)
1 scant tablespoon black pepper
2 teaspoons granulated garlic
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl.
To prepare, coat knuckle roast on all sides with spice mixture and refrigerate uncovered for 4 hours.  Remove from refrigerator and allow to stand while you pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.
Roast the knuckle until the internal temperature reaches at least 145 degrees, about 1 hour for a 1-1/2 pound roast.  Allow to stand a full 10 minutes before carving.   Serve with mostarda, bitter greens and a hunk of crusty bread.
“Though you’ll find mostarda from Piemonte on through the Veneto and down into Emilia Romagna, the best known variation is that from Cremona (Mostarda di Cremona), which is also produced commercially. According to Italian food scholar Antonio Piccinardi, the word mostarda derives from the French moustarde, which in turn derives from mout ardent, fiery must, which was made by adding powdered mustard seed to unfermented grape must and cooking it down to produce an invigorating condiment.”
Ovi strani  nazivi mogu neiskusne i da uplase - no najbitnije je meso divljaci (pregledano kod veterinara!) i kulinarska masta.
Mogu se neki  sastojci zameniti za domace, a neki se mogu i napraviti u domacoj radinosti. Tu pre svega mislim na 'mostardu', jer to nije nista drugo vec slatko od raznog voca sa izrazenim ljutkastim ukusom na senf (gorcicu) i na ren (sok od narendanog rena).
Ja sam u planinskoj vikendici to pripremao bez problema. Tek da zetu i nekim likovima pokazem sta je prava divljac, a ne onaj 'srneci paprikas' na 'lovackoj zabavi' koji kao da je pripreman od lose junetine. To ne zna sta je zacin. Naviklo da seljacki trosi samo kolicine.
Crveni kupus doneo sa sobom, slanina i obican kupus u podrumu, pecurke susene, vocne bobice u zamrzivacu, dzem od drenjina u spajzu - za ostalo nije bilo problema.
Uz lovacke knedle i neko kosovsko crno.

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#11 Kinik

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 12:43



Dva klasicna, vrlo zasitna slozenca


Authentic Pichelsteiner Bavarian Stew
This recipe has tradition, the Pichelsteiner Bavarian Stew.  It is one of the popular soup or stew (Eintopf) recipes from Germany, and this one is from Bavaria. It is very easy to do: Cut all ingredients in small pieces, mix them in a big pot, and let it cook. Everything will boil nicely until it is done.
This recipe has also a history which can be traced back 100 hundred years.
In the little village Grattersdorf in the Bavarian Forest there was the Gasthaus of the lady "Auguste Winkler" who is to be said the founder of this recipe. It was named after the "Büchelstein", a mountain of 832 m height, where on a nearby meadow, a yearly fest was celebrated. Supposedly the Eintopf was created for that special fest.  It was ideal for outside cooking, easy to do, and because it was so delicous, it became very popular.  The word Pichelsteiner developed time after time as the letter "ü"  changed to "i". Since 1874 the people from the village "Regen" gather yearly on a religious Holiday called "the Kirchweihfest" to eat the Pichelsteiner stew. Until today it is been celebrated as "The Pichelsteiner Fest". The recipe was mentioned in  a cooking book the first time in 1894.  This is quite some tradition, isn't it? Happy Cooking!
Ingredients Pichelsteiner Bavarian Stew
2-4 tbsp lard or clarified butter
1/2 pound boneless shoulder of lamb
1/2 pound boneless beef chuck
1/2 pound boneless veal
1/2 pound boneless pork
2 cups cold water
2 cups carrots
1.5 cups green cabbage
1 cup celery
1 cup fresh beans
1 cup celery root
1 cup parsnips
1 cup leeks
1/2 cup kohlrabi
1/2 cup green peas (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup chopped onions
black pepper, salt
1/4 pound bone marrow
3 medium sized potatoes
Cooking Instructions Pichelsteiner Bavarian Stew
- Peel and cut the vegetable into dices or small pieces.
- Cut all meat into 1-inch thick cubes.
- Cut the bone marrow into coarse dices.
- In a big skillet melt the lard/butter over high heat and add the meat.
- Brown it evenly on all sides; regulate the heat so it won't become too brown or burned.
- Pour water over the meat and bring it to  a boil.
- Meanwhile scrape all frying particles from the bottom and sides of the pot.
- Boil it briskly for a few seconds, then set it aside.
- Mix all vegetable in a kitchen bowl (without potatoes).
- Spread the bone marrow on the bottom of a heavy skillet and arrange about one third of the meat over it.
- Sprinkle the meat with some salt and fresh ground pepper and put on top one third of the vegetable mix.
- Make layers like this, and add on top the potatoes; sprinkle with salt and pepper, add all remaining liquid.
- Bring it to a boil over high heat.
- Reduce heat to its lowest level, cover the pot tightly.
- Let simmer for 1.5 hours without stirring.
- Serve the stew directly from of the pot.
You can make this stew with different vegetable as well.
You would have to use 8-9 cups of mixed vegetable.
Recommended vegetable: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower or zucchini.
3 middle necks of lamb -  (about 1.8kg/4lb), filleted and boned - you need to end up with about 950g/2lb 2oz pure meat
650g floury potatoes - such as King Edward
650g waxy potato - such as Desirée or Pentland Javelin
1kg carrots
2 onions
½ tsp fresh thyme leaves
chopped fresh chives and parsley, to garnish
For the stock
bones from the lamb
1 large carrot, quartered
1 onion, quartered
½ celery stick, quartered
1 bay leaf
2 large sprigs of thyme
a generous sprig of parsley
6 black peppercorns, lightly crushed
Make the stock. Put the lamb bones in a large heavy-based saucepan with the carrot, onion, celery, herbs, peppercorns and 1 tsp salt. 
Pour in 3 litres/5 1⁄4 pints water. Bring to the boil and simmer uncovered for 2 hours.
Strain the stock through a fine sieve to remove bones and vegetables, then return to the pan. 
Boil until reduced to about 1.3 litres/21⁄4 pints. (You can make the stock the day before – keep it in a covered container in the fridge, or freeze it for up to 3 months.)
Make the stew. Cut the lamb into large chunks. Peel the potatoes (keeping both types separate) and cut into pieces of similar size to the meat. 
Put the two different types in separate bowls of water to keep them white. 
Peel the carrots and cut into slightly smaller pieces. Slice the onions into thick rings.
Put the lamb in a large, clean saucepan. Pour in the stock and bring to the boil, skimming off all the impurities from the surface. 
Reduce the heat, cover and simmer gently for 10 minutes.
Add the floury potatoes, carrots and onions. Season generously and simmer for a further 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the waxy potatoes and thyme. Simmer until the lamb is tender (15-20 minutes). Take off the heat, cover (don’t stir) and leave for 15 minutes. (You can make this up to 2 days ahead and keep in the fridge). Garnish and serve.

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#12 kronostime

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 14:33

Zanimljiv recept za leskovacku muckalicu  :D

Inace, Krcko je zakon za spora kuvanja :D

Edited by kronostime, 07 November 2016 - 14:33.

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#13 Kinik

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 15:44

Boeuf Bourguignon with Wild Mushrooms Recipe | Marco Pierre White
800g beef brisket,
2tbsps sunflower oil,
1 onion,
1tsp plain flour,
½ leek (the white part),
½ bulb of garlic,
1 rasher unsmoked bacon,
125ml port (optional),
¼ stick of celery,
A few sprigs of thyme,
A few sprigs of flat leaf parsley,
1 bay leaf,
½ bottle full-bodied red wine e.g. Bordeaux,
1 Knorr Rich Beef Stock Pot
Chop the beef into large chunks of around 3 inches. I prefer to buy 1 large piece of brisket or skirt but you can buy cubes of braising steak at the supermarket.
The first stage is to caramelise, i.e. colour, the meat on all sides until it is dark golden brown. Do it in batches in a very hot heavy-bottomed pan with a little oil, then transfer each batch to a colander to drain off any excess fat. You can read my tip on the importance of browning meat first.
While the meat is draining, chop the onion and the white part of the leek. It doesn’t have to be perfect, as it will break down during cooking. Add the onion and the leek to the pot and cook it slowly in any fat remaining in the frying pan. I add a pinch of flour at this stage, to thicken the sauce a little. When cooked, but not coloured, strain any excess fat off the onions through a sieve.
Add 1 half of a bulb of garlic cut horizontally across to the pan. You might be asking why I add so much – and with the skin still on. The reason is I like it rustic and because I want it to infuse and support the meat. You can just pick out the skin at the end. Crushed garlic is too strong. It dominates.
Make a bouquet garni to flavour the sauce. Again, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Just tie up a quarter stick of celery, a bay leaf, a few sprigs of fresh thyme and some parsley with a bit of string. Some people put carrots in their boeuf bourguignon at this stage but I don’t think it’s necessary. The more you put in, the more you take out. I want to taste the beef. I want to taste the red wine.
Pour the wine and port into the pot, then in goes the bouquet garni and a nice big rasher of bacon. I choose a red wine with a lot of body, e.g. Bordeaux. At this stage, you can also add some port for extra richness if you wish. Bring it to the boil and reduce it to taste (probably by around half). This intensifies the flavour.
Dissolve one Knorr Beef Stock Pot into 500ml water. Add it to the casserole along with the beef. Bring it to a simmer, then pop it in a low oven, at about 140–150°C, Gas Mark 1–2. Check that it is bubbling away nicely and not drying out after about 2 hours.
When the casserole is about 20 minutes off being ready, it’s time to create the ‘bourguignon’ garnish of bacon, onions and wild mushrooms. Cut the bacon into thin strips or ‘lardons’, then fry them gently. There’s no need for any oil because the bacon will render and cook in its own fat. In another pan, brown the pearl onions. You can buy fresh, but it’s easier to use frozen ones, defrosted and ready to cook. When the bacon is lightly browned, strain it off and add the wild mushrooms to the pan. They only need a minute or 2., After approximately 3¾ hours in the oven, the boeuf bourguignon will have reduced by approximately one half. Transfer the beef pieces to plates or a large serving dish and pour the braising liquid over the top. Garnish with the onions, mushrooms and bacon. Be generous with it – give it a sense of occasion. There’s your classic boeuf bourguignon.
Irish Corned Beef and Vegetables with Dill Pickle-Horseradish Cream and Guinness-Mustard Sauce
For the main dish
1 6-to-8-lb. whole corned beef brisket, homemade or store-bought
1 12-oz. bottle Guinness or other stout, porter, or dark German beer
1 Tbs. coriander seeds
4 bay leaves
1 dried chile, such as cayenne
2 allspice berries
8 medium boiling potatoes, scrubbed
4 medium onions, halved through the roots
6 small turnips, peeled and halved, or 2 medium rutabagas, peeled and quartered
2 parsnips, peeled and cut into 2-inch chunks
6 medium carrots, peeled
1 2-lb. green cabbage, cored and quartered
For the dill pickle-horseradish cream
1 cup sour cream
1 Tbs. chopped fresh chives or scallion greens
6 Tbs. prepared horseradish, drained
1 Tbs. finely chopped dill pickle
For the Guiness-mustard sauce
1/2 cup coarse-grain mustard
2 Tbs. Guinness or other stout
2 Tbs. Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp. light brown sugar
1 Tbs. finely chopped shallot
Make the dill pickle-horseradish cream
Combine the ingredients in a small bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or up to 2 days.
For the Guiness-mustard sauce
Combine the ingredients in a small bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or up to 4 days.
For the corned beef
Place the corned beef in a Dutch oven. Pour in the beer and enough water to cover the meat by 1 to 2 inches. Wrap the coriander seeds, bay leaves, chile, and allspice in a square of cheesecloth, tie with butcher’s twine, and throw the spices into the pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer, cover the pot, and cook for 2 hours. Check the beef by inserting a knife into the thickest part. If it shows no resistance, the meat is tender. To make sure, cut off a bit and taste it. If it is not tender, continue to cook, checking every 30 minutes. Remove the beef from the pot and cover loosely with aluminum foil to keep warm.
Add the potatoes, onions, turnips, parsnips, carrots, and cabbage to the pot, cover, and cook at a slow boil for 20 minutes, or until tender. Return the beef to the pot to rewarm for 2 to 3 minutes. Discard the spice bag. Cut the meat across the grain into 1/4-inch-thick slices and arrange on a platter with the vegetables. Serve with the Dill Pickle–Horseradish Cream and Guinness-Mustard Sauce.

Edited by Kinik, 07 November 2016 - 15:46.

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#14 ironside

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 21:12


Posto je na jednom tredu bila dodirnuta i ova tema, kroz cuveno 'od detinjstva ne volim supe', ucinilo mi se da bi bas bila interesantna u kulinarskom smislu.
Da ne ulazim preduboko u istorijat - ima toga na Net-u, no ocigledno je da su se supe / corbe pojavile u ljudskoj ishrani sa pojavom odgovarajuceg posudja, koje je moralo biti neutralno - keramika, porcelan, gledjosano zemljano posudje, posudje od 'gusa' i kasnije - emajlirano i drugo metalno posudje, sve do termootpornog stakla.
Neka definicija 'supe' - podrazumeva da je to proizvod sa najmanje 50% tecnosti; corba sa 25%, a slozenci i sa manje tecnosti.
Pa imamo podelu na tople / hladne.
A prema tecnosti - na vodi, na mleku, sa kvasom, sa rasolom, sa pivom, sa mlekom (obicnim ili nekim tecnim / gustim mlecnim proizvodom), kao i sa sokom - od voca / povrca.
Prema sastojcima: od mesa, mesnih preradjevina, iznutrica; od morskih plodova i ribe - sveze, suve, fermentisane; od povrca, od voca, od raznih zitarica, od hleba, od algi.
Prema tehnologiji pripreme - bujoni / comsome, potazi ili guste supe (corbe) sa raznim dodacima. 
Za zgusnjavanje se koristi bela zaprska, skrob, jaja, ponekad sir. 
Instant supe - kao koncentrat ili sa nudlama.




Sad će mi trebati dva dana dok to sve pročitam i vidim ima li se što uopće dodati.

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#15 alberto.ascari

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Posted 07 November 2016 - 21:20


Sad će mi trebati dva dana dok to sve pročitam i vidim ima li se što uopće dodati.


Bravo Kiniče!


Ja opako volEm supe i čorbe, a i gospoDŽa to voli da kuva, sa'će budu daunloudi....


Pravila je supruga stew acc to The Hateful Eight, onako po izgledu i utiscima iz bioskopa, prste smo polizali..




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