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Cetnici, partizani, ostali (jubilarni 1000-ti put)

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#31 pospanko

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 19:42

A da odmazda.Pa dobo sta je onda sa recimo Bosnom ili Crnom Gorom.Tamo nije bilo pravila 100 za jednog pa je onda sigurno bilo i bitaka protiv nemacke ili italijanske vojske

Колико ја знам, Дража је имао неспосредну контролу само над људима који су оперисали у Србији, и то чак не ни на целој територији. Тако да не знам шта је било са Босном и Црном Гором...

#32 qmedic

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 20:11

Imam utisak da su u WW2, bar što se tiče Evrope, Amerikanci bili čisti, bez političkih smicalica, došli ljudi da se tuku i pomognu da se Evropa oslobodi nacizma. U tom smislu me ne bi čudilo da OSS i SOE nisu imali pravu ozbiljnu saradnju, pogotovo što je OSS bila tek u osnovnoj školi naspram britanskih obaveštajnih struktura. /Tek je CIA postala ozbiljno preduzeće/.

Miaslim da sve što je zanimljivo, uključujući i Dražinu prepisku sa Jovanovićem, drže Britanci i da neće skoro biti dostupno. Oni su čak smenili generala Simovića i ako je bio njihov čovek, jer nije bio spreman i pogodan da igra njihove prljave igre. Zato je Simović i mogao kao gospodin da se vrati u Jugoslaviju 1945. godine gde je poživeo do pred kraj 60-tih, uvažavan, sahranjen uz sve počasti. Jovanović je, medjutim imao impozantnu desničarsku karijeru još od početka 20-tih, a Ninčić je poznat kao blizak prijatelj Italijanskih fašista. Tako da ćemo morati da sačekamo da se Englezi smiluju u šta ne verujem, jer bi tu isplivale i njihove prljave igre sa Nemcima i politika iscrpljivanja SSSR.

Naivnost Amerikanaca se dobro može sagledati kroz paralelno sudjenje Draži Mihailoviću koje je održano u SAD kad i ono u Beogradu. Ima mesta da se čovek slatko nasmeje.

- Vi ste gospodine kapetane XY bili obaveštajni oficor u štabu generala Mihailovića?
- Da
- Da li možete da nam posvedočite o nekom slučaju saradnje četničkih jedinica pod komandom Mihailovića sa Nemcima ili Italijanima
- NE, toga nije bilo /medjutim pošto je sud sud, a kapetan zna da će njegova izjava ostati trajno zabeležena u sudu i istoriji, on dodaje/
- Ja sam istina vidjao neke ljude u uniformama istim kao one koje su nosili Mihailovićevi četnici, zajedno sa Nemcima i Italijanima, ali to nisu bili njegovi.
- Pa da li ste g. kapetane pitali generala Mihailovića koji su to ljudi koji liče na njegove četnike a saradjuju sa Nemcima
- NE
- Hvala gospodine kapetane

Pazi, američki obaveštajni oficir prešao veliko more da bi došao kod Mihailovića u štab a nije ga pitao, "Jeli šefe koji su ti ono tamo što se šetkaju sa Nemcima i tuku protiv partizana"

Ako ne veruješ pronadji stenograme sa tog paralelnog sudjenja iz 1946. godine pa vidi i nasmej se. Ovde je to objavljeno u knjizi Sudjenje djeneralu a izdao je i uradio recenziju g. Vuk Drašković. Dijalog sam verno interpretirao.

Edited by qmedic, 15 January 2009 - 20:12.


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Posted 15 January 2009 - 20:29

Колико ја знам, Дража је имао неспосредну контролу само над људима који су оперисали у Србији, и то чак не ни на целој територији. Тако да не знам шта је било са Босном и Црном Гором...

A da li si se ikada zapitao kako je prvi gerilac proveo skoro ceo rat na Suvoboru - Ravnoj Gori a da Nemci nisu lansirali ni jednu jedinu ofanzivu protiv njega?
Mislim ako je bio toliko opasan za Wehrmacht kako to da nisu pokusali barem da ga uhvate a lomatali su se po bosanskim planinama jureci Broza.
Eto mene zivo interesuje sto nisu izvrsili padobranski desant na Ravnu Goru koja je nekih 100km od Beograda nego su krenuli na Drvar.
Sunce ti bozije onolika sila od Rajha za 4 godine nije uspela da pronadje Drazu na Ravnoj Gori a komunisti ga ukebali za sest meseci.

Edited by MAGRIPA65, 16 January 2009 - 01:01.

#34 Anti-Kgb

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 12:07

Nikad engleska politika nije bila zasnovana samo na misljenju jednog coveka, skupljali su oni pazljivo podatke, a i partizani i cetnici su im znacili samo u onoj meri koliko mogu da se odupru i zadrze deo neprijateljske vojske. Molim antiKGBa da navede jednu veliku bitku izmedju cetnika i Nemaca u kojoj su naneli neke vece gubitke.
Istine radi, treba navesti i da je tokom rata postojao i veci broj odmetnutih formacija koje su sebe nazivale cetnici, a blage veze nisu imale sa njima, niti sa ratom uopste.

Pokusacu da koristim iskljucivo americko-britanske podatke. Selo Kostinca na Ravnoj Gori, slikano od americkog ''Times'' novinara 29. septembra '41. Pocetkom februara Amerikanci su vraceni u Ameriku i Draza izlazi na nasovnoj strani ''Times'' megazina.
Prema njihovim iskazima Holivud pravi ovaj film '43 o njemu kao prvom gerilcu u Evropi.
Bjelinja 28. septembra '1944. oslobodjena od jugoslovenske kraljevske vojske iskljucivo sastavljenih od muslimanske veroispovesti. Britanski oficir je drugi sa leve strane a Ruzveltov izaslanik u JKVuO, poslat u Srbiju maja '44 od samog AMERICKOG predsednika, Marshala Robert McDowell-a ti je pod brojem 2. On je toj akciji u oslobadjanju Bjelinja od ustasko-nemackih jedinica 26. i 27. septembra licno rukovodio te jedinice-AMERIKANAC.
Muslimani u JKVuO SEPTEMBRA 1944. u oslobodjenom Bjelinju sa svojim vodjom D. Mihaliovicem:
Za sad dovoljno , a ako zelies da procitas vise o tim akcijama od jednog NEUTRALNOG ENGLEZA ( znaci ne Srbina, Hrvata, muslimana, Jugoslovena, penzionisanih JNA vojnih lica, pogledi, KPJ istorija....itd ) koji je bio u Srbiji sa Drazom i njegovim jednicama gotovo godinu dana u periodu od 1943-1944, onda je to ova knjiga dole od MICHAEL LEES-a, koji je to sve mnogo bolje objasnio:

Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
There were two major resistance movements in Yugoslavia during the war: Tito's Communist Partisans and Draza Mihailovic's Loyalist Chetniks. The author served as British liaison officer with the latter in 1943 and 1944. His memoir describes how Tito deceived Winston Churchill into believing Mihailovic was collaborating with the Germans, which resulted in the abrupt transfer of Allied aid from the Chetniks to the Partisans. The tragic upshot was that Tito then used Allied munitions against the Chetniks after the German retreat, launching an extermination campaign against thousands of rivals and potential enemies. The British prime minister, realizing too late his error in embracing Tito at the expense of Mihailovic, tried to intervene on the latter's behalf but was unable to prevent a Titoist court from convicting him of treason. Mihailovic was executed in 1946. Lees relates this grim story with unrestrained bitterness. His book is a powerful indictment of British wartime policy in the Balkans and an elegy for Yugoslav victims of Tito.
Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Library Journal
Lees combines his personal experience as British liaison officer with research in official declassified records to provide a revisionist account of the civil war in Yugoslavia at the end of World War II. The result is a fascinating investigation that effectively demolishes the reputation of Marshal Tito and blames his rise to power on the overt support of the Western allies. Lees indicts the British Secret Service for turning the tide toward Tito and against the non-Communist resistance leader General Draza Mihailovic, who was executed by Tito in 1946. Lees's involvement in some of these events adds an element of high drama to this study, and this unsettling work will cast serious doubt on all previous histories of this period, such as Walter Roberts's Tito, Mihailovic, and the Allies ( LJ 2/1/73). Recommended for most academic and larger public libraries.
- Thomas A. Karel, Franklin & Marshall Coll. Lib., Lancaster, Pa.
Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Da se ne napale kvazi dansanje ''patriJote'' odma da ja podrzavam sad SRS-DSS-SPS....kvazi crvene ''vojvode'' koji po mom misljenju nemaju nista zajednicko sa PROZAPADNOM politikom koju je vodio taj pokret tokom II svetskog rata. S druge strane stoje cinjenice da on nije mogao kontrolisati jednice po Bosni i Hrvatskoj i gotovo svaka samozvana jednica je tamo radila sta je htela u svom delu, sto govori da mu organizacija nije bila jaka strana. Njegove greske su pre svage po meni sto nije shvatao taj KOMINTERNIN network, koji je bio neverovatno dobro organizovan. Imali su svoje ljude u gotovo svakoj drzavi i to na vaznim pozicijama po britanskom SOE-a, a sama Moskva i Kominiterna je ogranizovana po nekoj mafijaskoj hierarhiji sicilijanske mafije. Kad mu je Ruzveltov izaslanik u Srbiji McDowel govorio '44 da on mora licno da ode u London i Washington i da svoje argumente obrazlozi tamo, on je odbio da napusti zemlju i svoj narod njie hteo da udje u njegov americki avion na Ravnoj Gori. Mnogo propusta i po meni nije bio prava osoba za jako komplikovan posao. Njegove stalne reci:'' Ja nisam politicar, ja sam vojnik, a vojnici se ne mesaju u politiku''... samo govori koliko nije razumeo neke stvari.

#35 qmedic

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 19:08

Pokusacu da koristim iskljucivo americko-britanske podatke. Selo Kostinca na Ravnoj Gori, slikano od americkog ''Times'' novinara 29. septembra '41.
Bjelinja 28. septembra '1944. oslobodjena od jugoslovenske kraljevske vojske iskljucivo sastavljenih od muslimanske veroispovesti.

Bilo bi dobro da pokušate da koristite mozak pa tek onda izvore.

29. septembra 1941. godine samo uzak krug ljudi oko Draže zna da će četnici 15.10. izvršiti opšti napad na Užičku republiku. Draža još uvek održava privid borca protiv okupatora.

12.09.1944. godine JVO i formalno prestaje da postoji jer je Draža smenjen a četnicima naredjeno da predju pod komandu GŠ NOV pa 29. septembra četnici nikako nisu mogli nikoga da oslobode.

Molim vas da imate u vidu, glupavost i sumanutost nisu opravdanje.

Inače, baš tih dana avgust-septembar 1941. godinečetnici su sa partizanima opsedali Kraljevo. Komandant četničkih snaga vojvoda Vuković /možda Vučković/ dobija naredjenje od Draže, u sklopu priprema za opštu ofanzivu, da napadne partizane /baš one sa kojima opseda Kraljevo/. Došao je kurir i doneo pismeno naredjenje. Vojvoda vraća kurira sa odgovorom da neće da napadne partizane.

Prvom prilikom je uhapšen i predat Nemcima koji su ga poslali u niški logor. Poginuo je u pokušaju bekstva iz logora. Za primer drugim oficirima Draža je naredio da mu se kompletna porodica likvidira. Naredjenje je sprovedeno. Svi njegovi koji su uhvaćeni su poklani.

A šta ste hteli sa ovim linkom: http://trial-mihailo.../jpg/group1.jpg

Draža sa Amerikancima i ustašama.

Edited by qmedic, 16 January 2009 - 20:13.

#36 kapetanm

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 21:39

Pokusacu da koristim iskljucivo americko-britanske podatke. Selo Kostinca na Ravnoj Gori, slikano od americkog ''Times'' novinara 29. septembra '41. Pocetkom februara Amerikanci su vraceni u Ameriku i Draza izlazi na nasovnoj strani ''Times'' megazina.
Prema njihovim iskazima Holivud pravi ovaj film '43 o njemu kao prvom gerilcu u Evropi.
Bjelinja 28. septembra '1944. oslobodjena od jugoslovenske kraljevske vojske iskljucivo sastavljenih od muslimanske veroispovesti. Britanski oficir je drugi sa leve strane a Ruzveltov izaslanik u JKVuO, poslat u Srbiju maja '44 od samog AMERICKOG predsednika, Marshala Robert McDowell-a ti je pod brojem 2. On je toj akciji u oslobadjanju Bjelinja od ustasko-nemackih jedinica 26. i 27. septembra licno rukovodio te jedinice-AMERIKANAC.
Muslimani u JKVuO SEPTEMBRA 1944. u oslobodjenom Bjelinju sa svojim vodjom D. Mihaliovicem:
Za sad dovoljno , a ako zelies da procitas vise o tim akcijama od jednog NEUTRALNOG ENGLEZA ( znaci ne Srbina, Hrvata, muslimana, Jugoslovena, penzionisanih JNA vojnih lica, pogledi, KPJ istorija....itd ) koji je bio u Srbiji sa Drazom i njegovim jednicama gotovo godinu dana u periodu od 1943-1944, onda je to ova knjiga dole od MICHAEL LEES-a, koji je to sve mnogo bolje objasnio:

Da se ne napale kvazi dansanje ''patriJote'' odma da ja podrzavam sad SRS-DSS-SPS....kvazi crvene ''vojvode'' koji po mom misljenju nemaju nista zajednicko sa PROZAPADNOM politikom koju je vodio taj pokret tokom II svetskog rata. S druge strane stoje cinjenice da on nije mogao kontrolisati jednice po Bosni i Hrvatskoj i gotovo svaka samozvana jednica je tamo radila sta je htela u svom delu, sto govori da mu organizacija nije bila jaka strana. Njegove greske su pre svage po meni sto nije shvatao taj KOMINTERNIN network, koji je bio neverovatno dobro organizovan. Imali su svoje ljude u gotovo svakoj drzavi i to na vaznim pozicijama po britanskom SOE-a, a sama Moskva i Kominiterna je ogranizovana po nekoj mafijaskoj hierarhiji sicilijanske mafije. Kad mu je Ruzveltov izaslanik u Srbiji McDowel govorio '44 da on mora licno da ode u London i Washington i da svoje argumente obrazlozi tamo, on je odbio da napusti zemlju i svoj narod njie hteo da udje u njegov americki avion na Ravnoj Gori. Mnogo propusta i po meni nije bio prava osoba za jako komplikovan posao. Njegove stalne reci:'' Ja nisam politicar, ja sam vojnik, a vojnici se ne mesaju u politiku''... samo govori koliko nije razumeo neke stvari.

U toku tog rata nije bilo prozapadne i proistocne, proseverne ili neke druge politike. On je tu samo mogao da bira izmedju antifasisticke ili kolaboracionisticke politike, u stvari ne politike nego delovanja. Da li je bio pri tome konzervativac ili levicar sasvim je irelevantno. Kad se podvukla crta, videlo se ko je sta radio

#37 Anti-Kgb

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 21:39

A šta ste hteli sa ovim linkom: http://trial-mihailo.../jpg/group1.jpg

Draža sa Amerikancima i ustašama.

Namerno sam stavio taj komunisticki link, gde komunisti sa vasom propagandnom masinerijom toliko lazete sami sebe da BRITANSKOG SOE vojnika Alexandra Boot-a ( drugi sa leve strane na toj slici ) i Ruzveltovog izaslanika Amerikanca Marshala Roberta McDowell-a ( broj dva na toj slici ) nazivate ''ustasama''. Tako je vasa istorija bila zadnjih 60. godina. Kad ne znas onda uzimas stvari zdravo za gotovo, dok ne procitas Michael Lees-ovu knjigu koji ti obajsni ko su ti ljudi na toj slici.
Evo jos jedna slika tog americkog ''ustase'' Roberta McDowell-a ( sa Drazine leve strane), ovoga puta u Srbiji selo Mionice kod Valjeva maja '1944.
A na ovoj slici je opet taj americki ''ustasa'', prvi s leve strane:

#38 qmedic

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 22:13

Namerno sam stavio taj komunisticki link, gde komunisti sa vasom propagandnom masinerijom toliko lazete sami sebe da BRITANSKOG SOE vojnika

A onaj ispod broja 7 je vatrogasac iz Njujorka ili možda šumar?

Kao što je ovaj ispod krstića maskirani udbaš

Attached File  draza.jpg   281.37KB   60 downloads

Edited by qmedic, 16 January 2009 - 22:35.

#39 kapetanm

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 23:51

Posted Image

Zajednicki koktel, prozapadnih aktivista

#40 kapetanm

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 23:59

Borba cetnika protiv okupatora izgledala je otprilike ovako :

Posted Image

A ne ono tipa reko jedan covek, Englezi lazu, itd

#41 qmedic

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Posted 17 January 2009 - 00:10

Posted Image

Zajednicki koktel, prozapadnih aktivista

Na slici je četnički vojvoda Uroš Drenović koji sa časnicima oružanih snaha NDH, u banjalučkom hotelu Bosna, proslavlja potpisivanje ugovora o zajedničkoj borbi protiv NOP. Fotografija je snimljena 5.7.1942. godine u vreme ofanzive kombinovanih nemačko-ustaško-domobransko-četničkih snaga na Kozaru. Tih dana je sa Kozare više od 50.000 žena, dece i staraca odvedeno u Jasenovac.

Mesec dana posle ovog dogadjaja general Mihailović je komandantima bosanskih četnika uputio naredjenje u kome se izmedjuostalog, u vezi potpisivanja ugovora o saradnju sa jedinicama NDH kaže.

"Oni komandanti koji još uvek nisu potpisali takve ugovore imaju to odmah učiniti"

#42 Gogy

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Posted 17 January 2009 - 00:24

Namerno sam stavio taj komunisticki link, gde komunisti sa vasom propagandnom masinerijom toliko lazete sami sebe da BRITANSKOG SOE vojnika Alexandra Boot-a ( drugi sa leve strane na toj slici ) i Ruzveltovog izaslanika Amerikanca Marshala Roberta McDowell-a ( broj dva na toj slici ) nazivate ''ustasama''. Tako je vasa istorija bila zadnjih 60. godina. Kad ne znas onda uzimas stvari zdravo za gotovo, dok ne procitas Michael Lees-ovu knjigu koji ti obajsni ko su ti ljudi na toj slici.

Izvini, opet, ne bi da ti se mešam u reviziju, ali, mislim, da je na onoj slici jasno naznačeno, da je pod brojem dva Mcdowell kao što je i jasno, da su ostali brojevi rezervisani za ustaše, dok je britanski vojnik neoznačen. Slika je jasna, ali opet, kao i bezbroj puta, dragi AntiKgb, praviš neke svoje zaključke, sve da ti ''dokazi'' uđu u kontekst...

A čak je i G. Qmedic naglasio, da slika prikazuje Čiču sa ustašama i amerikancima. Bez daljnih priča, bez daljnih optužbi...

EDIT: kako stvari idu dalje i kako se ovi novodobni revizionari sve više javljaju i trude, ajd sad polako da se krene u nove 'dokaze', kako je zapad več tada shvatio, da je prvo trebalo da se bori protiv komunjara, pa možda tek kasnije protiv nacista i fašista... :ph34r:

Edited by Gogy, 17 January 2009 - 00:27.


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Posted 17 January 2009 - 00:36

Kad mu je Ruzveltov izaslanik u Srbiji McDowel

Pomenuti nije bio niciji izaslanik nego obavestajni oficir sa zadatkom da prikuplja podatke o nemackim jedinicama na Balkanu.Sta vise postoji kopija njegovog naredjenja u kojoj se izricito naglasava da se ne radi o nikakvoj misiji vec iskljucivo obavestajnom radu na terenu.

#44 Anti-Kgb

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Posted 17 January 2009 - 21:41

General Mihailovich and Members of the McDowell Mission

Finally, it should be emphasized that the undersigned has been a lifelong liberal, at times labelled as a "pink" or Communist.
In I942, before Tito received general recognition, he advocated military aid to the Partisans on the same basis as to the Royalists. After the mission to Mihailovich, he volunteered to return to Yugoslavia for further investigation in the company of Partisans and Allied officers who supported the Partisans. This offer was refused.

a. The undersigned has seen and heard of absolutely no evidence serving to connect General Mihailovich personally, or officers under his direct command, with any form of collaboration with the Germans. This evidence includes not only personal observation but the totality of the documents seen and conversations held with U. S., Allied, and even enemy, personnel. This includes very highly placed and responsible British officials.
On the other hand, a very substantial body of evidence supports the conclusion, to which the undersigned completely subscribes, that General Mihailovich, a known bitter anti- Nazi before the war, devoted himself wholeheartedly to the task of driving the Germans and their satellites out of Yugoslavia. That he accomplished relatively little toward this end was due to circumstances beyond his control, particularly the civil war fostered by the Yugoslav Communist Party.
b. The evidence on which General Mihailovich is accused in part is false, in part is a distortion of truth. His accusers, whatever the mouthpieces they find, are the few Yugoslav Communists who, by deception, have prostituted and destroyed the popular resistance movement which they led and who, during the war, were repeatedly proved guilty of gross falsehood and misrepresenltation.
The real crime for which General Mihailovich is accused is that in the minds of 80 per cent of the Yugoslav population he became, and remains, the symbol of the simple, sturdy Yugoslav peasant resistance to tyranny, whether foreign or domestic.
c. The nature of the movement led by General Mihailovich is widely misunderstood outside the country. As the General repeatedly emphasized to the undersigned, the Nationalist movement of resistance against the Axis invasion came into being spontaneously all over the country. As in the American Revolution, the primary loyalty of the followers in each district was to the local leader, of whom there were, and are, thousands. The role of General Mihailovich was to attempt to co-ordinate all activities, and the General was sincerely embarrassed by the propaganda outside the country which misrepresented his position. This form of organization gives strength to a movement�since its roots are so widespread�but is also a source of weakness in that co- ordination and discipline suffer. General Mihailovich was in full control of only his own small force and of the forces of a few other leaders. He was in partial control of numerous bands, whose leaders accepted the broad strategy laid down by the General, but had no control whatsoever of other bands of Chetniks.
d. The term "Chetnik" is equivalent to guerrilla. There were Chetniks serving Mihailovich, but Chetnik bands also were raised by the Serb Puppet (some ‘’Chernik' by the Germans, and by the Italians, and some bands accepted no higher sponsorship.
e. In addition to the Axis-sponsored bands, various resistance leaders, including both Communists and Royalists, at various times made accommodations with the Axis authorities. As stated above, neither Mihailovich or those directly under his command can be accused of such accommodations. But certain leaders, Communist as well as Royalists, made truces or agreements not to operate in certain areas, or exchanged supplies for munitions, etc. German authorities constantly worked to bring about an increasing measure of collaboration. The Yugoslav Communist leaders today ignore their own record of accommodation and occasional outright collaboration with the Axis, and impute to Mihailovich actions with which he was not concerned.
f. The relative contributionsf to the Allied cause made by the Royalist and Mihailovich on the one hand and by the Partisans ond their Communist leaders on the other, is a moot point. The evidence on both sides possessed by the undersigned may be summarized as follows:
( I ) Throughout the period of Axis occupation of the Balkans, on the average, Axis troops were concentrated as heavily in Royalists territory as in Partisan territory.
(2) Axis reprisals against Royalists and particularly against men known to be loyal to Mihailovich, on the average were heavier than were those directed against Communists. There is sample evidence that over-all the Germans were more fearful of, and displayed greater venom against Mihailovich than Tito; Mihailovich Royalists Serbs suffered greater reprisals than did Czechs or Western European resistance groups.
(3) Mihailovich was particularly active against the Axis during I94I, 1942 and I943, when he made a very real confirmed, contribution to the Anglo-American campaigns in Africa through harassing of German lines of communication. During I943 and the first half of I944, the strength of German reprisals led him to adopt a more cautious policy, similar to that ordered by the Allies for other resistance groups in Europe. At the same time the Royalists suffered constant attacks on the part of the Communist-led bands.
4) When the undersigned reached Mihailovich Headquarters in August, I944, a general Nationalist mobilization had already been ordered. The undersigned was shown the plans and orders issued for an all out attack on Axis forces and, along with the other U. S. officers, personally witnessed the troop dispositions made for this offensive. The evidence was unmistakable that General Mihailovich has disposed his forces properly for a major effort against the German garrisons, depots, and lines of communication, but in doing this had been obliged to leave his rear and left flank exposed gto attack on the part of major Partisan concentrations which only recently had been attacking the Royalists.
In so far as the group of American officers were able to cover the front and make observations, during September the Royalists forces engaged German and Bulgarian forces to the extent of their capability in equipment. Axis movements were thoroughly disrupted and considerable quantities of munitions and prisoners were taken.
At this moment the Communist-led forces of Marshal Tito attacked the Mihailovich forces on a broad front. This attack was personally witnessed by the undersigned and his staff. In attacking the Mihailovich forces, the forces of Tito passed through the German line of garrisons on the West Morava River and ignored the Germans in favour of this attack against men already engaged against the Germans. Thereafter the principal effort of Tito's forces in Western Serbia was directed not against the Germans but toward the capture of General Mihailovich and the American Mission. These series of attacks forced General Mihailovich to retreat into Bosnia.
(5 ) There is good evidence, including the observations of a U. S. officer attached to the undersigned, that the forces of General Mihailovich, during October, were reorganized in Serbia and during that month, as well as subsequently, made a very substantial contribution to the defeat of German forces, including joint operations with the Soviet forces, until Communist intrigue and attacks led to their dispersal.
(6) The communiques issued by the Communist-led Yugoslav forces consistently presented a false picture of military operations. In Cairo during the first half of 1943, the undersigned was directly concerned with an Allied committee to evaluate the state of Axis lines of communication in the Balkans. This group had at its disposal all sources of information. The Communist communiques of their operations against German communications proved themselves so consistently untrustworthy that their evidence was finally deemed worthless.
As a result of the above experience the undersigned maintained a group of personnel to evaluate these Communist communiques on the basis of their own evidence. This long range study revealed that Communist claims of territory liberated in Yugoslavia and of defeats of Axis forces were consistently contradicted by subsequent unique. It was evident that they were put out as propaganda, and they put in serious doubt all Yugoslav Communist claims of contribution to the Allied cause other than those actually witnessed by Allied officers.
Prior to the departure of the undersigned behind the lines in Yugoslavia, he was shown the official maps of the Yugoslav Communist Headquarters, showing the respective territory held by Mihailovich and Tito. The area into which the undersigned planned to drop to make contact with Mihailovich was shown as part of a larger area of Western Serbia allegedly liberated and held by Tito's forces. The U. S. Air Rescue Mission and the undersigned with his group landed in this area and travelled all over Western and much of Central Serbia. Outside of the German held towns the whole countryside was held by the forces and administration of Mihailovich. There was no evidence that Communist control had ever been established in this area.
Subsequently, when the undersigned retreated into Northeast Bosnia with Mihailovich, he found all that area, outside the Axis held towns, held by Mihailovich forces. The population, as in West Serbia, openly wore the royal insignia, and there were Nationalist hospitals and schools. Yet at the very time the undersigned was travelling around this area, he listened to American broadcasts quoting the Yugoslav Communist communiqués in statements describing their "liberation" of this area.
Subsequently again, in the Bosnia River basin around Doboy, the undersigned spent some weeks travelling freely and meeting everywhere a joint Nationalist administration set up by Serbs, Croats, and Moslems in opposition to the German puppet regimes. During this period the undersigned again heard the broadcasts of communiqués claiming Communist led operations in this area.
The undersigned is convinced by all the evidence that the rank and file of the movement led by Tito and the other Communist leaders sought to resist the Axis just as did the Nationalists. However, the actual resistance offered to the Axis was strictly limited by the Priority imposed by the Communist leaders to the civil war and the effort to destroy the influence of Mihailovich. Under the circumstances no group of Yugoslav resist ants was able to make a substantial contribution during I944 and I945.


Much has been made of reports of visits to the Headquarters of General Mihailovich on the part of a certain Herr Starker, a German Foreign Office employee, in the fall of 1944. The following is the true account of this incident. German officials made a contact with the undersigned for the purpose of discussing the surrender of German forces. As is now well known there were many such German contacts during the last months of German resistance, and they had little significance due to the Nazi unwillingness to realize that the Allies were serious in their demands for unconditional surrender. The undersigned was instructed to listen to and transmit any German offer. General Mihailovich was most unwilling to have any contact with Germans but agreed to Starker's coming, on the insistence of the undersigned. The undersigned had two interviews with Starker. As the General was with the undersigned both prior to and after these interviews, there could have been no opportunity for the General to have had private meetings with Starker During the period covered by these meetings the Yugoslav Communist efforts to capture Mihailovich were so constant and severe that it must have been evident to the Germans that the General was in no position to aid them or to accept aid from them. The undersigned is convinced that this incident is simply an example of the effort made today to destroy the reputation of General Mihailovich by the distortion of facts.

ROBERT H. McDowELL, Colonel, GSC.

(Printed Report of the Commission of Inquiry, pp. 12-16)


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Posted 18 January 2009 - 00:24

Hahahahah jer ti stvarno verujes u to sto pises. Sta kazes Amerikanci poslali svoje predstavnike i kod USTASA I PAVELICA??

Hahahahahah daj bre sa tobom nije ozbiljno razgovarati, daj da vidimo te slike i imena tih AMERIKANACA i BRITANSKIH SOE oficira koji su bili u poseti Pavelicevoj NDH??!!! Kad su njih hvatale ustase na podruciju NDH, oni su jedino zavrsavali na ustaskoj kami.
Da li bi mogao da nam das ceo tekst reporta McDowell-a provedenog sa Mihailevicevim jedinicama vise od cetri meseca da mi sami procitamo taj izvestaj sta je on napisao u njemu?
Taj njegov report ako nisi znao je poslat samom AMERICKOM predsedniku i Kongresu!!!!

Ponovo procitaj sta sam napisao pre nego postavljas odgovor.Napisao sam da su imali kontakte sa Pavelicem a ne da su imali i predstavnike u njegovom stabu.
Za pocetak procitaj naredjenje koje je imao McDowell pa ces mozda konacno ukapirati da on nije bio predstavnik Amerike.
Pavelic je imao kontakte sa OSS u Italiji preko Draganovica a OSS je imao i tajne pregovore sa komandantom SS snaga u Italiji koji su se vodili u Svajcarskoj.Opet u svim tim aktivnostima obavestajci se nikada nisu predstavljali kao predstavnici vlade SAD a ako malo razmislis shvatices i zasto.
Opet izmesao si sve zivo u to gibanici.McDowell nije bio nikakav marsal niti Ruzveltov licni izaslanik.
Uzgred te budalastine koje skidas sa Serbian unity congress-a prvo pokusaj da pronadjes u originalu jer su autori poznati po "istini"

Edited by MAGRIPA65, 18 January 2009 - 21:17.