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#16 bezze

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Posted 30 July 2010 - 14:25

Jovan Divjak, intervju za NIN

Divjak k`o Ekrem Jevric...nista ne znam, a `dje da znam....bezze

#17 maks

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Posted 30 July 2010 - 15:44

Divjak k`o Ekrem Jevric...nista ne znam, a `dje da znam....bezze

Kad je potrebno za dnevnu politiku onda Divjak valja ali kad ne priča zvaničnu priču onda je papak. Tipično...

#18 Bosniak

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Posted 30 July 2010 - 16:01

Naređenje za napad i likvidacije u Dobrovoljačkoj nije izdao Ganić. To su uradili Sefer Halilović, Zaim Backović "Zagi" i Kerim Lučarević "Doktor".

Naredjenja za napad i nekakvu likvidaciju nije bilo.
Na vatru je uzvraceno vatrom i to je sva prica. Po svim medjunarodnim sudovima i pravima vojna kolona JNA koja je izigrala dogovor i naoruzana do zuba izlazila iz kasarni je bila legitimna vojni cilj. Opet ponavljam ovo nije moje misljenje, nego odluke Sudova koji imaju malo vise pameti od svih nas ovdje.

Oko 200tinjak ljudi je tada zarobljeni svi su, ponavljam svi su zivi otisli na razmjenu za nase vojnike i oficire. Dakle nijedan vojnik nije zarobljen i ubijen.

Postoje i snimci zarobljenih vojnika, mislim da ih ima i po internetu/youtube, kao i snimak jednog od komandanata vojske koji daje naredbe ''ne pucaj''. Dakle sve je dokumentovano i dokazano, sve ostalo su lazi i propagande srpskih medija sa ciljem izjednacavanja krivice i zlocina.

#19 maks

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Posted 30 July 2010 - 16:12

Naredjenja za napad i nekakvu likvidaciju nije bilo.
Na vatru je uzvraceno vatrom i to je sva prica. Po svim medjunarodnim sudovima i pravima vojna kolona JNA koja je izigrala dogovor i naoruzana do zuba izlazila iz kasarni je bila legitimna vojni cilj. Opet ponavljam ovo nije moje misljenje, nego odluke Sudova koji imaju malo vise pameti od svih nas ovdje.

Kakvo pucanje iz kolone, koji si ti SF roman čitao? Naredba za napad je više nego jasna i postoji audio snimak veze.

Oko 200tinjak ljudi je tada zarobljeni svi su, ponavljam svi su zivi otisli na razmjenu za nase vojnike i oficire. Dakle nijedan vojnik nije zarobljen i ubijen.

Poslije zarobljavanja u Dobrovoljačkoj su ubijani ljudi. U Partizanu su kasnije "samo" mučeni.

Postoje i snimci zarobljenih vojnika, mislim da ih ima i po internetu/youtube, kao i snimak jednog od komandanata vojske koji daje naredbe ''ne pucaj''. Dakle sve je dokumentovano i dokazano, sve ostalo su lazi i propagande srpskih medija sa ciljem izjednacavanja krivice i zlocina.

Da si čitao predhodne stranice vidio bi da se taj komandant zove Jovan Divjak i šta je on rekao o Dobrovoljačkoj.

Edited by maks, 30 July 2010 - 16:15.

#20 Bosniak

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Posted 30 July 2010 - 19:01

Kakvo pucanje iz kolone, koji si ti SF roman čitao? Naredba za napad je više nego jasna i postoji audio snimak veze.

Poslije zarobljavanja u Dobrovoljačkoj su ubijani ljudi. U Partizanu su kasnije "samo" mučeni.

Da si čitao predhodne stranice vidio bi da se taj komandant zove Jovan Divjak i šta je on rekao o Dobrovoljačkoj.

Evo jos jednog koji vjeruje vise medijima(i to kakvim), nego nekome ko je bio u Sarajevu u to doba, no ok to je vec tvoj problem.

Idemo ponovo, prvo treba spomenuti da je legalni predsjednik jedne medjunarodno priznate drzave KIDNAPOVAN od strane vojske koja vise nije bila oruzana vojska te drzave.

Dogovor je bio Kukanjac - Izetbegovic, u koloni je bilo oko 60tak sto vozila sto kamiona uz UN, dakle nijedan Armije RBiH. Ko je mogao garantovati da ce JNA postovati dogovor, kada ga nije postovala ni nekoliko dana ranije. ti osvjeziti pamcenje da je ta ista JNA, sa tim istim tenkovima i ljudima dan ranije napala i granatirala centar grada uz velike zrtve kako ljudske tako i materijalne, a tek da ti ne spominjem da je pola istocne Bosne gorilo.

akon dogovora, JNA povlaci za sobom i sve vojnike uz svo oruzje i MTS, sto apsolutno nije bio dogovor, dakle ako cemo i ici time ko je prvi prekrsio dogovor, to je odmah JNA. Opet ti kazem cak i da nisu, presretnuti konvoj vojske koja je otela legalnog predsjednika drzave je potpuno legalna i legitimna stvar. Niko ovdje ne govori da konvoj nije prekinut, dakle pazljivije citaj.

Nakon presjecanja kolone na pola, pocele su psovke(vjerovatno od straha) i paljba iz kamiona na koje je i uzvraceno vatrom. To je trajalo svega par sekundi/minuta, nakon cega je ponovo vatra prestala i tom prilikom je poginulo 6 vojnih lica(tacnije 5 vojnika i 1 zena). To je mozda za tebe SF, za one koji su zivjeli u Sarajevu u to doba, nije.

Dakle opet konvoj je prekinut, prvo jer je JNA vec prekrsila dogovor, a drugo da se osigura da Izetbegovic stigne sigurno u Predsjednistvo. Onaj ko ne zna situaciju u Sarajevu, od Skenderije(gdje se razmjena trebali izvrsiti), svega par stotina metara su bili srpski polozaji i slobodni kamioni JNA su slobodno mogli okrenuti na taj pravac da isfoliraju i Izetbegovica i ostale koji su vrsili pregovore. Naravno bosanska strane je to predvidjela i osujetila. Svi uhapseni su kasnije razmjenjeni za nase ljude, dakle niko nije ubijen. h

Divjaku znam mnogo vise nego ti, zato nema potrebe da me upucujes na to, vec sam ti rekao, postoji i snimak ''ne pucaj'', kako u Sarajevu, tako i u Tuzli(na osnovu kojeg ste osudili covjeka).

Mucen, sta za tebe znaci mucen? Jedan-dva samara ili mucen da su mu izbijani zubi, urezivani krstovi po rukama i nogama, sjeceni prsti, vadjene oci, paljeni zivi, kao sto ste radili od Manjace do Foce.

Dakle da se htjelo ici na napad, objasni mi zasto je ubijeno onda 'samo' 6 ljudi, od 200tinjak, zar nije logicno da bi onda sve pobili. Sta je Armije RBiH dobila ubijanjem 6 ljudi cisto eto onako? Izgubila 6 svojih ljudi na drugoj strani. Zato osim pukih medijskih izmisljotina, ukljuci malo i logiku u sve ovo(koliko god imala ili nema smisla).

U dokumentima Haškog tribunala koji se odnose na istragu vođenu o dešavanjima u Dobrovoljačkoj ulici u Sarajevu 2. maja, navodi se da je u Dobrovoljačkoj ulici bilo sedam žrtava.

- Postoje dokazi da su svi sudionici konvoja JNA bili naoružani. Također, postoje dokazi da su neki pripadnici JNA upotrijebili oružje nakon presretanja – navodi se u dokumentu Tribunala.

Još se konstatira da je „konvoj bio legitimna vojna meta“, te da su, s tim u vezi, i navodne žrtve bile, također, „legitimne vojne mete i njihova ranjavanja ili smrt ne dozvoljavaju krivično gonjenje“.

I jos nesto, posto nisi upucen u Sarajevu je osim ove kasarne bilo jos 3 kasarne, dakle u centru grada. Iz svih njih se JNA povukla, bez ispaljenog metka, ali i bez MTS-a kako su krenuli iz ove kasarne, dakle nikome nije falila dlaka s glave, a svi su otisli na brda oko Sarajeva iz kojih su kasnije granatirali grad. Dakle objasni mi i tu logiku zasto se i ti vojnici onda nisu zarobili, pobili ili kako vec pokusavas da predstavis.

Evo recimo iseljavanje iz kasarne Marsal Tito iz centra Sarajeva.

Da se htjelo pobiti, uhapsiti, zarobiti, vjeruj da se i to moglo, no nije, dakle vise stotina/hiljada vojnika JNA su bezbjedno napustili Sarajevo, a kako su mu vratili vidjelo se do kraja '95-te.

Edited by Bosniak, 30 July 2010 - 19:08.

#21 maks

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Posted 30 July 2010 - 19:54

Ne vjeruj u idole... :ph34r:

#22 bezze

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Posted 30 July 2010 - 20:42

Kad je potrebno za dnevnu politiku onda Divjak valja ali kad ne priča zvaničnu priču onda je papak. Tipično...

Aha, vidim da si kasnije editovao post i ubacio kompletan intervju, opet si me zajebo :ph34r:... classic. :)

#23 maks

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Posted 30 July 2010 - 21:11

General Lewis MacKenzie
Peacekeeper Road to Sarajevo

"The Convoy Incident"

May 3, 1992

"Definitely the worst day in my life," begins my diary for this date.

Around mid-morning, Bosnian (Muslim) Vice-President Ejup Ganic came to my office... (and) explained that (Muslim) President Izetbegovic on his return from Lisbon, had been kidnapped at the Sarajevo airport; he was being detained by the JNA (Yugoslav Peoples Army) at their Lukavica camp, just east of the (Sarajevo Butmir) runway. Ganic said he was not a strong leader, and needed his President back in order to control the radical officers within the Bosnian (Muslim) TDF (Territorial Defense Force), who were rapidly getting out of control.

TDF forces had General Kukanjac's (JNA) headquarters under siege in the eastern part of the city; Ganic feared that if they attacked the General's barracks, the JNA would retaliate by leveling Sarajevo.

Our conversation was interrupted by one of our officers, who reported that the JNA Officers' Club in downtown Sarajevo had just been attacked, and three JNA officers had been killed. The JNA was now retaliating with tank fire against the Presidency building and the Mayor's office. A good deal of downtown Sarajevo was on fire...

Colm (Doyle of the EC.) and I decided to find out what was happening.

pp 165, 166

...(In JNA controlled Lukavica camp, outside Sarajevo) we found the (Muslim) President, his daughter Sabrina, and his bodyguard. The President was on the phone talking to General Kukanjac and seemed to be in pretty good spirits...

He took the phone away from his ear and explained, "General Kukanjac now insists that he be permitted to remove his entire staff of 400 along with himself in exchange for my release."

"No way!" I exclaimed, "I can't accept responsibility for those kinds of numbers. I'll have enough trouble just keeping the four of you alive."

(Muslim President) Izetbegovic was in a box, and (JNA General) Kukanjac was holding the key. The President looked at me and said very carefully, "General MacKenzie, don't worry. I WILL ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SAFETY OF THE JNA PERSONNEL."

I was surprised; this was quite a commitment. "YOU GUARANTEE IT?" I asked.


I paused, and Colm and I exchanged glances again. "Okay," I said. "We'll give it a try."

...It was decided that Colm and the President's bodyguard would stay at Lukavica as "collateral". I would take President Izetbegovic, Sabrina, Steve, the Swedish guards, the French drivers and twenty-plus empty JNA trucks to General Kukanjac's (besieged) headquarters in the heart of Sarajevo, where we would load up Kukanjac and his JNA personnel. On our way back out of town, one armored personnel carrier would break off and deliver Izetbegovic and his daughter to the Presidency, while the rest of us returned to Lukavica...

pp 167 - 171

We arrived at General Kukanjac's headquarters. I rushed to his office, leaving Izetbegovic in one of the armored personnel carriers. As I entered his office, I was shocked to see Kukanjac having coffee with the commander of Izetbegovic's TDF forces. They explained that the commander was there to accompany Izetbegovic back to the Presidency. I felt pretty good about this: his presence would certainly enhance our security, since it was his soldiers who were blockading Kukanjac's barracks a scant twenty meters away...

I received a call from my headquarters: the deal was off, according to Dr. Ganic.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I thundered. "I've got the President of Bosnia here and his commander of all the TDF forces in the area, and they've guaranteed the safe passage of the convoy - I can't do much better than that. Let me speak to them again."

I ran over to the President and explained the situation. "Who do I listen to, you or Ganic, Mr. President?"

"No problem, General MacKenzie. YOU HAVE MY WORD AND THAT OF OUR COMMANDER," he replied.

I got on the radio and told our headquarters, "We're moving. Tell Ganic."

...We would keep the two key players in the same vehicle, until we got to the point close to the Presidency where Izetbegovic and his daughter would transfer to another APC (vehicle) and drive 300 meters to safety.


...As we proceeded at a snail's pace along the reverse of our route into town, I could see a number of (Muslim) TDF soldiers down the side street sand in the windows of the buildings that overlooked our convoy. (Second in command) Steve and I were standing with our upper bodies outside the top hatches of our vehicles, exchanging hand signals as required.

We had gone about a kilometer when I thought I heard a shot. I turned around and looked at Steve. His SUSI was a lot taller than my VBL and he could see back down along the column of trucks. I knew from the look on his face that something was seriously wrong.

I jumped out of the VBL and started to run back towards the sound of the shooting, which no longer consisted of single shots but sustained bursts of machine-gun fire. I hadn't asked Steve to come, but within seconds he was beside me.

The heaviest shooting was about fifty meters away. I could see TDF soldiers sticking their rifles through the windows of civilian cars that were part of the convoy and shooting the occupants. As Steve and I ran by, we saw blood splattered over the windscreens of some of the cars.

When we reached a crowd of some twenty TDF soldiers, we realized they had driven a car across the road to split the convoy in half. The JNA soldiers were SITTING HELPLESSLY in the back of their trucks; the TDF were demanding that they throw out their weapons and military equipment. To make the point, one of the TDF soldiers, who had two grenades hanging from his teeth, was threatening to throw a third into the back of the truck full of JNA soldiers if they did not hurry up and surrender their weapons.

Weapons and kit were flying out the back of the truck and landing all around the TDF soldiers. I had a vision of a shark-feeding frenzy from the movie "Blue Water, White Death."

I approached the soldier with the grenades in his teeth and put my hand on his shoulder. When he spun around, I could see he was drunk or high on adrenaline. His pupils were dilated, and he looked wild enough to make me think carefully about what I should do next. A hand grabbed my shoulder; one of the TDF leaders said, "I wouldn't do that if I was you. I certainly wouldn't, and he works for me. All we want are the weapons, no one will be hurt!"

"Somebody has already been hurt - probably killed," I replied. "And your President guaranteed the security of this convoy."

...At that moment, we heard the klaxon horn of an approaching vehicle. It was a JNA ambulance driving straight towards us, half of the sidewalk and half on the street. The driver was frantically sawing on the steering wheel, trying to avoid hitting anyone. His task was made all the more difficult by the JNA colonel collapsed on his right shoulder and missing half his face. The Colonel was obviously dead or about to die; every time the driver pushed him away, he immediately snapped upright, then collapsed onto the driver's shoulder again. It was as if the two were attached by a strong rubber band. Everyone stopped and stared for a moment, and then the TDF carried on with their intimidation... the killing stopped. The stealing of equipment was still going on, but at least people weren't being EXECUTED.

Thomas yelled back that he had just been told on his radio that the TDF had fired through the gun ports of a JNA armored personnel carrier at the tail of the convoy, and EVERYONE inside was killed. The Swedish guards at that location were being threatened and shots were being fired all around them, so I told Thomas to have them break off and go back to the PTT. There was no sense having our people killed; they were outnumbered a hundred to one...

I told (Muslim) President Izetbegovic that his people had broken his promise and were ambushing the JNA convoy... Izetbegovic retained his composure; I told him to open the top of his hatch of the SUSI and stand up and turned to face his TDF officers...

After five minute of conversation with their President, the TDF leaders returned to their troops along the convoy; however by now the damage was done. Some 200 JNA soldiers had disappeared. At first I assumed they had bolted for the serb-controlled area just south of the ambush site; later I had discovered they had been taken prisoner. All of the JNA weapons and military equipment of any value was confiscated by the TDF, and six to seven JNA officers had been KILLED IN COLD BLOOD during the incident. Our modest UN presence of ten people had prevented a massive blood bath

A kilometer further on... Izetbegovic and Sabina were cross-loaded into another armored personal carrier and departed for the Presidency...

At the first TDF checkpoint... I asked (a TDF sentry) what had happened. He explained that the TDF soldiers had received an ORDER FROM SOMEONE IN THE PRESIDENCY TO ATTACK THE CONVOY. We never found for sure who gave the order, but my suspicion was that Vice-President Ganic wasa lot tougher than he wanted to admit, and had given the green light to carry out the attack...

Needless to say, we were not well received at the JNA camp. Word had been passed that the UN had guaranteed the safety of the convoy, but that we have failed our promise. This was not the time, however, to point out that we were merely accompanying the convoy as impartial witnesses and go-betweens, and that it was the President of Bosnia and his TDF commander who had guaranteed the convoy security...

pp 174

May 4, 1992

The next day... I received an early-morning call from the Presidency to say that they were interested in negotiating a prisoner-of-war exchange

Within a few minutes, I departed for the Presidency with the senior European Community military monitor in Sarajevo, Mr. Santos. On arrival, we met with Bosnian Minister of Defense Jerko Dogo, who wanted to do a large POW exchange with the JNA. "And who do you intend to exchange?" I asked.

"Why, the JNA soldiers we captured yesterday," he replied.

"No deal," I said. "You captured those soldiers by breaking a promise of safe passage, promised in front of witnesses by the President himself and the commander of your TDF. You have put the UN and myself in a very difficult position. I want those prisoners back without any matching concessions from the JNA."
pp 178 - 179

May 6, 1992

I spent the full day with Mr. (Marrick) Goulding (UN's Undersecretary for Special Political Affairs, responsible to the Secretary-General for all peacekeeping operations round the world), briefing him all morning.

In the afternoon, we went on a tour of the city with President Izetbegovic and came under modest fire in the middle of the Muslim Old City. There were very strong indications that it was an orchestrated show for the accompanying media, intended to put the Serbs in a bad light.

Goulding held a press conference at the end of the day's activities. We fell it was important that he condemn the TDF attack on the JNA convoy, and so he made the following statement:

"I also went at my request to see the scene of a particularly horrible incident on Sunday evening, where, as I think a number of you know, some soldiers of the Yugoslav People's Army were killed in a cold blood when commanders of the Bosnian Territorial Defense had failed to honor a promise on safe conduct which they had given our people who were evacuating the HQ of the Yugoslav Army in Sarajevo."

Months later, when I have left Sarajevo for good, I was surprised to discover just how little media coverage Goulding's strong statement had received around the world. I couldn't help thinking that IF JNA HAD AMBUSHED THE TDF, INSTEAD THE OTHER WAY AROUND, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN FRONT PAGE NEWS...

Edited by maks, 30 July 2010 - 21:49.

#24 Vižla

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Posted 31 July 2010 - 03:22

"Peacekeeper: The Road to Sarajevo" - prvo kanadsko izdanje u oktobru 1993. - zar ne? U vreme kada je MacKenzie već uveliko osvežavao bankovni račun sa $10000-$15000 po PR angažmanu, tj. po govoranciji, zahvaljujući darežljivosti SUC-a i Serbnet-a.

Edited by Vižla, 31 July 2010 - 03:23.

#25 maks

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Posted 31 July 2010 - 06:20

"Peacekeeper: The Road to Sarajevo" - prvo kanadsko izdanje u oktobru 1993. - zar ne? U vreme kada je MacKenzie već uveliko osvežavao bankovni račun sa $10000-$15000 po PR angažmanu, tj. po govoranciji, zahvaljujući darežljivosti SUC-a i Serbnet-a.

Jah, taj Mekenzi. Kažu neki i da je silovao Muslimanke kod Sonje u Vogošći. I krkao pečenu jagnjetinu. Ali u tom 3.maju isuviše je izigranih i žrtvovanih ljudi da bi se istina mogla sakriti kome je do nje stalo.

#26 Bite my shiny metal ass

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Posted 31 July 2010 - 11:19

"Peacekeeper: The Road to Sarajevo" - prvo kanadsko izdanje u oktobru 1993. - zar ne? U vreme kada je MacKenzie već uveliko osvežavao bankovni račun sa $10000-$15000 po PR angažmanu, tj. po govoranciji, zahvaljujući darežljivosti SUC-a i Serbnet-a.

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#27 Bosniak

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Posted 31 July 2010 - 19:23

Prvo da ti odmah kazem da u rijeci nekoga ko je licno bio involviran u zlocine u BiH apsolutno ne vjerujem.
Kao sto rekoh, mogu ti i ja sad postati intervjue svih vaznijih ljudi koji su bili na tom mjestu. Zasto bi vise vjerovatno Mekenziju, nego sebi. Ali evo samo mali komentar ovoga da ne kazes da izbjegavam odgovor:

-President Izetbegovic on his return from Lisbon, had been kidnapped at the Sarajevo airport; he was being detained by the JNA
Nadam se da znas sta znaci kidnapovati Predsjednika jedne medjunarodno priznate drzave.

-I'll have enough trouble just keeping the four of you alive."
Po ovoj zabrinutosti Mekenzija, Izetbegovicu i ostalim clanovima vlade je bila smrt na vidiku.

-The President looked at me and said very carefully, "General MacKenzie, don't worry. I WILL ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SAFETY OF THE JNA PERSONNEL."
Covjek je bio u zarobljenistvu, cak i kao takav BEZ VLASTI, svu vlast su preuzeli zamjenici i kao takav naravno da ce izjavljivati sve samo da spasi zivu glavu(ti kao ne bi?), sto se iz prethodne zabrinutosti Mekenzija ocigledno vidi da im je glava u torbi.

-when I thought I heard a shot. I turned around and looked at Steve; I jumped out of the VBL and started to run back towards the sound of the shooting;The heaviest shooting was about fifty meters away. I could see TDF soldiers sticking their rifles through the windows of civilian cars that were part of the convoy and shooting the occupants
Dakle pucnjava je pocela kada je on bio u svom trans., zvao Stiva, sisao, otrcao nazad da vidi odakle se puca i tek tada vidio pripadnika TO kako pucaju. Dakle kao sto rekoh pucnjevi su se culi i prije nego sto je vidio TO da pucaju sto potpuno potvrdjuje ono sto sam ja rekao, odnosno ono sto ocevici sa lica mjesta tvrde, a to je da su pripadnici JNA otvorili vatru na koju je uzvraceno vatrom. On NIJE vidio ko je prvi zapucao.

-The JNA soldiers were SITTING HELPLESSLY in the back of their trucks; the TDF were demanding that they throw out their weapons and military equipment; Weapons and kit were flying out the back of the truck and landing all around the TDF soldiers;
Vrhunac Mekenzijevog cinizma, JNA vojnici su sjedili bespomocno, ali su ipak bili naoruzani do zuba?!
Dakle samo jos jedan dokaz da je JNA tokom izlaska bila NAORUZANA!

-I could see he was drunk or high on adrenaline
Ovo je vec bezobrazluk Mekenzija.

-and six to seven JNA officers had been KILLED IN COLD BLOOD during the incident
Ocigledno se vidi na cijoj je strani i kakvu triler pokusava unijeti u svoju knjigu, no ono sto je najvaznije u ovoj recenici je: 6-7 ubijenih vojnika! Dakle ne 40, ne 50, ne 60 koliko tvrde srbijanski mediji i politicari, nego 6-7!

Dakle sazetak svega je:
-priznanje kidnapovanja Predsjednika
-da je JNA bila naoruzana u konvoju
-da nije vidio ko je prvi poceo pucati
-da je stradalo 'samo' 6-7 pripadnika JNA

Zanimljivo je da Mekenzi ne spominje ni 1 ni 2 maj, ni zapaljen grad od te iste JNA, ni poginule civile u gradu, ni zapaljeni postu, ni napad na Predsjednistvo, vidis toga nista nema, ali tu je 'prica o konvoju'.
I jos jednom ti ponavljam, Predsjednik je bio kidnapovan, legalne vlasti jedne drzave imaju apsolutno svo pravo da oslobode svog Predsjednika, prema tome komotno se mogao zaustaviti cijeli konvoj i uhapsiti, jer je to bila vojska koja je kidnapovala legalnog predsjednika medjunarodno priznate drzave. I opet ti ponavljam, ostalih 200tinjak vojnika je zivo napustilo grad, kao i vojnici iz ostale 2 kasarne iz centra grada. Prema tome da je neko htio napraviti masakr nad vojnicima JNA, vjeruj da je to itekako mogao, a ti vidi koliko je vojnika i oficira moze stati u 3 itekako pune kasarne.

#28 iDemo

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Posted 31 July 2010 - 23:36

Mucen, sta za tebe znaci mucen? Jedan-dva samara ili mucen da su mu izbijani zubi, urezivani krstovi po rukama i nogama, sjeceni prsti, vadjene oci, paljeni zivi, kao sto ste radili od Manjace do Foce.

Za ovakve stvari se obicno dobije "trajno" al' dobro - valjda ti se tolerishe jer si nov i nisi imao vremena da procitash pravila...

#29 Bite my shiny metal ass

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 12:59

Ja nisam nikom vadio ochi, ali sam jednom oteo kutiju cigara. Kriza bila jebiga.


"Kao sto ste radili" je nepozeljna generalizacija, pravilno, i naravno tacno, bi bilo reci "kao sto su pojedinci radili".

#30 Bosniak

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 19:54

Nisam ni mislio na neki narod, nego vojsku, no naravno ne generalizujem nikada, u pitanju je lapsus, odnosno ''su'' umjesto ''ste''.

Izvinjavam se.